#yuji x reader


You thought it was your cute little cousin Yuji pressing up against your back and pinning you to the counter with his strong arms wrapping around your waist. All you could think about was how much he’s grown up already. So different from the rowdy little kid from back then. He’s so much bigger, taller, and his voice deeper.

Until he spoke in such an unexpectedly deep sinistervoice.

“Ah, so she’s the one you’ve been trying to keep from me.”

Suddenly, you found yourself unable to breathe properly from how tight he’s squeezing you and-

There’s something hard.. and big poking at your thigh.


“Quiet. He’s not here.”

Premise:Toji is trying to redeem himself, but he continues to make mistakes along the way. Meanwhile, Yuuji is proving to be a wonderful potential partner… Especially how caring he already is with Megumi.

TW: None, it’s pretty much just fluff

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Chapter 3 -> MasterPost

The next morning you woke up to see the bed was empty behind you. Of course. What else should you have expected? After throwing out the pillow from underneath you, you pulled the covers over your head and curled into a ball. Your mind started wandering, wondering when he left in the night. Fuck the door! You got up, running around the bed to slip on your robe before rushing to open the door. You halted right at the doorway of your bedroom, holding onto the door frame to keep yourself from falling over. “Megumi!” You shouted, startled as you watched him hold his hands up to cover his face. When he realized you weren’t going to topple over him, he lowered his chubby arms. 

“Daddy made breakfast.” He stated, but all you could do was part your lips and blink. He headed down stairs, his short legs sliding down the steep steps, ruffling his little uniform. 

“Daddy’s here?” You asked while looking over the railing, gripping onto it as Megumi looked up at you from the bottom of the steps. All he did was nod. Your tense shoulders slumped, only tensing again when Toji came out from the living area. 

“It’s all served if you’re hungry.” He spoke with a blank expression. He held the frame of the cased opening with his hand, tilting forward and bending his head while looking at you with a smirk. While smoothing over your robe, you grumbled in anger only to hear him chuckle. “I made Megumi’s favorite.” He informed as you walked down the steps you looked on the table to see rice served with omelets, one with a streak of ketchup while the other two had hearts. 

“One of his favorites… He eats and loves curry now.” You corrected with a bit of a smug smile. He clicked his tongue while sitting at the seat with the omelet with the ketchup streak. Instead of sitting at the table with them, you headed into the kitchen. 

“Hey! What are you doing, the food will get cold.” Toji called out over the sound of eating. 

“I’m making Megumi’s lunch. I usually eat after I take him.” You explained while pouring water into the kettle. 

“Can’t you just… I don’t know… Pick up something for him along the way?” He grumbled while you took out the white and brown rice left overs. 

“I’m already ostracized enough as it is by the other mothers, thank you.” You scoffed while combining both rice to form the outline of a Shiba Inu. “Besides… Gumi loves them… And it gets him to eat more.” You explained while cutting out the shapes to finish the dog chara-ben. Pulling out his bento box from the drying rack, you placed the riceball carefully inside. Next you took the boiling water and placed part of it inside a pot to quickly run and add an egg to it. Using the rest of the water, you placed a green tea and apricot bag inside your mug, letting it steep as you pulled out a frying pan to also place on heat. After adding some oil, you took out the tea bag, hissing at the heat from touching the water with your hands. Pulling out a hotdog, you cut it in half to then slice the ends in fours, tossing them in the frying pan to brown. Taking a quick sip of the tea, you went back to the fridge to pull out some edamame that you began to open, placing the innards off in a corner of the bento. Grabbing the pot of boiling water, you pour it out while grabbing some chopsticks to keep the egg in the pot, then opening the tap to pour in cold water. With those same chopsticks, you pulled off the little octopus hotdogs and placed them aside to cool after turning off the heat for both sections on the stove. Letting the tap water still run, you started to peel the shell off of the egg, leaving it in the pot for now. 

“Eat.” Without realizing it, Toji had come into the kitchen. He was holding out a bite of your food for you to take while also standing in the way of the little kitchen area there was to prep food. After taking a bite, you squeezed between him and the counter, pulling out a knife to slice the to slice the egg. The omelet Toji made was still warm in your mouth. There was a creamy richness to it, complimented with the acidity and sweetness from the ketchup. He placed another bite into your mouth before you could worry about the next thing to do, but he moved out of the way once you got back to it. Using some of the residual nori bits, you made a smiley face to place on each half of the egg before placing it into the bento. Then you proceeded to do the same with the hot dog octopi. Placing the left over rice back into the fridge, you pulled out a couple of grape sized tomatoes to place into the bento as well. Lastly, you grabbed an orange. While you were peeling it, Toji placed another bite of the omelet and rice into your mouth. As he waited for you, he placed his hand on the small of your back. “How is it?” He wondered as you placed half of the orange slices into the remaining space of the bento. 

“It’s good.” You murmured while placing the pokemon cover on the bento box. 

“Go get dressed. I’ll clean up before I leave.” He spoke before placing a kiss onto your cheek. After blinking a few times at him, you grabbed your cup of tea and started to walk out of the kitchen. “Wait.” He ordered, so you sighed and turned around. Placing down the plate with the omelet, he neared you. His hand went to your chin, tilting your face upwards to place a tender kiss on your lips. For the first time in well over a year, he took your breath away. You stumbled back when he pulled away, spilling a bit of the tea on the tile. “I’ll get that.” He chuckled, and once you came back to, you headed upstairs to put on some clothes. 

You were deciding between tops to wear when you heard someone knocking on the door downstairs. Instead you slid your robe back on, covering your breasts, and tying the sash shut before heading down stairs. Already annoyed at Toji forgetting the keys, you were taken aback when you saw Yuuji standing in the doorway with his hands shoved in his pockets. “Oh… Hi… Is there something I can help you with?” You wondered while clutching your robe shut at your chest. 

“Yeah… Sorry… I think I left my wallet here?” His eyes hovered over your form, his cheeks turning pink when he stopped to admire your legs. 

“Oh! Ok, you’re welcome to come in and look. If you did, it’s likely somewhere in or on the couch.” You suggested while opening the door further for him to come inside. He walked in, taking off his shoes at the entrance. 

“Ita sensei!” Megumi ran up behind him, hugging both his calves while holding them together. The squeezing of his arms caused Yuuji to lose balance, about to fall forward and gripping onto the doorframe. 

“Gumibear! Please let him come in first.” You chuckled. 

“Sorry.” Megumi let go and took a few steps back before Yuuji regained his footing. Yuuji walked into the entrance and slipped off his shoes as you closed the door. 

“Gumi, go grab your things, ok? Pack your backpack.” You ordered, only to have him pout with his little arms crossed. “Gumi…” You repeated sternly, watching him roll his eyes at you before crawling back up the steep steps. The little boy made you scoff and shake your head, another bad habit picked up by his father. You’d have to talk to him about that later. When you turned back around, you noticed Yuuji was no longer there. Upon walking into the living room, you find him with his arm deep into your couch. 

“Got it!” He chimed while pulling out the wallet from the cushions triumphantly. His smile was so bright, it felt like it had it’s own warmth to it. 

