#yukimura always


Part 10: Yukimura’s Romantic Standoff Kasugayama

Ikemen Sengoku Fanfiction


Artwork by @akirafanarts​​​

Written by @ikesensrandomninjagirl​​ (Feb 2020)

  • Featuring: Yukimura x Akira
  • Word Count: 1200
  • Disclaimer: Akira is my OC but all other characters are the original property of Cybird. I make no claim on them as my own.
  • Warnings: SFW but Suggestive.

She woke to Yukimura’s hand stroking her hair. The view of the city lights told her she had once again fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to get back.

“Y-you’re back?” She yawned stretching up to wrap her arms around Yuki’s neck hugging him tightly.

She had been working part time for the past few weeks so they wouldn’t have to depend completely on Sasuke. It wasn’t much of a contribution, but it did keep her busy.

The two of them had pretty much overtaken Sasuke’s apartment. They did their best not to put their friend in awkward situations but it happened more often than any of them liked. This week Sasuke had gone on a trip with one of his professors, however. So, things were a bit quieter around the apartment.  

“Yeah, I’m back, and with good news.” He spoke softly placing a kiss to her cheek before settling onto the couch next to her. “Therapy went really well today and they think he may be able to leave the hospital in about two weeks.”

“That’s way ahead of schedule.” Akira smiled at him as she wriggled into a sitting position. “Was he excited?”

“I think he is excited not to be stuck eating hospital food. They refuse to give him more than just a few sweets a day and he is constantly teasing the nurses about it.” Yukimura rolled his eyes his ears turning a bit pink. It sounded as though Lord Shingen had managed to attract a new fan club. She wondered how many hearts would be left pining for him when he was released from the hospital.

“Why are you out here instead of in bed dummy?” He asked smoothing some wayward locks of hair back from her face.

“I missed you. Plus, I have tomorrow off so I was hopping to talk you into going on a date with me.”

He sighed automatically moving her feet onto his lap and giving her a foot rub. “Are they still bothering you?”

“Yeah, I’m not used to being on my feet quite this much. I think the day off will do me a lot of good.”

“You didn’t trip over anything and hurt yourself again?” He asked.

She grimaced. “No. You weren’t there to tease me so I decided to save the clumsy moments for later.”

He rolled his eyes even as he continued to rub her feet. “I think this date will require keeping you off your feet as much as possible. Between you and Shingen you’d think I’d learn how to make friends with people who could take care of themselves.”

“I think Sasuke certainly counts as one.”

Yuki laughed. “Okay I have one.”

“You do make it difficult you know.” She offered him a cynical look.

“I do?” He gave her a skeptical glance.
“Yes. You see, you make it feel really great to have you take care of me. I can see why Shingen has kept you so close for so long.” She winked at him flirtatiously. He looked a bit surprised and a familiar flush dusted his cheekbones.

“Y-you dummy. Stop being cute!” He laughed reaching over to tickle her.

She yelped in surprise. Trying to wiggle away without accidentally kicking him. That led to him pushing her onto her back before pinning her wrists above her head. Once she was his captive, however, he stopped tickling her. Instead he leaned down to kiss her.

“I take it you missed me a little?”

“Just a little.” She admitted. Between her job and him spending time at the hospital they had been apart more than usual.

“Sasuke isn’t back yet, right?” He asked looking mischievous.

“Nope, he is at the conference for two more days. So, you don’t need to scold me about what I’m wearing and where I’m sleeping.”

“I don’t?” He laughed running a hand along her bare thigh. The thin button up pajama top left little to the imagination. Since she discovered Yukimura had a thing for her legs she’d been accidentally misplacing the matching pants that were supposed to go with it.

She reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt since he had been so kind as to release her wrists. He paused his efforts to taste every inch of her neck to observe her fast progress.

“Exactly what do you think you’re doing?” He smirked.

“Just trying to help you relax a little after such a long day.” She replied innocently running her hands over his now exposed chest and abdomen.

“Relax? With the way you’re looking at me? I’m anything but relaxed. In fact, I’d say you’re expecting me to start a rather strenuous work out in the next five minutes.”

“You think it will take five whole minutes for me to seduce you?” She gasped looking offended. “I believe you’re underestimating just how much I missed you.”

He laughed when she poked at his exposed ribs playfully. Yet, instead of settling his weight pleasantly on top of her he pulled her up into a sitting position. Settling her onto his lap with her legs straddling his thighs.

Wrapping his arms around her waist he held her close enough that she could still feel the warmth of his skin through the thin layer of cloth that came between them. He looked up at her with unguarded passion. His eyes were not those of the shy guy she fell in love with while learning to horse-back ride five hundred years in the past.

Instead he was the man she’d come to love. The one that knew all her secrets. The one she planned to spend her future with. She wanted to spend every day of the rest of her life doing her best to support him and make him happy.

This trip to the future—to her time—only confirmed that. Watching him support Shingen through a difficult surgery and recovery? Coping with so many things he didn’t understand? He did it all while adapting more quickly to the foreign situation than she thought possible. This had only confirmed to her that, no matter where or when they lived, he was someone she wanted to be with. Someone she couldn’t bear to let go.

She knew that returning to the past held perilous consequences. Yet, she would never ask him to give up what was left of his family to stay here. That was never something she even considered. Which meant that any free time they had was spent enjoying the modern experience side by side. He was discovering her world while she was saying goodbye.

“I love you Akira.” He said softly. Almost as though he was afraid the city far below them would hear his secret. Still, even if he shouted it in the streets, it couldn’t have meant more to her.

“I love you too Yukimura. Now and always.”

Her reply summoned his smile. Her favorite smile. The one she saw only when he was looking at her like this.

“Always.” He replied as if to complete an unbreakable oath.

She leaned down and captured his lips. Kissing him with all the passion she had been keeping in check during the hours they weren’t alone.

He reciprocated with a fire of his own. One that threatened to consume her.

And there above the shining city lights they began their always.

(My masterlist for Ikemen Sengoku)


@salty-fed-up-bitch​  @zetalith​​​​​​@mysticdreamerme​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​ @oikoneko​​​​​​​​@vespeshadowmoon​​​​​​​​@zavannahmj​​​​​​​​@ashavazesa​​​​​​​​@milas-imaginarium​​​​​​​​@lunnakai-blog​​​​​​​​@nad-zeta​​​​​​​​@tsubaki3192@datenoriko​​​​​​​​@some-animal-in-azuchi​​​​​​​​  @missjudge-me​​​​​​​​​​​​​​@starry-starry-night24@imyournewfairygodmother​​​
