#jjk fluff


ADORE YOU. ||fushiguro megumi

out of breath, you run down the stairs of the train station, praying with baited breath as you hope for some kind of miracle that you make it down there in time.

you softly bite your tongue, flying off of the last three steps and thankfully landing on your feet. so with your last muster of power, you run into the doors of the train and just as soon as you get in the doors behind you shut close causing you to yelp in surprise.

your eyes are wide open, a bit rattled by the sudden shut of doors that could have been the potential cause of your death whereas the people buzz around you. but your surprise it dies quick when the train moves in an instant causing you to move somewhere else with closed eyes and be pressed up against something.

“shit.” a quiet curse is what you hear right infront of you when you get pressed up against something, potentially someone. you open your eyes to look at who cursed, and when you do open your eyes, your eyes instantly meet with ocean blue eyes.

awe is written in your hues as you look at the dark blue lashes that adorn these ocean eyes. you‘re captivated like a criminal behind bars in these eyes. it’s beautiful like the sky on a clear summer day, making you feel like you’re being rained by sunshine and happiness. however, your adoration is cut short when the beholder clears their throat and looks away.

you finally snap out of it and realize how much you‘ve been staring. you mutter a low apology underneath your breath, looking away. however, you look once more and see the whole face of the person who stands before you. you study their features quietly, marking them one by one and adoring how much they compliment each other. from the blue eyes, dark blue lashes, pointed nose, red lips, perfect jaw, he definitely looks like a model. much like the man who had been occupying your mind these days.

it surely does look like him. maybe next time you see each other you‘d tell him about this person who looks like him. you smile to yourself hoping that you’d see him again, though you hold that though and look at the person once again.

wait a minute.

“… megumi?”

surely it‘s him. you cannot be mistaken. how could you be? it‘s the infamous fushiguro megumi from your wednesday and friday math class, the one who got assigned as your project partner for the last semester‘s project, the very same man who has been in your head all day long.

“hi,” shyly he responds to the uncertain call, his eyes avoiding contact with yours. you raise a brow as you wonder what could be wrong with him. just a few weeks back, both of you would have been chatting at a nearby café, yet here he is looking away, not even greeting properly.

“how‘re you?” you strike up the conversation starter, hoping to talk with the pretty boy before you leave for your stop and never see him again. yet your attempts fall in vain when he does not even speak a word to you, simply nodding and muttering silently to himself; not even to you.

a frown makes its way to your face as you wonder what had happened between the time you weren‘t together for him to not even speak a word to you. had you doke something wrong? or something to upset him? you do not know.

as thoughts clog your head, you don‘t notice how a certain dark haired man looks at you. he too, is mesmerized by the way you look. it hasn‘t been too long since you haven’t seen each other, yet megumi thinks it‘s been centuries.

after having spent time with you, he can‘t seem to forget the way your eyes glimmer when you look at him. or the way you purse your lips and furrow your brows when you make a mistake, and most especially the way your eyes shine bright like stars when you‘ve done something right.

and it doesn’t help that earlier this morning he had thought about bringing you your favourite sweet— that you had mentioned before— to class tomorrow, and here you are right in-front of him in the most awkward position possible.

“‘m sorry if i‘m cursing to much,” he can‘t help the apology that falls past his lips. meanwhile you don‘t know what he‘s apologizing for. so with a cocked brow, you look up and show a confused face.

“i‘m a bit too close and this train is too tight, so— uh— our situation really isn‘t the most comfortable one.”

“wait, too close?”

and then it dawns upon you. you look down and around to see the amount of people around, it actually is crowded in the train. but that is not where your attention lies at. you attention lies in the proximity between you both.

you hadn‘t noticed earlier, but now you have. you‘re back up against the door with megumi standing right in-front of you. you‘re caged between him and his right arm and left as he tries to back up a bit to not be so pressed against you, but it does him no justice as the train moves too much, and with every little movement the more he is pressed against you.

“oh.” in realization of the situation, you mutter. megumi can‘t help but chuckle at the face you make as your cheeks heat up and so does the tip of your ears. suddenly, you‘re hyper aware of what is going on. “haha.. don‘t— worry..”