“Glad you did.” You shared a smile with him. “Look, I want to apologize about yesterday… My ex is just… Terrible…” You trailed off with a sigh while readjusting your robe. “Most of the time anyways…” 

“Didn’t you also say that you weren’t together anymore?” He asked, the question making the blood drain from your face. 

“We aren’t…” You reiterated before pursing your lips. 

“I…heardthings…” He leaned in and whispered. With a sigh, you took a couple steps closer and placed your hand onto his cheek. 

“Weare separated. Before yesterday Toji hadn’t touched me since he moved out… Which was nearly a year ago now. I told him I needed space from him… To figure things out. I warned you yesterday things would be complicated, and if you aren’t interested then… I understand, but… I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I’d like to make it up to you… If you’ll let me.” You offered with a sultry smile, watching as blush coated the apples of his cheeks. His eyes slowly grew wider, you watched his mind processing all of the information you gave him. He took a step back with a bow, only to realize his face was right in front of your chest. With a nervous chuckle, he quickly straightened while scratching the back of his head. 

“Sorry! But there’s no need really!” You couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable he was while flustered, but it made you wonder what he thought you meant. You folded your arms under your chest and peered at him. 

“I was planning on thanking you by taking you out to dinner… Especially since I was going to take you up on your offer to bring Megumi home for me…” You watched his eyes widen and the blood drain from his face. The normally tan skin was now closer to matching that of your ex-husband. 

“Right! Dinner!” He exclaimed in agreement. “Well, if you’re planning on having me take Megumi back then sure, that’s fine… I’ll take you up on dinner…” He finished with his hands behind his back while rocking on his heels, avoiding looking at you directly in the eyes. “I can even take him to school this morning if you want…” He offered while looking down at his own two feet. You neared him again and tilted his face upwards just enough to look at you. His lips parted, honey colored eyes darting between the both of yours. 

“Sure, but you’re staying for dinner tonight and I won’t take no for an answer. Thanks to your help I might actually make this deadline.” You demanded, feeling him tug on your hand as he nodded. Turning his face away a bit, you pressed a kiss to his cheek. You could feel one of Megumi’s hands on your calf with the other tugging at the hem of your robe. Without hesitation you squatted in front of Megumi so you were closer to his eye level. “What is it Gumibear?” 

“Why you kiss sensei?” He wondered, already wearing his uniform and backpack. 

“Sometimes, when you want to say thank you to someone you like, you give them a kiss on the cheek.” You explained with a smile, smoothing over his eternally messy mane. “Does that make sense?” You questioned while thumbing his small cheek. After he nodded you patted his head a couple of times. “Did you remember to pack your bento?” You reminded, watching his eyes grow big before running off to the kitchen. After straightening, Yuuji immediately looked away like he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “What’s wrong?” You chuckled at his flustered reaction.

“Well… It’s just… You’re good with him… Those other mothers that shame you…” He started to shift into a more serious tone, his brows furrowing as he looked away for a moment while placing his thoughts. “They seem more preoccupied with the status amongst each other rather than what their child actually wants and needs… But you…” He looked back up at you, staring deeply into your eyes. “Everything you do is because its what he likes. Like with the bentos!” He started to grow a little more at ease as he smiled brightly. “A lot of them will trade the chara-bens with each other, but Megumi never will trade his. He loves the ones you make for him.” Your heart swelled with joy at his kind words, the thought of your son appreciating how much effort you put in making you a bit teary eyed. 

“Thank you for telling me.” You chuckled. “But he also checks his bento every morning and lets me know if there’s something he doesn’t like in it.” You pursed your lips while watching Megumi walk over towards you both. “Everything good Gumi?” You hoped while watching him hug your leg. After nodding you let out a small sigh of relief. “Gumibear, Ita sensei is going to walk you to school today, okay?” He looked up at you and gripped onto the hem of your robe. Crouching back down before him, you held his face in your hand. “Mommy really needs to finish her book. She’s almost done, and as soon as she’s done, Mommy is free to spend time with you and take you to the park, and do all of the fun things… Ok?” You hummed, waiting for his answer. With another nod you then cupped your lips to his ear. “Mommy will make your favorite for dinner tonight.” You whispered to then feel him throw his little arms around you. 

“Thank you mommy.” He spoke just as he started to let go. After getting back up, you held both Megumi’s hand and Yuuji’s leading them towards the front door. You let go of both of their hands so they could start to put on their shoes. They both walked out together with you watching them head down the street before returning upstairs to continue your writing. 

The alarm you set to start the curry rang, but you were in a groove… So close to finishing a steamy scene with your hands in your panties. You tapped the snooze button on your phone, trying to finish your scene. It was inspired by what Toji did in front of the door. It was your betrothed fucking you while next to the door because he found out about the affair you’ve been having with your servant. Your servant was just out the door, asking if you were ok, if you needed him… But this was the first time you had gotten any attention from your betrothed. For the first time, in a long time… You let yourself be selfish. This was the premise you wrote and you were keening to it. The alarm went off again and you hit snooze again. You kept this up until you finally finished writing all with you hand in your underwear. Now that you were finished, you let yourself fall back to the floor while rubbing your sensitive bundle in circles. It wasn’t until the alarm went off again that you squeezed your eyes shut. Trying to drown out the noise, you focused on the way Toji fucked you. On the way Yuuji told you that he heard you. Did he get hard hearing you? You rubbed furiously, feeling your muscles tighten as you teetered over the edge. What if he couldn’t help himself? What if he palmed himself a few times on the street, in front of the door? Your body finally spasmed in pleasure with you shrieking in ecstasy. The muscles finally started relax as you rested even with the alarm still ringing. 

After taking a moment to yourself, you got up and rushed downstairs to the kitchen. The phone you held you placed down and started washing your hands. Reaching into the fridge, you pulled out some carrots, cutting them into wedges after washing them. Pulling out the potatoes, you cut them into wedges as well. Lastly, you pulled out an entire onion and diced it into smaller pieces that were easier to hide from Megumi. When you added in the butter, you placed in the onions to brown in the instant pot. Once they grew caramelized you added in water, the premade curry cube, along with the carrots and potatoes. Placing the lid on the instant pot, you set the time before moving to make more rice. Just as you finished setting up the rice, you heard a knock on the door. 

Without even so much as grabbing your phone, you ran to the door to open it to see you beloved son and his pink haired teacher. The bright, smiling young man’s eyes grew wide, cheeks reddening before he looked away. You quickly shut your robe before opening the door more to let them both in. “Sorry about that… And I got distracted with my writing, dinner will be a bit longer.” You watched Megumi take off his shoes without looking at you. “Why don’t you go wash your bento for me, hm?” You ordered while bending over to coo in his ear. He nodded while getting up, taking his backpack with him into the kitchen. 

“There’s actually something I need to talk to you about…” Yuuji spoke, when you looked up to him, his mouth was pushed to the side with one arm across his chest. 

“Ok…” You replied, feeling a little weary as you cross your arms under your chest. 

“So earlier this morning, you explained about the kiss on the cheek… Today after Toge shared the blocks with him… Megumi kissed Toge on the cheek.” Yuuji explained.

“Aww…” You clutched your chest while looking over your shoulder peeking at Megumi in the kitchen. You watched him on the stepstool, reaching over to turn on the sink so he could wash his bento. 

