#younghoon imagines


☆ [nostalgic] summer romance! younghoon
had to do something for his late bday because i adore him

  • the disappointed look jacob gives you as he pulls into the parking lot beside your school is that of a parent, deflated with the rowdy actions of their only child
  • you hold your physics textbook in your lap in the passenger seat and try to smile at him as some sort of compensation
  • kevin chuckles from the backseat
  • “can’t believe you’re stuck in summer school the year before you graduate.”
  • “shutup kevin the only reason you passed physics is because jacob lives down the street from you and let you copy all his old notes. otherwise, you’d be in there with me.”
  • kevin shrugs and motions for you to get out of the car, you stick your tongue out and thank jacob for the ride
  • “waterparks gonna suck without you.”
  • he says before he rolls up the window
  • you groan and mutter a “don’t remind me about the waterpark dude” before turning to head inside
  • the room is barely air-conditioned and your summer physics teacher is some old lady who tells you all to read for the next hour and do the exercises on page one hundred and three
  • she then puts on an ancient pair of headphones and seemingly tunes you and the other summer school students out indefinitely
  • she doesn’t even notice when the door opens half an hour later and in the frame is the tall, almost infuriatingly handsome figure of kim younghoon
  • you blink back in surprise - i thought he was a pretty good student?
  • younghoon notices you too, smiling as he passes your desk to sit in the one behind you
  • you look down at your textbook and suddenly don’t know the weird feeling that washes you over
  • the room is pretty empty, he could sit anywhere else….
  • five minutes later, you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder
  • you turn and younghoon smiles again - his teeth are blindingly white and he doesn’t have one acne scar on his pretty face
  • “do you know if the teacher took attendance?”
  • you shake your head, “she’s basically been comatose since i got here.”
  • he chuckles softly enough that just the two of you hear it
  • “got it. so we’ll just be sitting here in silence for two hours?”
  • “looks like it.”
  • he takes a pause and looks at you as if he has something else to ask, but it doesn’t come out
  • the first day then drags its feet until finally it’s over and you drop your worksheet off on the desk
  • the teacher mutters that the homework for tomorrow is the next chapter and you give the fakest smile you can muster before trying to beeline for the door
  • before you can leave though, younghoon calls out your name and you turn to see him standing in the empty hallway
  • “if i need help with the homework - can i text you?”
  • you reluctantly make your way back toward him, you take your phone out and hand it to him
  • “sure, add yourself to my contacts. god this summer is gonna be so boring.”
  • younghoon takes a moment before handing you back your phone, he nods in agreement
  • “at least we’ll suffer together.”
  • you don’t think much of it when he says it - actually you don’t think about it at all
  • the only reason it finds its way back into your head is because later that night your phone vibrates and it says you have a text from ‘hoon [seven different flower emojis]’
  • younghoon?
  • you open it and see that’s a long message whining about the confusing chapter you were assigned. you giggle because you’ve been whining to yourself while reading it too
  • but as you start to type out a reply you wonder………
  • 'at least we’ll suffer together’………we barely even know each other? is it really normal to say that - what about being together with a stranger makes summer school of all things better?
  • your hand hovers over the send button - you close your phone instead and go back to reading, forgetting about the text and falling over yourself in physics terms you should have remembered when you first were taking the class
  • the next morning, jacob doesn’t drive you to school - you walk there and bump into younghoon whose on his way over too
  • he somehow manages to look tall and unaffected by the sweltering heat
  • he waves at you with another one of those priceless smiles
  • “did you do the homework?”
  • he asks as you fall into step with each other
  • “barely - i had to look at cobi’s old notes.”
  • “cobi?” younghoon tilts his head and you explain that it’s a nickname for jacob
  • something on younghoon’s face is confusing, it’s like there’s a twinge of sadness but you assume it’s just a reflex squint to the glowing sun
  • “you didn’t text me back - so i thought you might have given up on it!”
  • he laughs slightly and you clasp your hand over your mouth
  • “oh right! sorry - i must have spaced out and didn’t hit send. but i totally agree - fluid mechanics could put anyone to sleep.”
  • before you realize it you and younghoon are in the classroom again, sitting in the same seats
  • you’re early so the teacher isn’t there yet and younghoon flips to a page from the chapter to ask you if you know what its talking about
  • you explain what you think it means (from the information you got from jacob’s old notes)
  • and the entire time you’re maybe inches away from each other
  • when you aren’t actively thinking about it, it’s fine - but then your hands brush and suddenly it dawns on you and you sit back in your seat suddenly
  • younghoon senses the shift and opens his mouth to say something when the door swings open and a monotone voice tells you to open up to page one hundred and fifty-seven
  • like what younghoon said and his text, you soon forget about the momentary skinship
  • your brain starts to melt of boredom as the class drags on and you get past a note from younghoon when the teacher isn’t looking
  • 'do you know the answer for problem #3?’
  • 'it’s 23.56 m/s’
  • 'woah you’re so smart’
  • 'more like the person who used this textbook before me wrote the equation on the page’
  • 'lucky - let’s trade textbooks?’