“i hope its fine—”

“more than fine!” you say, albeit too loud. your eyes go wide once more and then you finally realize what you had said, immediately you start to ramble every excuse that pops into your head. “i mean— it‘s okay. don‘t worry like it‘s natural the train is packed, like don’t apologize really! there’s nothing to be sorry for, this proximity does not disturb me. in fact, we can even go like to a date after this—”

“you want to go on a date with me?” megumi cuts you off mid ramble and you look up at him, meeting his eyes as you once again realize you had spoken without filtering your words. but now, there is no taking it back anymore, you‘ve gone to far in and there‘s no way of return.

“.. i mean‘t what i said..” you nod slowly. and then, when you least expect it, a smile makes its way to his face. there‘s a glint in his eyes as he nods at your words, leaning in a bit more as he presses his lips softly against your cheek.

“i‘d love that.”

i didnt edit this.


pairing:nanami kento x gn! reader


cw: —

wc: —

an: —

who knew parenting would be this hard? certainly not nanami kentodid.

before having a kid of his own, he had always thought parenting was not that hard. it was always his mindset that the child grows to be how it is with the way the parent teaches it, or how the parent is because kids like to follow and mimic its parents.

but since having one of his own, he has been proven wrong, countless times.

“yuuji, please do not stray far away from daddy.” nanami pleads his two year old son who runs in the park with much enthusiasm, unlike his father who seems to have no energy and heavy bags underneath his eyes. “yuuji,” tiredly the man calls once again, but to his ineffective attempt, the child simply runs straight to the water fountain.

the poor man sighs for what seems to be the fifth time this hour, and they haven‘t even been in the park for longer than thirty minutes. he contemplates on running after the two year old who amuses himself with the water or if he should set up the picnic mat first and then run after his kid.

he thinks, and thinks, and thinks, all while looking back and forth at the empty grass patch and the water area. then he sighs again. if only he had a second body then maybe he wouldn’t have to do this, maybe if he had a second pair of hands he wouldn’t have to suffer like this, maybe if he had, had a spouse

“excuse me,” he hears from the front, already sighing internally for the millionth time as he readies himself to meet eyes with another parent who‘s going to strike up small talk he has no desire for.

but when he looks up, it feels like suddenly all his prayers have been answered by the gods.

his dark eyes look up and meet with yours, and my oh my can he not be more enthralled by the looks of you. “is this your son? he was running around with untied shoelaces and almost fell in the water.”

wow. nanami says to himself. not even listening to what you’re saying anymore, simply left speechless by the pretty person who stands before him.


“okay.” he monotonously says, forgetting that time is running and reality is pacing at this very moment, and not on pause. in the inside he does not know how to start a conversation, but in the outside he looks like he‘s glaring at you. and it does not help you nor him at all.

you swallow your saliva and nod, slowly settling down the child on the ground right in-front of the man and clasping your hands together. “right. well— uh.. i— i‘ve erm gotta go.. haha.” you awkwardly trail, unclasping your hands together and placing the free right hand on the back of your neck.

“and don‘t worry! i‘ve tied them back together so he doesn’t accidentally slip again.” you say before taking a step back and waving at them. “well, i‘ll be on my way. goodbye—”

“wait!” yet before you‘re able to step even more than two steps away, he‘s taking you by your wrist which causes you off-guard, not that you find it uncomfortable.

“thank you very much. yuuji can‘t swim, so that would have been unfortunate if you hadn‘t caught him.” he reasons out, hand still on your wrist as you close your lips in surprise; that‘s caused by the fact that he actually spoke to you.

“oh, that would have been, very bad.” you frown, thankful that you caught khari before he fell. “i‘m glad i caught him.”

“me too, i‘m glad you caught him.” nanami relieves, finally letting go of the wrist he held to ground you before him. “if you hadn‘t that would have been terrible.”

“how can i repay you?” he asks so, lips casually churning upwards to causing you to almost swoon. meanwhile the strawberry head child looks up curiously, not used to the way his father acts. and even though you’re swooning in the inside, you keep your composure to save yourself some face.

“oh, please, don‘t worry!” you shyly down turn his offer shaking your head lightly. “it‘s okay. i wasn‘t going to let someone fall.” you mutter. however, he shakes his head and insists.

“please i insist. you had just saved me from potentially paying bills.” he jokes, and you laugh.

“alright, since you asked so nicely.” you grace him with a sweet smile and he smiles back, heart skipping beats.

