#your list of tropes is chefs kiss



Intro Post

Sup, welcome to my Whump Blog.

I’ll probably update or edit this post as things go along.

You can just call me Cracked or Cracked Crystal or whatever.

I go by she/her. I’m 18.

To start off, ever since I was young I’ve been drawn to these types of things. I just kinda like them, and sometimes they’ll give me butterfly-type feelings. Which I kinda seek everytime.

I didn’t really understand it, and I would write about it without knowing what it was. So later on, it was nice to learn I wasn’t alone on this. But since I’m incredibly shy I just kind of looked at alot of whump-relates Tumblr blogs without making an actual account for over a year I wanna say (I have way to many saved tabs lol).

I got a boyfriend, he already knows and we happily tease about it together. In fact, you have him to partially thank for the existence of this blog.

I’m into art. Both traditional and digital. I still have yet to set up a thing for commissions but I do want to at one point. I also have a different and regular Tumblr account but I’m going to do my best not to link the two, obviously. This is just for whump stuff.

I also have stories and as a result- alot of OCs. Which I’ll probably be making art of in the future and posting here. (Although I can’t gurentee every single OC post will stick around depending on what I do with the stories in the future)

I hope to get more engaged in the community, despite my shyness (about everything lol). I’m not really worried about popularity or anything like that. But if you have any questions or want to talk feel free.

-Now for my whump trope list-

In no particular order

Absolute favorites

  • Lab and subject expiements stuff
  • Magical and power caused whump. Either by curses or side effects to that ability (I like to get real particular and specific with it too lol)
  • General weakness
  • General Fear (and sometimes paranoia)
  • (intense) nightmares
  • Passing out
  • Bleeding out/Blood loss
  • Impaled or stabbed
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Unconfused eyes and mental confusion
  • To weak to stand/faltering
  • Coughing up blood (or some kind of blood equivalent)
  • Cuffs, Chains, or bound whumpee (+struggling and straining)
  • Entanglement or trapped in a vulnerable spot
  • Vines or ya know, the restraints that are alive or controlled by an outside force.
  • Whumper become the whumpee
  • A sudden cause of pain that takes whumpee by surprise
  • The pain or weakness eventually overcoming a very determined or emotional whumpee (suddenly succumbing)
  • Self inflicted wounds
  • Painful nessiarily for healing or getting over something worse
  • Posioning/posioned
  • Betrayal and backstab (mayhr even revealed by a physical attack, such as a literal stab).
  • Smart whumpee slowly manipulating the current situation to their benfit, but still having to go through all the suffering regardless to get to a point.
  • Vampire whump (both victim and vampire)
  • Snakes. Squeezing and posion bite.
  • Choking and stragulation
  • Breath knocked out (and that’s just the start of what’s to come)
  • Being dragged towards the danger
  • A lil’ bit of manhandling
  • Long progression of curse or posion that slowly gets worse (and worse).
  • Some psycological and moral complexity of the whumpee, whumper, and/or caretaker. (And some angst lol)
  • Caretaker become whumpee (most of the time)
  • Whumpee being harmed during a running scene.
  • Drowning and water related scenes.
  • Whumper having (slow) change or heart and begrudgingly being a caretaker
  • Whumpee having to save the whumper or caretaker (despite wounds)
  • Electrocution
  • Trembling
  • Memories and flashbacks and panic over that (usually alone)
  • Whumper or unwilling teamate taking advantage of a whumpee’s (pre-existing) injury (clutching it to make them succumb or get their point across)
  • Webbed up.
  • Held captive (usually)
  • Jail or designated lab cell.
  • Headache that keeps getting worse and worse
  • Once defiant, now broken. (+Whumpee’s previous confident demeanour suddenly or even slowly shattering, from the personal or/and physical attacks that cut just a bit to deep)
  • Immortal whumpees or characters that aren’t quite human, that aren’t used to or supposed to feel pain, feeling pain.
  • Certain royal whumpees
  • Gunshots to the whumpee (usually)
  • Certain times of minimal torture
  • Multiple whumpers
  • Dark room and/or blindfolded (they don’t know what’s coming to them)
  • Some intimate whumpers.
  • Failed escape
  • Character who risks their life a little to often (sometimes due to feelings of worthlessness)
  • Nausea
  • Starvation (and sometimes dehydration)
  • Just won’t die
  • Loss of control over self mentally or physically (such as a body part being controlled by an outside or unwanted force)
  • Whumpee uncomfort
  • Those slight sounds
  • But also- AGONYYY

Ok/mid things (still like them but to moderate or fluctuating degrees. It can also depend on the scene)

  • Emotional whump (sadness ig)
  • Recovery
  • Whumpee dies
  • Mob situations (close to favorite)
  • Non-human whumpees (depends, half the time it’s a favorite)
  • Regular coughing
  • Colds and most sickness whump
  • Collars
  • Hypothermia
  • Defiant whumpee
  • Cages
  • Whipping (sometimes will be a favorite though, depends on the scene)
  • Temporily blindness
  • Spider and creepy crawlies (the bigger the better, the smaller the more nah)
  • Severe burning (the more burning the more nah it is)
  • Nosebleed
  • Headwound itself
  • Memory loss (close to nah)
  • Live action whump (very rare when it’s a favorite)
  • Begging
  • Overdosing (can really fluctuate between mid and favorite and sometimes nah)
  • Depressed whumpee
  • Injections

Ehhhhhh- Nah.

  • (very) intense gore and guts
  • That one moment where something sharp and sometimes needle like it slowly gonna pierce an eye
  • Most Pet whump stuff (some can be mid)
  • Most female whump
  • Way to much screaming
  • Genuine concussion
  • Blood-gut squishing noises (ya know the sound effect)
  • Overkill (with just about anything)
  • Almost all surgery without anesthesia (some can be mid tho)
  • Teeth pulling
  • Amputation, missing limbs.
  • Minor or pregnant whumpees. (Cool if caretaker tho)
  • Vomiting (a little bit is usually fine)