#yugioh sevens


Debating on watching Yugioh Sevens now, just saw a post on someone saying tht its one of the best endings ever?? I saw the words much emotions andim all about tht emotional damage

speaking of Otes that guy sure has a lot of flair for someone who has never once won a duel onscreen

in fact i am pretty sure he has the most confirmed losses of any sevens character. seems kinda ironic that the final boss would be someone with such pathetic stats


like. dude


the new episode of go rush was so cool :D i really liked it

24 monster types were mentioned, but the Fusion types were left out. which makes sense, because in that world Fusion, as well as Maximum, were created under very specific circumstances. so it is unlikely that they still exist, unless someone figured out how to create them artificially.

but there’s no way it’s just going to be Tribute Summoning and nothing else, right? there’s got to be something else.

okay so, let me think about this…I’m certain they won’t include Pendulum or Link Summoning. After all, this is meant to be something 11-year-olds can understand.
if you try to think about it in terms of “progression”, then Synchro would be next because we had Fusion already. But, I have a feeling that won’t happen, just a hunch.
because this is a whole new timeline! with Rush Duel comes infinite possibilities!
i really want to see Yuudias do a Maximum Summon but i just don’t think it’s plausible…wait, what am i saying? if exploding curry can get you to the moon in this world then anything can happen! anything at all!

(okay but seriously the whole Curry Drive thing back in SEVENS? that was bonkers)

there was also another thing that intrigued me, this line in particular:

the “young master” in this case is definitely Yuuhi, but “predecessor”? could that possibly be referring to…Yuuga???

ok consider this for a second

at the end of SEVENS, Yuuga got launched off into space for two years. And no one knows what he did during that time right?

now, an already common theory, and a theory that definitely has some merit, is that Yuuga ended in the Velgear Cluster at some point, which is how they know about Rush Duels there.

but now let me bring in another mystery: Yuudias’s age. we have no way to know how old he could be considering he’s, you know, an alien. He’s probably an adult considering his past but still we have no idea what is considered adulthood for his species, or how long they live. so, he could potentially be hundreds of years old.

now! it seems that Go Rush!! takes place in the same world that SEVENS did, but many years later. decades, maybe even centuries. (Yes, some of the people at UTS seem to be older versions of SEVENS characters, but it’s also possible that they might be descendants of those characters, not the same people.)
so, you can probably see where I’m going with this right? but let me spell it out for you:

It’s entirely possible that Yuuga and Yuudias have actually met each other! isn’t that cool?

now, what that would mean for the story if that is true? that’s something i don’t know. but it would be interesting right?



Yeeeeeees, pls!

divinus-cielo: Yuga Goha

Finally got around to drawing Goha Yuga as well as some extra doodles~ The last one being an obvious reference to ep87 :)

thematchalight: na na na na na na na


na na na na na na na

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I realized I never drew anything for Sevens’ finale so here’s a little something~☆


Небольшое продолжение))) просто моя фантазия.

Y: Oh oops, sorry, I’m a little late…

L : a little???? Where have you been for two years????

Y : he he ….

L: you’ve grown even bigger! … You…

Y: yeah~? I hadn’t even noticed…

L: You… What did you do with my sweet little Yuuga?


L: Do you have any idea how I felt!!!?

Y: I’m sorry, I’m sorry…

R: that fool was staring at the sky every day like he was fascinated… Waiting for you…

L: shut up!!!!

Y: oh oh oh… Is it true?

Y: I made you worry so much… Yes?..

R: and I always knew you’d be back for sure)

G:how many classes have you missed… You got expelled…


Some things that happen in Sevens that you need to see to believe:

-A riding club, but instead of horses it’s heavy machinery. Like, a backhoe and shit. But it’s treated like a horse riding club and like they’re riding horses. as fr as i recall literally no one questions this.

-there are a TON of weird ass clubs but most of them are one off or minor, this one is a big part.

-Artificial life form from space comes to life b/c someone hit a fax machine to hard

-A pigeon duels. Also he has a brother that’s a human boy. Who can speak to him. this is all played completely straight

-References to DM, Zexal and Arc V by way of monsters, including a baseball themed Hope monster

-One person literally serenades the other in the middle of their duel and drop this raw ass line at the same time. “Hey, would it be alright if I invaded your heart? Even if you say no I won’t stop. Because I was the one, who was invaded first.”

-A chair duels. And has an entire chair themed deck. and drops some of the rawest fucking lines in the show. I really need to stress that this is an honest to god massage chair that duels.

-There are SO many absolutely balls to the wall archetypes including but not limited too, chairs, sushi angels, ramen, meat(bbq specifically iirc), punk rock demons, various dinosaurs, machine wyrms, ants, cleaning, post apocalyptic mad max type shit

-on that note, there are SO. MANY. REFERENCES. like, to old movies and shit. it’s insane.

-a guy is mindcontrolled by a robot drone, probably died and then it’s, never brought up again??

-actual honest to go aliens. a lot of them. their existence here is never explained despite them being reoccurring minor characters. everyone just accepts it. (I’m not saying this is a bad thing, im saying it’s funny). also they all look the same and for a while we were convinced they were all the same person just changing outfits.

-duels IN SPACE.

-duels WITH MECHS.

-we get dropped on us a cast of 6 characters with Yu- names about half way through. You thought Arc V was bad with the Yu4? hahaha. Also they came from space school. Also they all seem to be references to, past ygo things


-explosive curry used to power space ships

-there’s ninjas

-please understand this is all real, all happens and all with *elementary schoolers* just to add to the crazy.

-Drones/robots with AI that seems to be, sentient?????

-there are furries.

やっぱり主人公のアイドルカードはかわいい。supah kawai.


supah kawai.

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 ユウガとルークの親子ぱろ本! by ぴののにとん Download LinkPlease contact me if you wish to translate

ユウガとルークの親子ぱろ本! by ぴののにとん

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 絶対捕食者 by movesevensDownload LinkPlease contact me if you wish to translate

絶対捕食者 by movesevens

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Yuga: My control panel will send amplification signals to the chest plate, allowing us to reach unparalleled speeds. All using state of the art blast-processing technology!

Romin: Blast-processing technology? Those are just phony baloney buzz words to fool the simple minded.

Luke: Blast-processing technology?! Oh, gimme gimme gimme!



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Preview of the Yugioh Sevens dub! I cannot believe how epic the opening is! 

#yugioh    #yugioh sevens    #sevens dub    #sevens    #ygo sevens    



Romin knows how this show goes!

Every arc villain in a nutshell.

That part had me HOWLING. Romin may be a Dueling beginner at that moment, but she is definitely genre savvy when it comes to the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.