“well, i don‘t have cash right now. but if you want, you can join me and yuuji for a picnic.” he gesture to the child who now smiles so cutely at you, hand open for a wave, tiny fingers grasping at his father‘s jacket.

you swear your heart skips two if not three beats when he holds the basket and the kid in the other. you find it domestic and cute for a man like this to invite you with his kid. it makes you think of all the times you yearned to have your own little family and spend some time with them.

“is missy going to join us daddy?” the little child asks, looking sweetly at his dad who then looks back at you with a smile.

“ask her.” he winks at the boy, who nods in confidence and looks at you with a sweet smile.

“will you join us missy? me and daddy would love company!” he excitedly says, hands pointed to the basket.

you cannot help but bite your lip down and nod at the offer, accepting it with an excited heart and heated cheeks. “i‘d love to.”

“daddy! she said yes!” yuuji cheerfully exclaims.

nanami smiles at yours and yuuji‘s excitement, starting to feel his own excitement start to run in his veins.

that action of his causes your churned lips to grow wider as you inspect him for a good while before turning to the little guy then to him once again. “well, your little one. his name is yuuji right?” you ask. holding your hand out for the child to take.

“right, he‘s yuuji and he‘s two.” nanami confirms your unsure question, nodding away as he places his hand on yuuji‘s head, and the little one sneezes. you both stop, and nanami smiles awkwardly, kneeling down and taking out the napkin from his pocket and wiping yuuji’s nose. the act is cute and hearty, as you can tell, he is quite obviously the daddy figure.

“sorry about that.” he apologizes, going back up and meeting eye to eye with you.

“no worries.” you smile. you stand there in a few minutes of silence, before you remember something very important. “oh jeez, i almost forgot. i didn‘t catch what your name was.” you sheepishly admit.

“god, how rude of me.” he shakes your hand in his and you can‘t help but savour the feeling of all those veins and bones in his toned hands. they entice you in a way you‘d never thought that would entice you, yet you are not complaining.

“nanami, nanami kento.”

“i‘m (y/n), nice to meet you kento.”

content belongs to @shisnhou on tumblr! do not repost, copy, use, or modify!


oh, how can one be so beautiful?gojo satoru asks himself.

his blue eyes are illuminated by the sun rays as he stands there admiring you, though he does not stand further than seven feet away from you. his lips are churned upwards with his fingers holding the bouquet of flowers tight, heart beating faster by the second as he simply watches with joy, adoration, and fascination in his gaze.

he cannot stop himself from admiring the sigh before his ocean eyes.

not once in his twenty-seven years of living did he ever think he would find someone reading a book so intriguing, yet here he is: doing just as he thought he never would.

you look so beautiful to him. figure beneath the trees as the wind compliments the way your hair flows with it, feet laid out with your back pressed against the wooden body of the tree. such a simple sight, yet so breathtaking in his eyes.

as he stands there underneath the spring sun, you finally look up from your book and spot the white haired man who admires you from not-so afar. a smile cannot help but etch on your face as he walks over with his hand running through his hair.

“hello amore,” his voice is like honey, sweet and smooth as he hands you the bouquet of pink roses. “for you.” it cannot be helped that there is a slight blush is on his cheeks as he watches you take the flowers and bring it up to your nose to smell the batch, to him you just look so beautiful even as you do the most mundane action.

“thank you, darling.” you say your thanks before you settle it to your lap and usher him to kneel before you, and he does as asked. when he is there on his knees before you, you lean forward and press a sweet kiss against his lips.

sure, gojo satoru may be the strongest man to ever walk this planet, but when he is with your presence: he is nothing but a man who yearns for your love.

so when he feels your lips against his, it‘s just natural for him to fall at ease and press further as his hand moves to hold your cheek. blue eyes fluttering close as when feels your fingers on his nape. all the butterflies in his stomach erupt as his heart beats erratically for you.

sometime, everybody will love someone, and something in your kiss told gojo satoru, his sometime is now.

