#yungblud x reader



word count: 1540

request?: yes!

“Dom said once that he wanted a lot of kids and I can’t stop imagining him with pregnant!reader. could you elaborate on that idea? maybe a head canon, I don’t know. thank you!!”

description: when dom’s girlfriend announces that she’s pregnant, dom can’t control his excitement and becomes a dotting father to be

pairing: yungblud x female!reader

warnings: swearing



When you told Dom, it was as if he shut down for a moment. His face was blank, as if he was taking some time to process the news. The longer it was until he spoke, the more nervous you felt. You were almost regretting telling him, although you knew it had to happen at some point, when Dom suddenly exclaimed with excitement and jumped up from his seat, taking hold of you and lifting you into his arms. You couldn’t contain your laughter as Dom continued to celebrate.

“I’m gonna be a dad! Holy fuck, I’m gonna be a dad!” he exclaimed. He put you down suddenly. “Wait, I shouldn’t do that, right? Or swear, they say the baby can hear anything you say.”

“Dom, we swear like sailors, this kid’s first word is more than likely going to be fuck,” you laughed. “It doesn’t matter right now, though, the baby is about the size of a peanut, I don’t think it can hear what we hear for another few months.”

Tears were starting to fill in Dom’s eyes as he fell to his knees in front of you. He pulled your shirt up over your still flat stomach. He placed soft kisses all over your stomach, causing you to giggle.

“I can’t wait to meet you, baby,” he said. He looked up at you to add, “I’ll be by your side through this whole thing baby. I won’t even go on tour, I want to be with you until our baby comes.”

“Okay, I wouldn’t go that far,” you said, taking his hands and pulling him to his feet. “You have a job baby, you can’t just stop because I’m pregnant. As long as you’re there for the birth and for all the milestones, that’s all I care about.”

Dom smiled and kissed you passionately.


As he promised, Dom was by your side through everything. He basically waited on you hand and foot. At first, you were able to convince him to let you do basic things on your own, such as cooking and cleaning and even letting you shower or bathe on your own. And for the first few months after you told him, he did go on a short tour for his new EP.

But, once you started to show, he became more protective. He’d slip out of bed in the morning, make her breakfast and bring it to her in bed. He started doing the chores around the house and insisted you sit and watch TV and relax.

At first, it was pretty nice to be waited on like this, especially while you were pregnant and wildly hormonal, and starting to get sore, and constantly fatigued. But then it started to get annoying. Dom would barely even let you get out of bed anymore when you belly started to develop. It felt less like you were pregnant and more like you were just incompetent from doing anything.

One day, while Dom was out, you got yourself up out of bed and made your way to the kitchen to cook something for you and Dom to eat. You were almost finished when you heard the front door open. You cringed to yourself, knowing what his reaction was going to be when he saw you.

“Baby, I’m home!” he announced, coming into the kitchen and seeing you stood by the oven. “Babe, what are you doing out of bed?”

“Trying to be somewhat normal,” you respond with a huff. “I mean, seriously Dom, I’m only like four months along. I only have a small bump. Just because my hormones are going crazy and I’m already bloated and sore doesn’t mean it’s time for me to be bed ridden yet. The doctors say it’s fine for me to get up and do things right now.”

“I know it’s okay for you to do things,” Dom said, “but I just…I like doing things for you. I want you to relax and not put too much strain on yourself.”

“Making my own breakfast isn’t putting strain on myself, Dom,” you insisted. “Cleaning maybe, but the doctor says it’s still fine for me to do certain chores for another while. And I can certainly walk to the bathroom by myself right now to take a shower or a bath, although I’ll never turn down you joining me for either, even when pregnant.”

A cheeky smile came across Dom’s face before he took you in his arms. He kissed the top of your head and you melted into his arms. Even if you were slightly annoyed with his current over protectiveness (although you were sure that was mainly due to hormones), you could never turn down being held in Dom’s arms. They were truly your favourite place to be.

“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I know I’m being a bit too much. I’m just…really excited to be a dad! For as long as I can remember all I’ve wanted was to have kids of my own. I know I don’t currently have the most ideal job to raise kids, so for a while I sort of gave up on that dream. The fact that it’s finally happening, with the woman of my dreams as well, I can’t be happier.”

“Neither can I,” you assure him. “Dom, you don’t understand how overwhelmed with excitement I am for this baby. The months cannot pass quick enough until we get to hold him or her in our arms, but you have to let me live as though I’m normal for just a few months longer. I know you just want everything to be okay with me and the baby, and I appreciate that so much, but being stuck to my bed day in and day out…it just makes the time feel so much slower. I want to be able to get up and make us breakfast, I want to be able to go out for walks and for drives still, I want to just be normal until my belly gets so big that I can barely see my feet.”

Dom chuckled at the thought, and you couldn’t help but to laugh as well. He kissed your forehead again and pulled away to look at you. “I guess I can tone down the protectiveness for a few more months, until you feel as though you need my help, and the doctors say it’s best for you to be on bedrest.”

“Thank you.” You leaned up to place a sweet kiss on Dom’s lips before turning back to the oven. “I made some snacks, wanna watch Netflix and eat?”

“You read my mind.”


Later on that night, you were cuddled into Dom while the two of you watched some new reality show on Netflix. Neither one of you were really into reality TV, and the show seemed kind of stupid, but it was a good hate watch for the two of you to rant about.

“How many kids do you want?” you asked as one episode ended and you waited for the next to start automatically playing. “Did you ever have a number or did you just know you wanted kids?”

“I always pictured four,” Dom responded. “I always wanted a big family, but not onetoo big. I felt like four was the magic number. What about you?”

“I only ever wanted two,” you responded. “A boy and a girl. I figured two would be easiest whether I was married, dating someone, or single.”


You giggled as you sat up to look at Dom. “If I was with someone and had two kids, it meant there was one kid for the both of us to take care of no matter what. Ideally with two each parent could take care of one kid. If say I had two kids and the father either broke it off with me or he died, I’d only have one more kid than parent and that’d still be easy to take care of the kids without being overwhelmed. Any more than two if I was single and I’d lose my mind.”

“Good explanation,” Dom said with a nod. “So you’re telling me we won’t be filling my quota of three?”

“I didn’t say that,” you replied. “But I think we could be able to negotiate and find a happy medium for the number of kids to have.”

Dom was thoughtful for a moment before asking, “Three?”


You both laughed. Before you could settle in next to Dom again, you gasped, drawing his attention to you. “Are you okay?”

“The baby moved,” you breathed in shock. “I felt it move. Here, give me your hand!”

You didn’t wait for Dom to do as you asked. You took his hand in yours and put it on your stomach, following where you felt the baby move until both you and Dom felt it again. His face lit up with excitement, and you could tell he was ready to cry.

“Oh my God,” he breathed. “That’s our baby!”

“That’s our baby,” you repeated, your smiling mirroring his.

Dom took your face in his hands and pulled you for a kiss. “I love you so much (Y/N).”

“I love you, too, Dom.”

Model- Yungblud

Sorry for taking another break lmao, I’m on Christmas break so ima get to all of my requests!

Baby- D.H

Requested by Anonymous

How are y’all doing? I hope you are doing alright and had a nice day!