“I’ll admit, it was cute, but-”

“I’m sure it’s nothing. He’ll probably forget about it soon.” You assured him before turning back to see Yuuji holding the same weary expression. 

“I thought the same thing… Except he also kissed Yuuta after Yuuta let Megumi borrow his special pen, and then one after Todo handed Megumi the book from a higher shelf he couldn’t reach.” Yuuji emphasized while your heart couldn’t help but swell with joy while looking back at your son who was drying off his bento.

“He has that many friends?” You questioned with amazement, your eyes starting to feel a little watery. He’s always so quiet around you, and with you being a bit of a social pariah, you always wondered whether he was making friends or not. 

“Yes, but that’s not the point.” Yuuji’s step forward caused you to look back at him, concern spreading on his face. “You’re already having issues with the other mothers… This might make things harder for the both of you.” Yuuji shed a sympathetic smile with him reaching over to rest his hand on your shoulder. 

“I’ll talk to him…” You nodded. The sound of rushed little footsteps was growing near, so you spun around and scooped Megumi off of the floor. “Gumibear! You never told me you have so many friends! Why?” You wondered, only to watch him shrug. His response made you tickle his stomach, the sweet sound of laughter emanating from him. “A shrug! That’s all I get?!” You spoke behind gritted teeth. Still, you smiled wide at his hysterics, the smile bringing you happiness. “Why haven’t you invited any of them over?” You asked after abruptly stopping the tickling. Only he shrugged again, so you tickled him some more, stopping when your arms started to feel heavy. “Well Gumibear, if you ever want to invite any over, you can. If you want to go over to your friend’s house you can. Ok?” You grinned at him, watching him nod with the smallest of smiles on his face before setting him back down. “Now go put away your things and wash up. Dinner will be ready soon.” You urged him before watching him climb back up the stairs. “You can go ahead and take a seat, I’m going to go check on dinner.” You told him while heading off into the kitchen, but you could feel him following you. There was still another 10 minutes left on the curry, but the rice was already done, so you fluffed it before closing the lid back up to keep it warm. When you turned back around to lead in the doorway, Yuuji stood there in the doorway with a boyish smile on his face. “What are you smiling at?” You wondered, watching his eyes widen before he looked down and scratched the back of his head. Pursing your lips and puffing out your chest a bit, you tried to hold back a smile as you watched his cheeks redden. 

“You’re just…” He looked at you from behind his lashes. “You’re really pretty.” He confessed as you neared. Tilting his head up, you smiled at him with your thumb running along his lower lip with your hand still under his chin. 

“And you’re absolutely adorable.” You teased while staring at his lips. The tinge on his cheeks grew darker at your words as you neared. His lips parted as you reached him, sliding your hand onto his face to tug his lower lip with your thumb. 

“Yo-you really think that…?” He stuttered with his eyes darting between yours. 

“Yeah… I do…” I hummed before sliding my hand behind his neck and pulling him into a kiss. His lips were warm and soft against yours. You pulled away quickly once you started to hear the soft thuds of Megumi slipping down each step. Despite that you let your hand linger on his chest, feeling the large pecs underneath his dress shirt. His face was fully flushed, but your let your lips ghost over his for a few more seconds. Just as he tried to lean for another kiss, you took a step back with a smirk to see Megumi holding his switch along with another set of joycons. 

“Ace! Ace!” Megumi shouted and hopped while holding his switch up to Yuuji. 

Race, Megumi.” You corrected. 

“Can we r-rAce pwease mommy?” Megumi asked this time while waving the extra pair of joycons and tapping your thigh with them. 

“Gumibear, the curry is almost done.” You explained, but seemingly to no avail. 

“Ra-Ace, Ra-Ace!” Megumi whined, stomping his foot on the ground. 

“Alrightone race. And I mean one race, not one tournament. We can play more after dinner.” You reasoned while watching him jump and run off into the living room. You followed after your son who placed the switch in the dock. “Give me first player, I’m serious about just one race.” You huffed while holding out your hand. Megumi handed you the blue joycon before handing off the pastel blue one to Yuuji. You sat on the ground with your back resting against the couch, Megumi pushing his back to your shin so he could sit between your legs with his head resting on your stomach. “Alright Gumibear, what map do you want?”

“Moo Moo!” Megumi chimed, a welcome change from your usually grumpy boy. You chose the map Moo Moo meadows, along with your character of Animal Crossing villager. Megumi chose Luigi now that Toji wasn’t here and Yuuji chose shyguy. All of you raced along Moo Moo meadows, drifting along the turns and quickly making your way to first place. A blue shell was quickly coming up behind you, hitting you as inevitable as it was. 

“Gumi! Was that you?!” You squeaked, hearing him giggle. “You sneaky, sneaky boy.” You growled playfully, listening to Megumi giggle as he passed you in the game. Once you were able to move again, you quickly started speeding up, trying to catch up to your son. Before you could, Yuuji drifted past you around a corner. All three of you were nearing the end, but Yuuji ran into a cow. He was stalled at the back as you just barely beat Megumi for the first place spot. “Gumi, so did so well! You almost beat me!” You sang before peppering his face with kisses with him trying to push you away. With bouts of laughter emanating from him, you snuck both joy cons onto the couch behind you before picking him up and continuing the kisses before placing him down at the dining table. “Alright, wait here Gumibear, mama’s going to go get the food.” 

“I’ll come help.” Yuuji offered, already following you before you could turn him down. Grabbing three plates, you set them out and placed a coupled scoops of rice onto each. Finally you opened the pot, the steam releasing and making the air around you warm. The smell of curry started to waft through the kitchen. After serving up the curry onto each plate, Yuuji started to take the plates back to the table. You poured some Calpis for Megumi after putting on the kettle. 

“Would you like some Calpis, melon soda, tea or water?” You offered to Yuuji once he came back. 

“I’ll have some tea.” He replied, so you opened the cabinet with all the tins with different teas for him before running off with the Calpis for Megumi. After placing it before his plate, you ran back into the kitchen. The kettle had just finished with the water, so you poured a bit of water into the mug. Taking the matcha spoon and dipped in a scoop. Taking the whisk, you frothed the matcha and broke down the clumps before pouring in more water. Finally you pulled out some milk from the fridge and topped off your tea with the milk. Holding it out, you offered some to Yuuji who was steeping the lavender tea. “Oh! Thanks.” He smiled that bright smile that made your heart flutter. That very smile always pulled you in. As he pulled the milk from your hands you walked towards him, letting your thumb run along the apple of his cheek. He turned towards the tea and as he turned away your hand was left with nothing.

“Sorry… I just…” You pursed your lips while taking a step back. His eyes blankly stared after blinking a few times. “Your smile is so bright and cheery. I haven’t seen something like that before. It’s a really nice smile.” You admitted with a smile of your own. The blush crept onto his face, but instead of getting nervous as he had in the past, he smiled that same bright smile again. 

“Thanks!” He spoke with that cheery tone before handing the milk back to you. You smiled to yourself as you put away the milk. Grabbing your drink along with three spoons, you followed Yuuji to the table. After each one of you thanked for the food, you started to dig in. The meat was tender with the curry being nice and creamy. The sweetness of the carrots and onion complimented the kick from the curry nicely, and the heartiness from the potatoes and rice filled you. When you peeked over to Megumi, you noticed some of the curry sauce smeared over his cheeks. 

