#yuuta imagines


Winter Date Scenarios – Jujutsu Kaisen Characters; Advent Calendar Event Day 11

characters: gojou, sukuna, yuuta [separately] x gn!reader
genre & style: fluff, scenarios + in sukuna’s part it’s a non-curse au
word count:2k
notes: it’s the end of january and i’m sure i won’t be able to write anything more for this event so it’s the last post for my advent calendar. it sucks that i couldn’t complete all of the fics i’ve prepared but i may change them and do a casual fic out of them or use them this year’s holidays lmaooo
also i’ve written this in december, i didn’t post it ‘cause i wanted to write one scenario more but couldn’t bring myself too
warnings: playful insults
event’s masterlist

Gojou;ice skating

“Are you sure it’s a good idea, Satoru?” Your scream-whisper echoes through empty corridors as you squeeze the man’s palm tightly, the buzzing sound of the yellowed lights irritates your ears, every little flicker making you jump with fear. It’s the middle of the night and Gojou has decided that it’s a perfect time for a date. Without explaining anything to you, he put you in a car and drove for a few minutes only to park in front of an indoor ice rink, which was obviously closed. But did that stop him from entering and dragging you with him? The answer’s simple.

“Of course it is,” he mutters, tugging you by your sleeve behind him. He lowers his sunglasses, checking words on a plate stuck to metal doors. “I’ve done this a few times already, you have nothing to worry about, sweet cheeks.” After a few seconds he proceeds to pull your hand again, walking in the direction of another door.

“What are we doing?” You whine, your head constantly turning around in dread of getting caught. “Shouldn’t we, dunno, skate instead of walking?” You almost trip off on your shoelace, but Satoru catches you with his infinity without even looking in your direction. “Yeah, yeah, we should, but first we need to find… a key room!” The man exclaims, pointing at the plate with “KEY ROOM. NO ADMISSION FOR UNAUTHORIZED” written in all caps.

You blink a few times after propping yourself upright on the invisible wall. “Very thoughtful of you to listen to the signs,” you comment, when Gojou’s aiming his finger at the door’s lock. “Yeah. I know. Pew-pew!” A bit usage of purple and the lock’s gone. “Wait here, it’s gonna take me a sec. Where are you sweet mama…” Satoru murmurs to himself, and when you observe him, you really think that he looks and acts like a maniac right now. “Bingo!” Loud clunk of the keys being tossed later you two can finally go on the ice.

“Told you it was a great idea,” Gojou says, while putting skates he’s taken from the rental.

“Until somebody nabs us? Yeah, it’s nice,” you mutter while doing small circles on the ice, waiting for your boyfriend to come join you. “What would you do if a guard was inside?” You ask, and Satoru looks at you confused.

“I would one-shot his ass, duuuh- whoaah!” The man almost fell over only after standing up. “How do you keep balance in this shit?” He snarls, keeping his hands on the railing.

“Gimme your hand ‘n I’m gonna show you how- wait. Didn’t you tell me that it’s not the first time doing this?” You gesticulate. “I thought you meant breaking into the ice rink at night.”

“Well, haha, yes but no.” He deadpans, and you furrow your eyebrows, crossing arms. “Explain yourself then.” Your previous fear of getting caught has turned into anger.

“Do we really have to do this right now, baby? Gimme your hands and let’s have fun, yeah? Gimme. Gimme them!” Gojou bends and straightens his fingers, waiting for you to come closer. And you move away by a bit. “Really? Really, Y/N?” he snarks, while clucking with annoyance. “And I thought you loved me.” The inner theatre kid comes out when Satoru does all sorts of dramatic movements with his head (his palms still desperately cling to the railing), at the end sending you a very pitiful glance.

“I’m waitin’.” You reply.

“Tsk. Okay. So I’ve been here one time in the middle of the night, ‘cause I had to get rid of a curse. Happy now?”

A prolonged sigh escapes your pressed lips. “You’re a failure, I swear. A disaster sent to ruin my life.” Despite your words you approach the failure. “Twenty minutes. Maybe thirty if you’re gonna listen to me. I’ll teach you the basics, ‘cause it’ll be easier to do it now, rather than when other people are skating too, and then we’re gonna come back here tomorrow for an actual, non-illegal date, ‘kay?”

Gojou nods, a shameless smirk on his face. Gosh, it’s annoying, the fact that you hate him so much and it doesn’t make you love him any less.


Sukuna;snowball fight

“Oh no…” You murmur to yourself as you stand behind a big tree, your palm on your mouth so as to make sure that your breathing isn’t too loud.

“C’mon, Y/N, you know you can’t hide from me for long! Show yourself and I’ll show you my mercy… if I’ll still be in the mood to do so.”

You are aware of the exact position the man is in, as the snow cracks noisily after every little step that he makes. His movements are careful, yet he tries to find you as fast as possible, being impatient to hit you with the snowball grasped by his right hand.

You two were deep in the forest. It’s cold, tiny snowflakes falling from the sky, covering up your footprints showing the path you’d come on, and blurring the vision. It was supposed to be a nice romantic walk, since the world glistened beautifully in the white fluff, and the warm rays of the sun wade their way through the dense branches of trees. But it quickly escalated into a snowball fight after Sukuna decided to sprinkle your head with the tiny amount of snow. You immediately responded with a white fistful thrown behind his collar. And this silly and careless act started a war.

