#your brain



Sonic the Hedgehog Playground AU

Quick headcanon for y'all, but mostly because I was thinking about some of my friends from the Sonic fandom that I haven’t talked to in forever and cackling wildly (thinking about you @smallpwbbles@solar-socks@thebigpalooka@samthefrank)

I was in the process of moving for the last few months, which took up most of my time, and something I noticed was that my new apartment building was situated right by a little park.

And that got me thinking.

What if the entire Sonic the Hedgehog took place on a Playground

Stay with me here.

So there I am, at my new apartment, and I glance across the street and see a few little girls playing a brutalgame of pretend, just absolutely destroying one another with sticks as swords, and the thought pops into my head.

What if the entire movie was the wild creation of a few, young hedgehogs living in Montana.

Sonic had come to Tom and Maddie when he was tiny out of some inter-dimensional wormhole along with a few other bizarre creatures, and were quickly swept up by the family who kept them safe from the government. And every weekend, all of these families take the trip over to one of the many gorgeous parks in Green Hills.

Tom and Maddie get to say hello to their friends and enjoy some adult time while their kids zip across the monkey bars.

What they don’t realize is that the world in their children’s’ head is anything but adorable.

“Aw, look how cute they are,” Maddie would often say, snapping a picture or two of Sonic pushing Tails on a swing.

“So sweet,” says Tom, watching Tails tug Sonic up a slide.

Meanwhile, on the playground;

“THE GOVERNMENT IS AFTER US,” Tails shrieks, trying to save Sonic from the dreaded cliffside.

His brother held on for dear life, a single tear sliding down his face as he clutched tight to Tails’ hand. “You have to save yourself, brother.”

“No! I won’t leave you!”

“Youmust,” says Sonic, loosening his grip, watching as their fingers drag away from one another, the gap widening. “You have to… save yourself… For mom and dad. For me.”


“Tails. You’re my brother. And I love you.”

As he lets go, Tails drops to his knees and watches his brother fall from view, screaming his name.

Meanwhile, on a bench, watching Sonic slowly and loudly squeak down a plastic slide, as Tails shrieks like a deflating balloon from the ladder above;

“So cute,” says Tom, snapping another picture.


fuck it!!  reblog this and say one (1) (or more if you want to) nice thing about the person you reblogged this from.  it can literally be about anything– just spread some positivity and make this hellsite just a little more bearable!


favorite little detail in sonic 2 is the truck they all ride in the last scene. since the first one was destroyed they had to get a new one and seeing as its blue im assuming someone got to choose the color


iirc the only clue re: sophie & howl’s surname upon marrying is that princess hilda calls her mrs pendragon in homw but it seems very VERY plausible that they go by different names in different places which ushers in my headcanon that every time they visit a new place it’s like a race, whoever introduces themselves first gets to pick the surname and the other has to go along with it, which howl wins most of the time and therefore they’re known most often as pendragon, but he’s also a sap so sometimes he’ll go with hatter, and when sophie wins she always blanks out and calls them something stupid so they’re known as like mr & mrs turniphead in rural inhico