“Gumibear, hold on for a second.” You spoke after giggling. Taking one of the napkins on the table, you wiped off his face as he fussed. “I know Gumi, but I don’t want you to stain your uniform.” You pouted before pulling away after finishing. Just as you had gathered your next spoonful, there was a knock on the door. “Excuse me.” You mumbled while wondering who could be at the door. Pushing the chair out, you stood up and rushed to the door with heavy steps. Upon opening the door you saw Toji standing on the steps. Just as he was about to enter you push back on his chest. “I told you not to come here without my approval.” You warned while folding your arms under your chest. 

“It’s my house too.” He huffed. 

“It’s my name on the lease.” You scoffed. “Remember? They wouldn’t sell to us with your name on it. Besides, I’ve been the one paying for it anyways.” He clicked his tongue and looked away. The grip on the paper bag he held grew tighter, knuckles turning white. 

“I’m going to start helping!” He barked as you cocked your hip. “Besides….” He held his chin up and looked down on you, him still being taller than you despite being a step higher than he was. “Megumi is my son. I have the right to see him.” 

“You do…” You agreed. “When it’s reasonable… I will let you know when you can spend an entire day with him.” You bargained while switching hips from one side to the other. 

“ I have a job you know!” He pressed his hand on the doorframe, the paper bag swinging with his aggressive movements. 

“I’m well aware.” You muttered while he tried to come in, but you pushed him back again. 

“What? Is he here?! With you dressed like that?!” He boomed. In anger, you held onto his jaw, gripping it tightly. 

“You don’t fucking get to do that to me with as many women as you’ve slept with behind my back.” You grumbled from behind gritted teeth. He clicked his tongue and turned away, breaking free from your hold. 

“I’m trying to do right now.” He mumbled. 

“And you think you just get to decide when things are right? When things are ok now?” You spat. He clicked his tongue again and pulled his arm back. 

“Fine… I’ll leave.” He spoke while turning around. 

“That for Megumi?” You asked while nosing to the bag when he faced you again. 

“Yeah… I saw that weird bird plush from Together with Maman.” Toji shrugged. 

“I’ll get him… You can sit with him out here. Make me the bad guy who won’t let you in if you want…” You reasoned after pursing your lips. He tucked your hair behind your ear, and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 

“Thank you.” He murmured with his lips still on your skin. Without saying anything more, you head back inside. You see Megumi chewing on his food, cheeks stuffed and curry on his chin.His legs were swinging under the table and his head was bobbing from side to side. He was content and eating happily. It was exactly the way you wanted to see him. Approaching him quickly, you took another napkin and started to wipe his face.

“I know, I know.” You assured him as he fussed. “But Daddy’s at the door.” You chimed, him sliding down the chair and running past you while still chewing the food in his mouth. “I’m sorry about that…” You lowered your head while taking your seat. “He wasn’t supposed to be here…” You explained as you took a sip of your matcha latte. 

“It’s alright. I understand… Must be hard.” Yuuji shrugged while moving the food around with his spoon. 

“It’s mostly hard just trying to establish boundaries with him.” You peeked up at him from behind your lashes. “He’s not one for listening.” You grumbled before scooping a bite of your luke-warm curry into your mouth, the spice being the only thing keeping your mouth warm. 

“It’s fine, really. So do you have any books that you’ve written that I might have heard of?” He asked which made you chuckle. 

“How old are you?” You wondered while resting your chin on your fist. 

“Um…” You watched his adam’s apple bob. “Twenty-two…” He murmured. 

“I’ll be turning Thirty soon.” You pursed your lips to try to hide your smirk. 

“Uh-! I-I don’t mind!” He stammered in a way that made you giggle. 

“Cute…” You hummed before taking another bite of curry. 

“I-I’m not just cute you know!” He pouted while you chuckled. Peeking over by the door, you noticed it was closed with Megumi still on the other side. Without wasting time, you pulled back his chair, sat on his lap, and cupped his face in your hands. 

“You’re right… You’re cute, strong, adorable, kind, sweet, and oh so very handsome.” You smiled while watching each compliment make his blush turn a shade darker. 

“Thank you.” He whispered while you pressed a kiss to his forehead. You stood back up and returned to your seat, just in time to watch Megumi come back into the room. Megumi waddled his way to you, his legs far too short for his body length. In his hands he held that strange bird character from the show Together with Maman. 

“Did Daddy get you a new toy?” You chimed while holding out your arms to set Megumi up in your lap. He nodded and held the… Disturbing toy right in front of your face. “You like it?” You asked while ruffling up his hair. He nodded while hugging the plush. “Alright well put it down and finish your food.” You instructed while helping him down from your lap, but he shook his head. “Gumibear, you need to eat.” 

“Not hungry mommy….” He whined. 

“Alright sweetie… Well I think Together with Maman is on now, why don’t you go watch some Uramichi-oniisan while Mr. Itadori and I finish our dinner?” You suggested. Megumi quickly nodded while running to TV, clutching his plush tightly. “So apart from the kissing mishap, how was he at school today?” 

“Well, we’re actually planning on setting up a play for the fall festival.” Yuuji mentioned in between bites. 

“What tree is Megumi going to be?” You chuckled while prepping the next spoonful. 

“Actually, he’s the lead.” Yuuji informed, causing you to nearly choke on the fall apart tender meat. “He said that you like hearing him talk, so he wanted the biggest speaking role.” Yuuji explained. Peeking over at Megumi, you could see him sitting quietly in front of the TV, the sound of someone singing some childish song playing in the background. 

“I guess he knows I worry about how much he talks…” You mumbled while continuing to watch him. There was a rush of jumbled emotions coursing through you. The love you felt over him wanting to make you happy, the guilt you felt for him feeling the need to do that, the worry over how poorly or how well he would do at his part, and happiness that he was putting himself out there in many more ways than you had anticipated. The whirlwind of emotions had tears pricking at your eyes. 

“While he should be talking more frequently at his age, and he’s a bit behind for a few pronunciations… Overall he’s smart. He articulates himself well, his vocabulary is broad… Everything will be fixed with time, I’m sure of it.” Yuuji reassured. When you turned to him, you smiled so wide the tears spilled over. 

“Thank you… Thank you so much… Is there anything I need to do for the costumes?” You wondered before finally taking that bite. 

“Actually the school’s sewing club have opted to help with the costumes… They’re just asking for money for the materials.” Yuuji remarked. 

“That’s very reasonable,  I’m assuming I’ll find a paper in Megumi’s backpack?” 

“Yeah! Are you sure it was a good idea to drink matcha?” Yuuji wondered with a frown. 

“I still have writing to do…” You sighed while finishing up the matcha latte. 

“I can… Come pick him up tomorrow too… If you’d like….” Yuuji offered while placing his spoon down to scratch his neck that was red. 

“I guess I’ll have to treat you to some dessert.” You flirted before biting your lip. He started to stammer which made you laugh. While standing, you took your dishes and his into the kitchen to place into the sink, giving them a quick rinse. 

“So is that a yes?” He handed you Megumi’s dish with curry still on it, so you covered it with seran wrap before placing it into the fridge. You then neared and smoothed over his arms to then hold his hands. 