  • 'in your dreams :P’
  • another long day comes to an end and you wave a goodbye to younghoon, he smiles and waves back and adds a - “reply to my text this time, ok?”
  • you nod and only again do you think about what he says when you’re home and thinking straight under the graciousness of your AC
  • does that mean he’s going to text me?
  • and like yesterday, younghoon does text you complaining about the reading
  • you answer and a conversation that comes almost way too easily starts
  • this cycle starts anew the next day, and the day after that, until at some point you realize you are forming a sort of summer friendship with kim younghoon
  • and that’s normal - that’s fine
  • but there are moments where you look up at him when you’re paired together for a makeshift lab or when you’ve agreed to stay behind some extra hours to study
  • that you see younghoon in all this detail up close and he’s undeniably handsome but also you see something more
  • for all the years you’ve been in the same school together, passed each other at parties, probably even stood together at assemblies
  • you’ve taken him at complete face value. perfect proportions, always someones crush, the pretty and popular boy who somehow hasn’t added complete selfish jerk to that title as well
  • he’s just - kim younghoon - untouchable, out of anyone’s league
  • and now he’s more real.
  • you see the mole on his neck, the way his eyes crinkle when he finds something really funny, the pickiness of his eating habits and how he can’t hold a pen properly with his left hand.
  • they’re things that make him human and they’re things that you can’t help but notice because like anyone, you are instantly attracted to younghoon
  • it’s just crazy that beyond that face there’s a boy who you could easily see yourself falling for
  • of course, you end the thoughts right there.
  • even though sometimes, you get a weird kind of feeling that younghoon is noticing something about you too.
  • it really starts to eat at you after you guys are at the halfway point of summer classes - and you have your first test.
  • you’re both panicking about it, because if you don’t pass this one - you probably won’t pass the final - which means physics again when autumn comes around
  • so you and younghoon have been spending a lot of time in the library after class with your textbooks, snacks, and jacob’s old notes
  • of course you’re both grinding, but distractions happen and you end up taking a break to toss candy into his mouth and doodle cartoons of your boring teacher in the margins of your notes
  • giggling like maniacs over the inside jokes about class and school you’ve both come up with, getting scolded by the ancient librarian if you’re just a little too loud about it
  • and then younghoon asks you: “do you have plans after the test?”
  • you huff and cross your arms
  • “yeah, to go home and curl up on my bed and forget it ever happened.”
  • he chuckles, puts his hand on his neck and then pauses - what you think is a light pinkness starts to dust his skin
  • “same, but if you want instead i though-”
  • your phone goes off just as the words string together - you pick it up and try to wave an apology to the librarian who rolls her eyes at you
  • with a whisper you turn your head to answer
  • “what? jacob? what - no i don’t know where kevin is i thought he’d be with you.”
  • younghoon’s lips thin out and you barely react as you duck under the table you’re studying at to keep your voice low
  • you finish the call and come back up with a sigh
  • “what were you saying by the way?”
  • younghoon shakes his head
  • “nothing, is kevin ok?”
  • you get back in your seat and you don’t want to comment on the weird thin blanket of tension that seems to undertone the question
  • “he’s fine, jacob will find him over at eric’s or something.”
  • you look at younghoon and he doesn’t return your gaze, he’s pushed his chair in closer to the table and picked up his pen
  • you do the same and try to break whatever this weirdness is
  • “should we go over chapter five again?”
  • that moment replays in your head for almost a week straight, it almost distracts you during the test but thankfully you and younghoon both pass
  • you flaunt your 84 versus his 82 but the happiness of it seems to wash away any excess awkwardness from before
  • at least for him, for you - you somehow can’t stop analyzing it in your head
  • to make matters worse, more pocket-sized interactions like this start to pop up
  • younghoon is always seemingly on the verge of asking you to hang out with him outside of class but he never really does
  • something always stops him
  • and you kind of start to wish he just would, or if the question that’s always on the tip of his tongue isn’t that - then you really want to know what it is
  • you overthink and it frustrates you more than you admit, but at the same time younghoon had been right when summer started
  • the fact that you have each other to suffer together actually doesn’t make this whole thing worse than it originally was going to be
  • the only reason you’re having a tolerable summer is because of him
  • you don’t want to ruin it by prying him with questions
  • wanting to know if he wants something more than just a physics class-based friendship
  • because it gets to a point where you don’t know what to do, you ask your best friends
  • when you explain that you and younghoon just click - and it seems like he might want to be around you more, the way you want to be around him -
  • jacob and kevin give you the same look
  • jaocb’s just nicer when he says “why don’t you ask him to hang out first?”
  • while kevin just laughs and calls you a big dummy - popular pretty boy or not, that’s crushing behavior you’re describing
  • you think about it
  • what’s stopping me from asking him first? seriously - am i going to be that person who needs to wait around for prince charming to pull the first move?
  • so you decide you will, it takes jacob giving you a pep talk before you go into class the next day but you are resiliant
  • and when younghoon comes through the door - you stand up
  • “oh, a standing ovation did i do something right?”