Studying @ Gojo’s

A/N: Hey besties!! I made a jjk studying series for all of you who are studying for exams rn! Let’s start with Gojo! <33

  • Gojo’s luxury apartment was a nice place to study, lofi hip hop playing softly from the speakers, a big table next to the window wall that let the sunlight deep through, shining down on your revision notes.
  • “My little nerd still studying?” You hear a teasing voice from behind.
  • “Mhm” you reply, eyes still glued to the notes in front of you.
  • You hear a sigh this time but you can tell he’s come closer, then suddenly you find two long arms wrapping around your shoulders, and his chin plopped on to your head.
  • “What if I just… paid the exam board to make you pass?”
  • You laugh at Gojo’s suggestion, the worse thing is you knew he was probably being serious.
  • “I’m serious” he says, confirming your thoughts as he pokes your cheek.
  • “Too pretty to be studying” he mutters against your cheek as he pressed kisses to it, making you giggle.
  • But as you reached to the side to grab your pen, Gojo quickly snatched it first.
  • “Huh?”
  • “Nuh uh! No more work unless you eat some kikufuku with me” he said, leaving no more for argument as you struggle to grab the pen from his hand, he grins widely as you jump to match his tall figure but fail.
  • And as you jump up to grab it one more time, his long arms finds it’s way to your waist, tugging you into his embrace with a chuckle. “Ah! Gojo!-“
  • “C’mon bubs, time for some mochi” he says casually but his smug grin is present. He carries you like a baby as he grabs the mochi from the kitchen and return to the living area, sitting down in your seat and placing you on his lap.
  • You smile gratefully at Gojo before giving him a kiss, as he lets you return to studying while he feeds you the mochi, taking a bite out of it every now and then too. Occasionally, playfully biting your cheek but you didn’t mind.
  • Eventually the tall white haired man got a call, you feel his muscular arms tighten around your waist as he muttered a ‘be right back love’ in your ear. You kiss his jaw before he leaves to answer the call.
  • Now you don’t know how long you sat there studying for, but once you took a deep breath and shifted your eyes away from notes momentarily, you notice a post it note and one more kikufuku next to you.
  • ‘So proud of you bby :)’ was written, with a small dick drawing next to it.
  • You giggle to yourself as you munched on the mochi. Studying doesn’t feel so bad when it’s with Gojo <3

Ex husband Gojo: unpleasant surprises

A/N: Happy Saturday besties! EX HUSBAND GOJO WON THE VOTE!! Don’t worry though, I got bodyguard Megumi coming soon

  • Ever since the incident between you and Gojo regarding the third child, things had been eerily quiet from his side. No 3am calls, no surprise visits, nothing.
  • Perhaps that’s why you felt on edge when it was Gojo’s turn to have the kids for the weekend, and he still hadn’t arrived, your hands slightly shaking as you tied your son’s shoelaces.
  • You’re overthinking it y/n” said a deep voice from your phone. “Maybe he’s just running a little late”
  • You sigh before nodding your head. Nanami was always your voice of reason. Sometimes you wonder if he could give good advice about your abusive relationship with Gojo, but you always kept that a secret from Nanami, not wanting to burden him with your own issues.
  • You’re suddenly pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of a knock on the door. You take a deep breath as you turn to open the door, feeling slightly confident, knowing Gojo won’t pull anything with his mutual friend Nanami on call.
  • But the view in front of you wasn’t what you were expecting.
  • “Geto?”
  • The black haired man smiled at you sweetly as you greeted eachother. “What are you doing here?” You ask confusedly.
  • “Gojo was sent on a last minute session, so looks like the kids got me for the weekend!” He said, but he sounded uneasy.
  • “Oh? Okay.” You say, slightly taken aback that Gojo didn’t tell you beforehand. You hear your kids squeal from behind as they spot their uncle Geto, quickly rushing to the tall buff man, clinging onto his legs. “Hello lil monsters!!” He coos making them giggle.
  • You smile fondly at your loving children, before returning your attention to Geto, “well we’re off to my mom’s house for the weekend, but don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything Geto” you say, kissing your children goodbye.
  • Geto looks up at you confused and slightly tense. “We?”
  • You nod “Nanami is coming with me for the weekend, I feel too tired to drive so he offered to take me there and keep me company!”
  • You silently observe Geto’s uneasiness at the mention of Nanami, he knew you two were close, so why was he so stiff?
  • Geto blinks twice before awkwardly laughing “aww haha how sweet of him, anyways we should probably head out now, c’mon kids!” He calls them.
  • You place a hand on Geto’s broad shoulder, gaining the raven haired man’s attention. “Are you okay Geto? You seem uneasy, if taking care of the kids isn’t ideal for you this weekend, I can always take them with me” you assure him but the man shake his head quickly and reassures you it’s fine with a pat on your hand, before awkwardly exiting with the kids.
  • You stand in front of your door for a second confused. Why did he seem so uneasy? After all the years you’ve known Geto, he’s never been so anxious.
  • Only when he lies.
  • You shrug your shoulders and carry on getting ready. After all, Geto was a trustworthy friend of yours and Gojo’s for years, you’re sure he’d tell you if there was a problem.
  • You’re pulled out of your thoughts once again as a car beeps from outside. You smile as you spot Nanami’s sleek car waiting, you quickly skip out the house, joining your friend.