“Yes…” You placed a kiss on his forehead after pulling his hands down. “Thank you.” You felt Megumi tugging at the hem of your robe before handing Yuuji a joycon. 

“Megumi, I’m sure that Mr. Itadori has to get back home-”

“No, it’s fine. I’m good to play a tournament.” Yuuji interjected with his loving sunshine smile. 

“Alright, but I take no mercy on my competitors.” You teased while taking the red joycon from Megumi. The three of you huddled up together on the couch as Megumi set up the tournament. Yuuji decided to attack you through out the races, always aiming his shells at you, bananas left for you, even making sure to hit you when he had the star. You never reached past second place and spent most of your time in third. You were so focused on getting your revenge on Yuuji that you never even noticed Megumi winning the tournament. Megumi jumped up with his joycon in his hand. Cheering himself on yet remaining silent as he did his little dance. “Megumi you did so well!” You sang while grabbing him in your arms and peppering him with kisses. “Do you mind doing the dishes? I’ll give you an extra hour of screentime before bed…” You bargained . He placed the joycon on the charger before scuttling off to the kitchen. Yuuji followed suit and placed his joycon on the charger after you placed yours. 

“Here.” Yuuji held out his hand to help you up, so you took it and interlocked your fingers with his. 

“Come.” You guided him up the stairs and into your bedroom. “You wanted to see my books, right?” You stood in front of the floor to ceiling book case that contained various rows filled with your novels mixed with novels that you used for inspiration to write your own. He let go of your hand, his fingers tracing over the titles. 

“There’s a lot.” He murmured. 

“Yeah… My publisher is pretty tough on me.” You chuckled before sitting at the foot of the bed. 

“I recognize this one I think…” He started to pull out a book but you immediately got up and pushed it back into the book shelf. 

“Not that one….” You panicked. 

“Something wrong?” He tiled his head to the side. 

“It’s… The love story between my ex-husband and I…” You explained while letting the tips of your fingers leave his. “Not really what I want you to read before our first date…” 

“Date… Right…” He chuckled nervously. You cocked your hip to let it rest against the bookcase.

“Do you not want it to be a date? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” You mentioned while folding your arms under your chest. 

“I-I do… I just…” He closed his eyes with his head tilted and arms folded under his chest. “I thought I’d be the one asking you out on a date.” He pouted which made you giggle. 

“Does it really matter?” You wondered while taking a step closer to him. 

“I suppose not.” He opened his eyes, cheeks turning as pink as his hair when he noticed you closer. 

“Well then.” You hummed while gripping the collar of his dress shirt, undoing a button in the process as you brought him closer to you. When you pulled him into a kiss, you stood on your tippy toes and bucked your hips forewards. “Do you actually want to read one of my books? You don’t have to…” 

“I’d like to try…. See what you like…” He murmured with a boyish smile, gaining a little more confidence than he had before. You let go of his dress shirt with him unfurling his arms. Scanning along your books, you looked to one where you wrote about Toji’s bull phase… The cuck was probably more akin to Yuuji’s level of submissive vs dominant, though you don’t think you could ever cuck him with Toji… You pulled out the book and smoothed over his cheek. He looked at you with his wide brown doe eyes as you thumbed the skin. No… He’s far too sweet and that would be far too mean. 

“Take this… But just know…” You placed the book against his chest and leaned in to whisper into his ear. “I’d never be so mean to you… My sweet boy.”  You cooed. His hands gripped onto the robe at your hips, the loose sash on your robe coming undone. “If you hold the book I’ll let you have a peek.” You teased to feel him rapidly scrambling to hold the book. “Sit on the bed…” You ordered to watch him sit on the bed with him hugging the book to his stomach. You held your robe shut walking over to him and placing your knee right at the base of his crotch on the bed before lowering your robe around your shoulders. Slowly you let the robe fall behind you on the floor, exposing the black lace bra and matching underwear. His eyes wandered over your skin, taking in everything while hugging the book tighter, almost as to keep himself from touching you. 

You planted both of your hands on his upper thighs, leaning into his neck. You let your hot breath trace along his skin before settling at where his collar bone ended under his neck. There you sucked at the skin, making sure to leave your mark. His cute little whine had you leaning in to squeeze your thighs together. When you heard little footsteps crawling up the stairs, you backed away and picked up your robe. After you put it on, you started to tie it shut while watching the mark already reddening. With your fingertips, you pushed lightly into the mark, watching it turn white to the touch before reddening even further. 

“All done.” Megumi spoke with a bit of an annoyed tone, and when you turned to him you noticed his uniform was soaked. “Now play.” He pouted while holding out the joycons attached to his wrists. The look of determination on his face brought a smile to your face. 

“Would you like to stay for a tournament?” You offered, and Yuuji responded with his bright smile and a nod. “Alright Gumibear, we can play one tournament and then Mr. Itadori has to leave. Besides, we have to clean you up!” You warned while following him down stairs with Yuuji not far behind. 

You all huddled up onto the couch in front of the TV, each choosing your respective characters with Megumi deciding on which cup to choose. Megumi sat in your lap and you huddled around him to make sure he was warm. The entire time Yuuji was bombarding you with shells left and right, with you following suit. It became a competition between the two of you, Megumi being completely ignored. It wasn’t until the cup was over that you realized it was all a diversion to help Megumi win. It made you laugh at yourself. You really should’ve seen right through that tactic but you were enjoying yourself so much with Megumi and Yuuji that you forgot all about who was in first place and instead focused on just trying to get your revenge on Yuuji. “Alright Gumibear, you can play more later. For now I need you to go wait for me upstairs in the bathroom… It’s bath time.” 

“No! You said… One an hour!” Megumi pouted while waving his fists. 

“Yes and you will get one hour after you finish any homework and after your bath. I promise. Now up to the bathroom Megumi. I’m sure that Mr. Itadori has things he needs to do as well sweetie. Now go upstairs to the bathroom and wait for mommy.” You demanded. “Megumi Fushiguro!” You raised your voice just as you saw him raise his hand with the joycon, causing him to stop in place. “You better not be about to throw that expensive joycon!” You warned with your fists on your hips. He placed the joycon on the charger before dramatically stomping his feet on the ground as he walked up the steps. “Sorry… He doesn’t usually throw a tantrumm like that…” 

“He’s exceptionally mild mannered for his age… I’d say it’s ok for him to do that once in a while.” Yuuji wore that bright sunshine smile and you felt any embarrassment or worry just melt away. He was good for you. 

“Thanks… I’ll walk you out.” You motioned towards the hallway with your hand, watching his… Supple behind as you followed him. 

“Thank you for dinner. It was delicious.” 

“No, no, thank you for helping me with everything. You are… perfect… Exactly what I need in my life.” You hummed while opening the door. He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously while walking around you. 

“I’m hardly perfect… You flatter me too much.” He smiled while taking a step out. That very smile made the butterflies in your stomach flutter so you cupped his face in your hands and pressed a kiss to his lips.

 “I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”


AdultYuuji Itadori is both rough and soft when it comes to dicking you down.

He’ll be slamming into you, the whole bed shaking and protesting.

But then he’ll suddenly slow way down when you gasp his name.

