#yugyeom crack


Word Count: 141

Pairing:Yugyeom x gn!Reader


Summary:Don’t put too many grapes in a smoothie

Genre:Fluff, crack

“No, don’t add grapes,” you scold for the umpteenth time. Yugyeom frowned at you.

“I feel like they’d be fun to add, though.” You shake your head, but Yugyeom keeps pouting. Oh my God.

“FIne, add the damn grapes,” you groan, so done with your boyfriend’s antics. “But don’t blame me when you throw the rest of it away.” Yugyeom hums, ignoring your warning and dumping more grapes than what you would deem acceptable into the blender.

“But”—you know what’s coming and sigh internally—”don’t you think it would be a grapeaddition?”

Instead of responding, you just turn around and start heading out of the kitchen. Yugyeom’s cackling laughter follows after you as he starts up the blender. But you know that later on, when Yugyeom starts complaining about an upset stomach you wil be the one with the last laugh.