  • Nanami stands beside you, finally the door opens and you’re greeted with your mom.
  • “Hi mom” you say, entering the house before she can greet you and Nanami properly.
  • You sigh dramatically as you place your bags on your floor and stretch your aching legs. You smile as you hear chatter from the garden, deciding to follow the sound.
  • “Err! Y/n! How about you let Nanami relax in the living room for a bit first?” You mom asks. You pull a funny face at your mom’s weird suggestion, but allow her nonetheless, continuing your path to the garden
  • “Ahh this is such a nice breeze, I miss thi-“ your sentence was cut off as you paused in your movements.
  • There sat Gojo in the hammock chair, long legs man spreading as he turn towards you with a menacing grin. “Oh? Hello y/n”
  • You furrow your eyebrows at your annoying ex husband, internally beating yourself up for believing Geto’s pathetic lie.
  • “What are you doing here?” You ask, and he ignores your question momentarily to pat his lap, “c’mere baby!” He says so sweetly but only you knew the twisted lust behind it, “and what kind of question is that? We’re family! Even if we’re divorced, I always saw your family as my own!” He charms the table, your cousins cooing at his sickly sweet words.
  • You move forward to question him further, but his large hands grab your hips firmly, pulling you forward, making you stumble into his embrace.
  • “Oh? Don’t fall for me now” he says smartly as he grabs you securely, cradling you into his muscular arms. Your family once again laughed at his jokes, as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard.
  • Spoiler alert, it’s not, but Gojo was too good at faking the charm of a perfect man.
  • You gritted your teeth as Gojo stroked your hair absentmindedly with you in his lap, as he laughed along with your family. Humiliating was the only word to describe it, but you stayed silent, knowing if you fought against him, everyone would think you’re the crazy problematic one. Oh lord, they wonder how Gojo ‘puts up with you’
  • After all, women are always the hysterical ones right?
  • “Babe try this mojito, it’s so good” he says with a grin, pressing the glass to your lips but before you could protest against it, a voice came through the garden.
  • Y/n? Oh there you are. Hello Gojo” says the nonchalant man.
  • Gojo turned towards the voice, smile dropping as he stares at Nanami, who casually strolled into the garden.
  • Your cousins subtly swoon as they rush to introduce themselves.
  • You smile at Nanami’s effortless charm, your smile widening evilly as you realise why Geto felt uneasy at the mention of Nanami.
  • You can feel Gojo’s unnerving, intense stare on your face. He stares silently between you and Nanami, swishing his drink around. His face is unreadable. “And here I was ready to mend things” he mutters but you hear it. You hiss as his fingers dig into your hips.
  • “Why is he here?” His whispers in your ear and you can hear the envy in every word.
  • You ignore the pain shooting through your hips and grin from ear to ear as you tilt your head teasingly to meet his your ex husband’s glare.
  • Brushing your nose against his in mocking affection, you reply “why not babe?”

Bodyguard Megumi: nothing

A/N:My babies I promise I was completing more requests you guys sent, but then my inner intrusive thoughts won Anyways enjoy the angst! <3