He’ll take his time rolling his hips thoroughly into you nice and slow and deep.

He’ll brush a strand of your hair away from your face, watching you with his honey brown eyes so full of warmth and love.

He’ll admire your beautiful face - the way your half-lidded bedroom eyes focus on him, your mouth half open while his name rides on your breaths like waves. “Yuuji mmm-need you. N’love you.”

He’ll whisper “M’all yours, baby” before his lips touch yours and he starts pounding away again, his large wet balls clapping against your ass while he tells you how much loves you in broken syllables.

title:warm like rain

pairing:yuuji itadori x f!reader

₰ wc:2.5k

₰ warnings/notes:nsfw; mdni; smut to angst to fluff, minor injuries, blood, wound cleaning/dressing (yuuji), creampie, angst, fluff

₰ a/n:okay but what if yuuji isn’t always a soft, wholesome ray of sunshine? i mean, most of the time yeah, he is. but I feel like sometimes after a long day of fighting and killing curses he comes through the front door tired and sweaty with a lot of steam to blow off…

By continuing beyond this point, you agree that you are 18+ and acknowledge that this content is intended for adult readers only.

You hear the door close and call out from your shared bedroom. “Yuuji, s’that you?”


You looked in the direction of his raspy voice, a might concerned. You could tell by the sound of it that he hadn’t had a great day. 

Your boyfriend walked into the room looking worse for wear with a bloody lip, tousled hair, and a wild look in his eyes. 

You sat up in bed wearing one of his shirts and a worried expression. “Oh shit, baby, what happened?”

He peeled his blood-stained shirt off, revealing his perfectly sculpted torso and his strong, broad shoulders. You were relieved to see that he only had a couple of minor cuts and scratches meaning most of the blood wasn’t his. Still, you’d never get used to seeing the man you loved coming home all beat up and covered in blood. 

“Don’t wanna talk.” The pink-haired male stared at you while unbuckling his belt, his mouth open and the fire in his honey-brown eyes burning hotter than ever. You couldn’t help but smirk and waggle your eyebrows at him when his pants fell to the floor, giving you an eyeful of the familiar bulge in his cotton boxer briefs. 

“Okay, I’m sure you wanna get a showe-“ You squeaked when Yuuji suddenly grabbed your ankles and yanked you across the bed. Your shirt slid up, exposing your little red panties. Yuuji licked his lips and squeezed his fist around his stiffening dick. His eyes scanned the length of your bare legs all the way up to the outline of your pussy lips.

He shook his head as he climbed on top of you, caging you between his arms and spreading your thighs open with his knee. 

“Just wanna fuck,” he growled before crashing his lips down onto yours, his hungry tongue quickly invading your mouth. 

You sighed with desire, dragging your fingertips from his hard chest down along the hills and valleys of his six-pack abs. “Take what you need, Yuuji.”

He nipped and kissed his way along your jaw, the tip of his nose tickling your ear. “I will,” he whispered. 

You knew what was coming. Yuuji would get like this sometimes. There was never any warning, but one thing you knew for sure is that you were about to be ravaged by your man. 

You gripped his biceps and hissed when he dipped down and grazed his teeth over your sensitive nipples, hardening in spite of his hot breath seeping into the fabric that covered them. 

Yuuji’s shaky fingers dug into the meat of your thigh as he rocked his hips, desperate for the friction of your cunt against his clothed cock. His pre began to soak through his underwear, a wet spot forming where his dick tip was. Your core clenched around nothing, pussy seeking him out to suck him in, your need soaking through your panties. 

Yuuji reached down, circling your clit with his thumb a few times before yanking your panties to the side so hard that the stitching in the material ripped. 

“Yuu! Just take ‘em off!” 

“No time,” he panted, shoving the waistband of his briefs down below his balls. His painfully hard cock slapped against the skin beneath his navel. 

Yuuji was so ready he didn’t think he needed to guide his tip to your opening. But you were so slick from the mixture of your juices that the thick tip of his cock slid right up between your pussy lips and over your swelling clit, making you arch your back off the bed. 

“Goddamnit,” Yuuji hissed, impatiently reaching between your bodies to grab his cock and guide it to your clenching hole.

“Wanna feel you inside me, Yuuji,” you whined, pressing your heels into his glutes.

Your loving boyfriend pushed his meaty cockhead against your opening and it slipped right in, filling you up with one long stroke of his hips. You cried out at the sudden, unforgiving stretch of his fat cock. Every vein rolled against your tight walls, pulling loud moans from both of you.

“M’sorry, beautiful. Need to fuck you so hard,” Yuuji groaned as he retreated only to push his full length into you again. 

“S’okay, baby,” you said, gasping with every vigorous snap of his hips. 

“I- ahhhfuck- I love you hmmmm so fucking much,” Yuuji huffed into the crook of your neck. He grabbed your ankles from his sides and put them on his hard shoulders as he raised up onto his knees. Still pounding into you, he leaned forward, forcing you into a mating press as his wet cock glided in and out of your swollen pussy. 

He drilled into you hard and deep, his angry cockhead peeking into your cervix as his flexing thighs slapped against your ass.

“Oh god, oh fuck Yuuji…faster.” 

His balls tightened, ready to release a hot load of his sperm. They clapped loudly against your wet taint in time with his frenetic thrusts. “Mmfuck. M’sorry baby. Gonna cum soon.”

You cupped his face in your hands to look into his soft brown eyes. “Cum for me, Yuuji. Wanna feel you unload inside me…”

His head dropped and his ass flexed as he slammed harder into you, both of your moans filling the room. His cock was always the biggest just before he came, stretching your tight cunt a little more. The drag of his dark pink tip against your sweet spot made your walls squeeze around him, sending him over the edge. 

“Shit! Cumming!” He choked on a whimper as his hips stuttered and his cock spasmed, filling you with his white hot cream. 

You carded your fingers behind his ears and into his shorter, dark brown hair. A bead of sweat rolled down his chest, rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath.

Yuuji pulled out, but instead of rolling onto the bed beside you he grabbed you and flipped you over onto your belly. 

You giggled. “Yuuji, baby, what are you-“

With his hands hooked around your hips he jerked them upward, forcing your ass into the air. 

“I’m not done.”

He rubbed his cock along your folds, smearing the cum that was still seeping from your pussy. You whimpered when he smacked his sticky tip against your hard, pink bud.

His cock had softened a little but that didn’t stop him from bullying it back inside you. He could already feel more blood rushing to it as the tip dragged along your soft, wet walls. 

You began pushing back against him, spurring him on. “Fuck me, Yuuji,” you whined, your greedy cunt trying to suck him in deeper. 

He winced at the overstimulation, but didn’t complain or argue. This was what he wanted after all. To fuck you until he exhausted himself so that he’d be able to get some sleep that night. 

The sight of you underneath him, your beautiful face and body, your eyes and heart so full of love for him, knowing that you trusted him with your life…he wanted to tell you how much he loved everything about you. He wanted to open up to you and tell you all about his shitty day; how horrible he felt about the way things went down and how powerless he felt because he wasn’t able to do more. But there were only so many words and he didn’t think he was smart enough to find or even know all the right ones. So he channeled and expressed it all in the best way he knew how.

“Ohgodohfuck Yuuuuu, please don’t stop fucking me! Need to cum on your cock, baby.”