  • he jokes and you have to tell yourself not to focus on how cute he is and get straight to the point
  • “do you want to hang out after class?”
  • younghoon’s bag drops from his hands and you both kind of startle at the noise
  • oh shit. here it comes. the big 'oh i hope you don’t think this is something more than it is….’ line
  • “oh - i - sure, i mean i saw jacob’s car in the parking lot is he not gonna pick you up later?”
  • you blink in confusion
  • “no, why would jacob come pick me up?”
  • younghoon and you have a moment of complete silence and then
  • “you’re dating him, right?”
  • you’re pretty sure you let out a sound that’s a mixture of a little yell and an attempt at a laugh
  • it’s embarrassing and before you can backtrack it, the door opens and the teacher snaps her fingers for you and younghoon to sit
  • as you do - you realize your entire body has gone kind of numb
  • is that the reason he’s been dancing around me this summer, because of jacob?!?!?!
  • you turn before the teacher can even write the pages to work on on the board
  • “no!”
  • you exclaim and younghoon blinks those big, brown pretty eyes at you
  • “i am definitely not dating jacob bae!”
  • a sense of relief seems to wash over his face, but you can’t even enjoy the way he looks happy because the teacher clears her throat
  • “the matter of who you are or are not dating is not the topic of this class - physics is. so pay. attention.”
  • you nod, looking down at your textbook as the other students snicker to themselves
  • halfway through the class younghoon passes you a note
  • 'how about we go see a movie or something?’
  • your first date goes well.
  • actually it goes really really well because it turns out younghoon is scared of horror movies and you’re not and when he nearly jumps into your arms with fear you just laugh and hold him close
  • by the time it ends he’s got his head completely in your neck and you have your arms wrapped around his waist
  • it’s actually insane how comfortable you two are with touching each other despite the fact that all of summer you would knock knees and it would set both of you into a state of petrification
  • and when you text your gc after, jacob sends a thousand loving emojis
  • and kevin replies with: but is he a good kisser tho?
  • turns out he is, although he kisses with a shyness that is unexpected considering how loud and fun he can get around you
  • he lets you take the lead, which is nice, and when you kiss him right on the jawline he inhales sharply and you figure out the part of kim younghoon that gets him all worked up
  • a secret you’re sure the rest of the student body will be jealous of you for knowing
  • the summer goes from tolerable to magical in the snap of a second
  • your classes finish, you and younghoon both pass the final and celebrate with ice-cream and a trip to the amusement park
  • you end up on the ferris wheel and younghoon sheepishly admits he had always been a little sad thinking about how you were doing these fun things with jacob and not with him
  • and you scrunch your nose up and tell him the last time you and jacob were on a ferris wheel together you were comforting kevin for his random fear of heights
  • speaking of moonbae, they both really like you and younghoon together
  • jacob thinks he’s a mannered young man and kevin is just like soooooo you’re nice enough to put up with them (you) you must be a saint
  • the four of you finally get to go to that water park you missed out on in the beginning and while you and younghoon are holding hands on the lazy river sharing little cute kisses
  • kevin is splashing jacob to a point where the lifeguard on duty has to intervene
  • younghoon still sometimes dances around what he actually wants to say or do - and so you coax it out of him with the threat of complimenting him
  • which you learn is your greatest weapon, you call him pretty and it’s practically game over
  • but seriously he just tucks you into his arms and mumbles something and you’re like hmmm and he’s like mumbling and you’re like younghoon words or i will list the top five things i like about you and he’s like
  • “oK i just wanted to ask if you wanted to stay over………”
  • you do :) and when you take the liberty of stealing a big flannel of his younghoon hides his face in his hands for like ten minutes straight
  • before autumn finally comes around for good - you and younghoon talk about how you both flunked physics
  • you explain that you just did not put the effort in at all and skipped more times than you could count, but younghoon just says he thinks he just messed up pretty bad on the final
  • “why did you do bad on the final?”
  • he looks away and you scoot closer, “younghoon?”
  • “well remember how we all took the final with our seats switched ….. the teacher put me next to you and it was distracting….”
  • “no way - are you saying im the reason you were in summer school?!?!”
  • you sit up and younghoon does too with a laugh
  • “maybe - but it was worth it. i got to spend a whole summer with you.”
  • years down the line you still bring the story up as a fun meet-cute
  • everyone thinks younghoon is 100% joking, there’s no way he failed a final because he was sitting next to his crush
  • but younghoon swears it’s the reason why - he’s sure if he could find his original test paper he could show everyone that where he was supposed to have written out the equation he just wrote your name down ten times
  • jacob accuses him one day for flunking it on purpose since he probably knew you were going to end up in summer school
  • you turn to your fiancee and ask him is that true, did he really fail it on purpose to spend more time with you?
  • younghoon’s ears turn pink and the whole room erupts into laughter
  • “younghoon, why would you do that!”
  • you push him gently, your hand on his chest with the glittering band he gifted you
  • he shrugs back with a big smile
  • “i really really really liked you - and hey, it worked out didn’t it?”