  • You will no longer be going into campus for college, you’re going to move to online studying”
  • You stared at your father in unconcealed shock and disbelief, as you envisioned your freedom collapsing right in front of you.
  • “But why? I’m- I’ve literally done nothing wrong! I’ve been focusing on my education and-“ you defended incoherently.
  • “Well clearly you haven’t been focusing enough since I’m hearing things from other people. Have you ever thought about how your actions could affect the reputation of our family?” Your dad cut you off, his eyebrows crossed in anger, making your back shiver and your knees grow weak.
  • Suddenly you hear shuffling from upstairs, you glare as you watch your cousins gathered around the staircase, watching your humiliation like some form of entertainment. The sly smiles on their faces was everything you needed to know on who the “other people” were.
  • Fuck you.
  • You felt angry tears build up in your eyes, but they were yet to spill. You knew they would get their way, they always did. How could a non sorcerer like you possibly win?
  • You can hold my arm if you’re scared
  • Megumi’s words were the only words that played in your head as you felt yourself shake with fear.
  • You quickly turned around to face the tall, dark haired bodyguard who looked stern as he stared straight ahead, but you paid no heed to it.
  • You grabbed the pale hand of your bodyguard, who held yours in return, and you stared up at him desperately.
  • “Megumi you gotta tell him! Tell dad how good I’ve been! You’re always there! You know how I’ve done nothing but focus on my-“
  • Your father is right y/n”
  • The rest of your sentence died in your throat as you stared up at him in disbelief. His dark blue eyes never met yours.
  • You blinked once. Then twice. Hoping you heard him wrong, you stood silently next to him as you processed his words, your hands slipping out of his.
  • He’s not on your side.
  • The angry tears that were once suppressed finally ran down your flushed cheeks. Desperation taking over as you pressed your body against Megumi’s and grabbed his fitted black blazer, shaking him, punching his chest but he did not retaliate, only staring down at you blankly.
  • “Megumi you’re supposed to be on side! I thought we were-“
  • We’re not” he cut you off sternly, his dark eyes finally focusing on you, but with an unimpressed glare. “We’re nothing, so stop it” he scolds firmly, making you feel like a pathetic child.
  • Oh. We’re nothing.
  • You take a step away from him, and look back at your dad with misty eyes, who is already staring at you. You look away in shame, exiting the room and heading upstairs.
  • “Megumi make sure she actually goes to her room please”
  • “Yes sir”
  • You felt his heavy steps follow you behind silently, and it halts as you reach your room.
  • “Y/n”
  • Don’t ever talk to me again” you snap, slamming the bedroom door to his face.


serenade | getou suguru

SUMMARY → where getou can not stop talking about the beautiful future sorcerer he shares his classes with

PAIRING → getou suguru x fem!black!reader

GENRE → fluff, drabble

MASTERLIST→ if you want to read other works of mine

A/N → because you can not fucking tell me he would not like black woman, we are fucking gorgeous. all of them wouldAND they would write poetry about them!

“NO, YOU DO NOT understand! She is so perfect, it makes me want to cry.” Getou sighs out, not being able to hold it in anymore.

Humming, his friend takes his eyes off the training fields and glances at his friends, “Yeah?” he asked.

“She is smart, her technique is fucking crazy and this is just the start of her journey. I could bet money on her being one of the greatest sorceres ever.” he says, unconsciously a smile takes over his features as he thinks about her.

Holding his hands up, he tries to find the words to make his friend understand how perfect this one person is, “And it is all packaged in this beautiful body. The way the sun touches her skin and it just observes it like nothing I have ever seen before.”

“And when she smiles…” he throws his head back. Leaning on the stairs, spreading out his lips as a grin takes over his face, “it’s… It’s like the whole world smiles with her.”

“She is so gentle, and soft. Kind… and easily scared. It gets wounded just like all of us, and when I see it I just.”

Having Gojou hum, he tilts his head to wait for what he has to say, “Want to be a simp?” he teases. Receiving himself a kick to his leg, “There are more women in the world than just ( Y/N ).”

Ignoring his friend, he looks up again. Letting out a dreamy sigh at the mention of her name, “I would do anything to protect her. If there was a way for me to make sure curses could never hurt her, I would take it in a heartbeat.”

Faux whipping noises ring his ears, making him sit up. Glaring softly at the blue-eyed sorcerer, “She was right, we should bully people with blue eyes.”

“You think everything she says is right.”

“Because she is.”