Yuuji didn’t miss a beat. He picked up his pace again, fucking his leaking semen back into your cunt. His hips slammed against you, the prominent ridge of his cockhead thumping against your sweet spot with every hard thrust. He reached between your trembling legs, finding your clit to vigorously rub tight circles over it. 

He’d come to read how close you were by the intensity of your clenching walls. Feeling your pussy squeeze around him tighter and tighter brought him closer to his end as well. 

Your gasps and moans had become more urgent as the searing coil spooled up low in your belly. Your eyes fluttered and rolled back in your head, the side of your face pressed against the mattress as your man fucked you right. 

“Yu-u-ji-i…” Your words came out in broken, slurred syllables in time with his powerful thrusts. “Fe-el-s-so-g-ood ba-by.” 

Yuuji grunted as he plowed into you exquisitely, his fingers working feverishly over your twitching bud. On his next thrust, you found yourself thrown off the precipice of what it means to have a body and into pure ecstasy. Your hands grabbed at whatever they could get a hold of…mostly clawing at Yuuji’s burning thighs. 

Your spent body collapsed onto the bed, too weak to hold up against your boyfriend’s pounding. Yuuji just kept right on fucking you into the mattress. 

“Oh shit, m’gonna nut again! Fuck baby!” 

No sooner had he announced his second orgasm did the dam in his balls break again. “Feels so amazing when your pussy milks my dick like this,” Yuuji groaned, pumping his hips slow and shallow as he flooded your twitching cunt with more of his thick cum.

He leaned over you, pressing his palms against the bed on either side of you to catch himself from dropping his full weight onto you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rolled over onto his side, taking you with him to spoon. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, kissing the back of your neck and the tops of your shoulders. 

After some postcoital cuddling, Yuuji helped you strip the bed. He carried everything to the washer while you put clean sheets on. 

Once the bed was fit for sleeping on again, both of you got ready to take a shower. Yuuji turned the shower head on and made sure the water temperature was just how you liked it. When you were ready, he held the door open for you to get in first, stopping you just long enough to kiss you and say he loves you with a weak, but genuine smile. 

You were lathering his back, taking special care around his deeper wounds when his shoulders began to shake. 

You were one of the few people to see Yuuji Itadori cry. He hated crying in front of others. It wasn’t that he didn’t like being vulnerable, it was because he couldn’t stand feeling like he was burdening anyone. He was the worrier - others weren’t supposed to worry about him. 

But you’d told him so many times over the three years you’d been together that you didn’t worry about him. You cared for him and loved him, more than anything. But you believed in him and his strength, his will to survive and his ability to hold his own in a fight. You especially believed in his drive to make the world a better place and only hoped that your support was enough to hold him up in times like these. 

You’d always thought he deserved so much more than everything you had to give. Those were the times he grinned from ear to ear, eyes sparkling, promising you that even just a drop of your love was his whole lifeline. You gave him more of a reason to live than he’d ever had before. 

But sometimes being a sorcerer took too much of a toll on him. You’d never try to convince him to quit, first because your knuckleheaded boyfriend was too stubborn to do anything he didn’t have a mind to. Secondly because you knew how much it meant to him to save as many lives as possible. Today was one of the days he wasn’t able to save them all. 

You stopped washing him and simply wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back. His hands covered his face and you felt the ragged breath he drew into his lungs before the dam broke. 

You helped him down to the tiled shower floor, blood-tinged water washing down the drain. Keeping his head in his hands, he pulled his knees to his chest, going into little space. You knelt next to him, stroked his arm, and whispered, “Do you need to be alone, love?” Without lifting his head, he shook it to indicate that he needed you to stay. You sat down next to him and let him lean into you as you wrapped your loving arms around him. 

You held him like that, wordlessly. His whole body trembled against you, his tears mixing with the water that fell all around you like warm summer rain. You bit your lip, fighting the urge to cry with him. Your heart ached for him, knowing the weight that he shouldered. But your tears would have to wait. Yuuji trusted you implicitly, knowing it was safe for him to fall apart because you’d always be there to put the pieces of him back together. For now at least, you had to be strong for him. 

Yuuji rested his back against the shower wall while you washed his hair and the rest of his body. You rinsed him and turned the shower off before grabbing his towel. He stood up, legs a little shaky, and rubbed his head with the towel before wrapping it around his waist. 

You both dried off and you brought Yuuji a clean pair of shorts. He sat on the edge of the tub while you dressed some of his wounds, softly speaking a few words of affirmation.

You went back to bed together. You laid on your back while Yuuji nestled his body between your legs and rested his weary head on your chest. Your heartbeat had always soothed him. 

He took your hand, lacing his fingers between yours and looked up at you, resting his chin just below your breastbone. He pressed his lips to your knuckles. “I love you so much, (Y/n),” he rasped. “Thank you for taking such good care of me. I’m sorry I’m so much trouble sometimes.”

“You’re no trouble, babe. Killing curses is a thankless job. Most people don’t even know you put your life on the line every day to keep them safe.” You ran your fingers through his damp hair. “Taking care of you when you come home like this is the least I can do.”

“Don’t know what I did to deserve a girl like you,” he said, rubbing tender circles into your palms with his thumbs.

“Well, I’m no Jennifer Lawrence, but hopefully I’ll do,” you said, winking at him. 

He flashed his bright smile and laughed quietly. All was right with the world again. “Baby. You put Jennifer Lawrence to shame. She can’t hold a fucking candle to you.” 

A few minutes later Yuuji was snoring softly, his head resting on your chest as you combed your fingers through his soft pink hair. 

ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᶦⁿᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉᵈʳᵒᵒᵐ ʰᵒⁿᵉʸ, ʷʰᵃᵗ ᴵ ᵍᵒᵗ ʷᶦˡˡ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵖᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵒⁿᵉʸ

All night long

Pairing- Virgin! Yuji Itadori x Black! Escort! reader

Summary- As a popular escort your used to annoying little boys hitting you up to “make them real men”, but yuji itadori will make sure you understand there’s nothing little about him.

Content warnings- Fem reader, Fem anatomy, Aged up character, Hes not a vessel in this/no sakuna, Mentions of past sexual encounters, Porn without plot, Taking of virginity(not readers), The reader starts of as a dom but turns pretty subby, kind of hatefucking/degradation, yuji is packing…

The moment your doorbell rings, your entire mood is fucked up.

You made sure your customers knew your hours, and for the most part, they were respectful about that. You just wrapped up a scene and finally sat down. “ Man fuck” You grunted, sitting still on the bed for a moment, hoping whoever was at your front door would get the message and get the fuck on.

Sadly whoever it was seemed to be very persistent.

You sighed and rolled out of bed, “ Fuck I’m coming!” You yelled , the constant ringing and knocking starting to piss you off. When you finally made it to the door , the pink haired man standing there startled you, He damn sure wasn’t one of your usual’s and he couldn’t be more than 20, looked fresh out of highschool.

When you finally made it to the door, the pink-haired man standing there startled you, He damn sure wasn’t one of your usuals and he couldn’t be more than 20, looked fresh out of high school. You get ready to slam the door in his face, too tired to put up with a little boy’s shit when a red shoe-clad foot jams into your doorway.

