#young justice au


I think that the solution to Kon being in a different age-group from Tim, Bart, and Cassie in the show is to just replace him with Supergirl, and then have an episode in season 2 that mirrors Independence Day in which Tim, Bart, and Cassie break into Cadmus and find him. In this case instead of Kara being a clone made by Lex Luthor, she still crash landed but maybe a bit closer to Metropolis and Luthor happened to find her first and then find her at Cadmus for research purposes, the rest of the plot-lines that would be affected by her not being a clone could probably be fixed with some editing here and there. Plus you can still keep Supermartian its just gay now.

Kon hears the merman’s heart speed up, on the right side of his chest rather than the left; beating

Kon hears the merman’s heart speed up, on the right side of his chest rather than the left; beating in a rhythm different from both his own and that of most humans, slow and sweeping; almost like gentle waves rolling onto the shore. With a breathy, nervous laugh, Tim meets his eyes and adds, “Mostly because messing with you humans is just too much fun to pass up.”

“You think you’re so clever, don’tcha?” Kon drawls, a hint of Midwestern colouring his accent. It’s a souvenir from all those weekends that Clark’s taken Kon home to his parents’ farm with him, a mark in the shape of Kansas; etched deeper into his bones with every time Ma ruffles his hair and every time Pa tells him, ‘Good job, son!’ after a long day of working the fields.

Kon licks his lips and leans in close enough to spot the constellation of tiny, indigo freckles scattered all over Tim’s nose and cheeks; darkening further as his cheeks do, until they’re so blue they’re almost black. With one, final wink, Kon makes a show of breathing in a big lungful of air that he doesn’t need— and lets his body sink back beneath the waves.

BONUS: Sassy Mer lol


HAPPY MERMAY!! COMING IN CLUTCH WITH THIS IDEA LMAOOO - @allthatsentimentalcandyfloss​ and I did a mini collab for MerMay! Please enjoy and look forward to more mer art things coming because Elle’s writing is just so lovely and I love mers so damn much.

Please take a look at Elle’s amazing fic!  You won’t regret it, it’s adorable!! <3

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