#young dante


“so glad DmC never happened”

Yeah, sure, but you go tagging in every tag related to DmC 2013. And btw, you otaku loli shit stain, 2013 had fucking ride to hell retribution AND colonial marines. So it was not the worst of the decade or even 2013 you fucking entitled man child. Get off the mod pages, stop harassing the modders trying to rebuild the Dmc mods archive, get out of the DmCR specific groups and go suck your DBZ5 whiny Vergil. Like fuck, it’s not even about Dante, it’s the fact you fuckers do not know how to leave it, you have gone so fucking far that now you’ve given up any justification to being right.

Maybe it’s nostalgia for when you and the “DMC is RUINED” posse went around able to shit and spit on whoever you wanted that wanted to simply be left alone. Y'all deserve your shitty revolver dancelot and tesuorgil.