You open the door again and stare at him for a second before speaking “The fuck could you possibly want? ” You sigh. The pink-haired boy looks around as if it is his first time buying drugs or some shit.

“I ad’ a friend tell me, you’re good with H-helping p-people with -things” He whispers.

“Man speak the fuck up” You deadpan, it was way too late for this shit.

I had a friend-One of my friends tell me you help, with -um Sexual things y'know"

“ A friend”

“Pale guy, b-black spiky hair, you wouldn’t have forgotten him i- I think,” The boy says shifting his weight to his other foot.

You think back. A pale man with black spiky hair?

“That might as well be half of my clientele, what of it, ” You say rolling your eyes.

“ look, I heard that you’re willing to take, a guys-virginity if he pays you well enough, so” He speaks up cheeks darkening.

Of course, he would be a fucking virgin. You really didn’t have time for this.

You go to close the door again before he speaks up “ I have money-a lot of it I think -um”

That catches your attention.

Virgins were usually easy money, sensitive one pump chumps, by the looks of him, he’d probably cum buckets once you touched his cock.

What was one more customer, and you could always use the money.

You stick your hand out and he fumbles around in his pocket before pulling out, pulling out -Way too much fucking money, of course, you aren’t going to tell him this, You snatch it over quickly and thumb through the bills.

25000 yen.

Man, you loved virgins.

“ You have an hour dipshit” You sigh opening the door all the way. He eagerly walked in.

You drag him to your workroom, a medium-sized room with the typical equipment, lube, toys, rope for the kinkier fellows, and push him on the bed.

“ I just changed those sheets so let’s make this quick huh?” You groan, reaching for his pants. “ Uh yeah-sure,” He says, eyes blew looking around in amazement at the many toys decorating your walls. when you finally get his pants down Your hand brushes past the tent in his boxers

“How are you already hard, Fucking perv” You grumble more to yourself than to him.

“Y-you um should be carefu- The boy starts thighs tensing.

"Shut the hell up."You snap.

You pull his boxers down expecting to see a modest dick, you were not expecting for it to spring out and smack you in the face like something out of a damn porno. "F-fuck” you yelp.

“S-sorry but I told you -you should be careful” He mumbles.

“Yeah, yeah what fucking ever” You shout “You think your the first guy ive screwed whose a little bit bigger than usual? You’ll be spent in the next five minutes bud” You spit as you began stroking him, hand barely wrapping around his full length.

“You don’t really have to s-suck it, I wanna eat you” He whimpers.

“Like I’d let a clueless virgin fucking eat me out” You almost laugh

“B-but I paid for it” He mewls like a fucking kitten.

You get up, rolling your eyes as you abandon his handjob in favor of laying back on the bed, It was his hour to waste, and even if he couldn’t make you cum, you’d still be 250,000 yen richer.

“Fuck ever man just hurry it-

Before you can finish your sentence the boy is already between your thighs. "Shhit-mmfuck hold up”

He’s lapping at you like someone who does this shit for fun, completely different from the amateur kitten licks your used to receiving from virgins.

“Shut the fuck up, you can’t take it” He groans, “This fucking sweet brown cunt tastes even better than Megumi said, fuck

“Who-Whose, Meg-Megumi-

"Don’t fucking matter ” He says tongue darting in and out of your pussy.

“The only fucking name you need to be worried about is Yuji Fucking Itadori, say it for me baby”

“Y-Y” You whimper Hips starting to buck.

“You must watch-shit a lot of porn, you’re k-kinda good at this ” You smirk

A hard slap to your clit causes your hips to jerk off the mattress.

“You’re fucking annoying, so bitchy but it’s no wonder you can keep so many customers with a cunt this fucking perfect.”

The lewd filth falling out of his mouth makes your pussy flutter, what happened to the blushing virgin that was here a moment ago surely this couldn’t be the same guy. Your hips quiver as he sucked at your clit, your entire body shaking.

The boy- seems to notice that you’re right on edge and pulls his mouth away.

“Nah uh-uh, You were talking all that shit about me only lasting five minutes and you think I’m about to let you cum that easily? Yuji questions, wiping your juices off his mouth. "The only place you’re fucking Cuming is on my cock.”

His cock. You’re every teenage fear, of course in your line of employmentyou were used to seeing your share of well-endowed men, but the sheer girth of him had you feeling as if were your first time instead of his.

“I’d say your wet enough” He beams “You got a condom?”

You motion over to the nightstand’s drawer and he fiddles around in it for a second before looking back at you “ Aww darn, you don’t seem to carry any for my size, s'shame, guess ill have to go raw.”

You want to punch the shit-eating grin right off his face.

“Whatever, just -fuck- come on, let’s get this over with.” You groan, trying to keep your voice as steady as possible so he doesn’t pick up on how needy you are.

He climbs between your legs and you’re surprised he didn’t ask you to flip over or try some ass crazy position from his favorite porn like the multitude of virgins you’ve fucked. “Didn’t - Didn’t take you for a missionary man” You whimper

“You’re fucking cunts clamping down on nothing” He grunts, thumb circling your clit, completely disregarding your tease.

“Y'know Megumi said you got wet, but fuck I didn’t think you’d make such a fucking mess” He groans lining the mushroom head of his cock up with your entrance.

You expect him to ease it in, with his size n all, but he shoves in with one crude motion, and your entire body buffers as you gasp for air- clawing at his chest.

“S'rry baby” He grunts as his hips buck forward, slowly rearing out of you.-

“I know if I tried to do that gentle shit you would -Fuck-started running .” His thumb finds your clit again and the feeling of the stimulation along with being so. Fucking. Full. is almost enough to send you over the edge, your legs involuntarily wrapping around his midriff.

“You should say sorry for being s'fucking mean to me” He groans as he starts his slow paced in and out decimating of your cunt. You can do nothing but whimper, the feeling of being stretched out s'fucking good, you can barley think, let alone form an apology.

“But you can’t can you?, too fucking cock drunk, to fucking say a word.” He laughs smugly, accentuating every word with a even deeper thrust, and you wish more than anything to prove him wrong, give him one of your typical comebacks but you know He’s right, you couldn’t talk if you wanted to.

“What’s, the matter baby, I thought I wasn’t the only the only guy you’ve screwed that’s a little bit bigger than usual, right?” Yuji grits out, “The way this cunt is clamping down on me makes me think I’m in a league -fuck-all my own. "Why don’t you say it, why don’t you cum on my fucking cock and tell me i-Im the best you’ve ever had”.

You try to bite your lip, bite your tongue , dodge your eyes , anything to keep from giving into him, but soon enough your giving in" Y-Your the besstt, i-ive had Yuji “ Your choke out as you cum waves, body gyrating . You feel his cock twitch once, twice , three times before you feel the warm substance flood your insides.

You’re pulled out of your cock drunk state almost instantly, and his hips stutter to a stop.

Before you can get single word out He’s already thrusting agian.

"m'sure i gave you enough for a p-plan b .” He whispers as he shallowly thrust back in. Your eyes roll to the back of your head.

“I should charge you for going over an hour "You groan.

"I can-fuck-pay for it.”

Man you loved virgins.


ive been thinking about yuji alot *sigh.

Anyways reblogs are welcome