“Be nice and come out!” The tone of your boyfriend’s voice starts to be very nagging, syllables seem to be unnecessarily dragged out, a hint of impatience hidden at the end of every sentence. “Don’t be stupid. We both are aware of the fact that you may end up dead otherwise.” He might be annoyed by your stubbornness, but it doesn’t change the fact that you can hear the way he smirks to himself, licking his lips concentrated, tiny pupils focusing and searching for any tiniest movement. He’s having fun.

You feel that you are going to regret it, but you do it anyway. Trying to make the littlest movements, you crouch, taking a fistful of snow, and you fuse it tightly, making sure the ball is firmly packed. You are sure that, no matter what you do, Sukuna will take his revenge. Let’s just add a little bit of spice to it.

You say a little prayer in your head, and with all the willpower ever given to you, you jump from behind the tree and throw a snowball as hard as you can. You see it as if in slow motion – the white ball flies in a perfectly straight line, with a bit of rotation, and, what’s the best part of it, it crashes on the back of Sukuna’s head. You want to scream with joy, but, fortunately for you, the realization hits you immediately, as you stay silent. You fucked up.

Covering your mouth with both palms, you watch, as your boyfriend turns around, frenzyness in his eyes, they glisten in it, pupils focused on your silhouette. “Oh, you’re gonna be dead-dead,” he stuffs his cheek with the tongue while snapping his fingers. Your first reaction is to run away; and it’s a smart decision, considering Sukuna’s inhuman sprint right after you.

A few seconds later you are tucked into the cold ground, a white fluff all around you. Good luck bestie with not getting frostbite now.


Yuuta;snow angels

“It all sucks.” You sigh, looking at the clear, blue firmament above you. There’s not a single lazy cloud on the sky soaring with blasts of wind, warm rays of the sun dance across your cold cheeks, creating this funny tingling feeling.

“I don’t think it’s that bad, honey,” your boyfriend murmurs, his voice joyful with only a hint of sadness, and it is clear that Yuuta only tries to cheer you up. He’s lying next to you, his body drowning in the sea of snow. A woolen hat covers his ears, cute gloves with a reindeer print envelope his palms and a matching scarf hugs his neck tightly. He looks like a big baby, all wrapped in different types of clothes so as not to catch a cold. “We still can spend some time together!” He smiles widely, while moving his arms and legs, sweeping the snow away, creating an imprint of a snow angel.

“Yeah. On another mission,” you mumble, a disappointed frown on your face.

“After Gojou arrives we’ll finish it almost right away, you’ll see. Then we can still go on our promised date!” He exclaims, sitting up to look at you. His happy expression fades away as he sees that you haven’t even started making your snow angel, and you’re just lying there with a sorrowful face, observing the sky. Your eyes look as if you are about to cry, a lower lip trembling with annoyance. Yuuta isn’t sure if you are more pissed than upset, but he’s sure that he needs to do something about it before Satoru arrives.

“Speaking of Gojou… This piece of shit is late again. After he assigned us to this stupid mission on Christmas Day, he has the audacity to show up late. He could at least tell us where we should go, so we wouldn’t waste time waiting for him to take us there!” Before you have a chance to continue your complaints, Okkotsu stands over you astride, and with his legs straight, he bends the upper half of his body down and grasps your arms. “What are you doing?” You are confused.

“Helping you with your angel!” He starts moving your limbs up and down, creating the cavity in the snow in the shape of wings. “You shouldn’t be sulking like this. You’re much prettier when you smile!” The corners of his mouth rise, as if he wants to show you how to do so. And it works. “See? Already better!”

You quickly finish making the snow angel with a few lazy motions of your legs and get up with the help of Yuuta’s hand. “Thanks, Yuuta.” You say, hugging him tightly. “I think I’m a bit better now.”

“My pleasure, love,” he pats the back of your head, as he brings you closer with his other arm, and kisses your temple.

“I don’t want to interrupt your lovey-dovey moment, but, where’ve you been?” A sudden voice reaches both of your ears, and you can feel that all of your muscles tenses immediately.

“Gojou.” You snarl, clicking your tongue, and moving away from your boyfriend to look at the man. “May I ask, why are you late?”

“I am late?” He tilts his head, and by the movement of his blindfold you can tell that he squints at you. “You are the ones that have never shown up.”

“What.” Both your and Yuuta’s voices ring out in the air.

“You told us to wait in front of the school, so that you and Ijichi would pick us up!” You defend yourselves, stamping the foot, and the snow creaks under it.

“Did I?” The grown up blurts out, tilting his head even more. “Welp, I finished it by myself, so you have the rest of the day free! GTG for your service!”

“That’s surprisingly generous of you, Gojou,” Okkotsu says, scratching his cheek with the pointing finger.

“Oh, yeah, I know right!” He exclaims, putting his hands on the hips. “But don’t worry, you have other missions scheduled for tomorrow morning and evening! A pack of two ‘cause, after all, there’s the two of you! Ahh, I love my students…

“And you tell us only nowabout it?” You raise your voice, furrowing your eyebrows.

“Well, yeah! Call it a Christmas gift!” You can swear that he winks under the blindfold, invisible sparkles dancing around his abnormally tall body.

At first you blink blankly, looking at Gojou bewildered, but it doesn’t take you long to unbutton the cuffs of your jacket and roll them up as Yuuta desperately tries to stop you.

“Y/N, please.” He wants to catch your wrist, but the amount of layers of clothes makes him more immobile, so you easily slip away.

“I’m gonna kill him.”

“Y/N, no-“