MASTERLIST|TAGLIST@lovinnoya@suga-tofu@tanakasimpcorner@tanakasprayer@aofleur@bakugoubiddies@yul2020@lonelyweeb77@kloudyisdepressed@animeboisbitchthings(i wasn’t able to tag the crossed users, i’m so sorry)

Kindergarten teacher! Choso Headcanons

cw: nsfw/sfw, fluff, smut, dub-con, dom/sub, fingering, rough sex, oral(m!receiving), creampie, degradation, hair pulling, unprotected sex, public sex, no prep, toxic (?) relationship, dom!choso

an: inspired by this art kindergarten teacher! Choso everyone! I’m on my knees

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who is nice to everybody, especially to his students. He loves giving stars and compliments to his students on their little achievements. Got a perfect mark on a test? you got a star on your hands. Finished coloring the activity too early? you got a star on your wrist. Done Memorizing the first 10 letters in the alphabet you got a star on your cheeks.

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who notices every small detail on his students. He memorizes everything from head to toe. From the slight change in his students’ head accessories, the minuscule purple heart on his students’ new manicured small nails, to the tied ribbon knot on their shoelaces.

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who loves giving flowers to his students. Choso has a small backyard in his house and he personally grows each flower to perfection. He wanted them fresh and free from any toxins so he never missed any day watering them. Choso especially likes giving dandelions, daisies, and lilies wishing all his students to grow with a very active and optimistic outlook in life. He loves children, he very much loves them treating each one as his kid.

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who braids his students’ hair with the most gentle care, making sure to brush each tangled strand carefully without pulling the roots of their scalp. On top of the cute mermaid-style braid, he also likes finishing the look with a rainbow pin on both sides of the hair.

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who Hugs and coos his students to sleep. After a long day of playing games, reading books, coloring pages from the worksheets, and singing songs, his students love it when he picks them up, rubs their backs, and coo’s them to sleep as they gradually close their heavy lids escaping their world on their dreamy land. Choso would then tuck each of his students on the thickly matted floor and kiss their foreheads before he begins his afternoon duties.

Kindergarten teacher! Choso where you decided to work as a cook in the daycare because the tall, dark-haired man you’ve got a crush on is working as a teacher there. Choso, that was his name, from the moment you saw him to the day you decided to work here you knew that there was something mysterious behind those dark orbs and you weren’t wrong. He was lovely in front of his students, always smiling, always laughing but he is a 360 degrees monster behind closed doors. He is a 30-year-old promiscuous man who plays roughly with several kinks. He loves doing it rough, sadistic. He is degrading, he seeks pleasures when you are struggling beneath him. He loves it so much when your knees are all bruised, eyes red and wetty, and lips are swollen while you are gagging on his cock struggling to take his length. He loves fucking your mouth deep, pushing your head down on his pubes until you are out of breath.

“F-fuck fuck I’m gonna cum and you’ll fucking take it all.” You can feel his cock throbbing as it pulses inside your mouth and just like that you felt your tongue full with thick ropes of cum. A mixture of bitter and salty, still trying to catch your breath, Choso grabbed your chin and watched your doey eyes glisten with tears and lips spilling his creamy-white seeds. You are attempting to swat his fingers on your chin and reach for a napkin to spit his seeds when he tightens his grip on yours and scrutinizes you under his dark lustful eyes. He then began to command you with his low deep voice.


Weak and shuddering under his gaze you began to follow his command mindlessly. You swallowed his semen while looking him directly in the eyes. Fingers catching his load that spilled past your lips and sucking them shamelessly. You heard choso laugh manically, his lips formed on a smirk as he stroked your head like his personal fuck doll.

“Good fucking girl.”

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who fucks you senseless and whispers dirty stuff in your ears while his students are fast asleep. your tears are rolling down on your cheeks eyes turned on the back of your head. Unable to think properly while his 3 fingers are knuckle deep on your hole and his cock on your ass. The lewd sound coming from your mouth and the slapping of skins is driving you crazy. You are so wet, so messy. Cheeks soaked from tears, tongue lolled out your mouth, body filled with sweat and pussy drunk from yours and choso’s cum. He was pushing both of your seeds with his fingers inside your cervix while fucking your tight ass hole. You can feel your stomach tighten ready to release another load yet choso is stimulating both of your holes without mercy.

“So fucking filthy, your such a fucking dirty girl. You like this right, getting fuck by me? Getting both of your holes fuck, God your such a slut!”

“C-choso too big I c-can’t anymore please, I’m gonna cum”

“Shut up slut be useful for once and take my cock like a good girl yeah?”

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who stuffs your dirty undies on your mouth to prevent you from moaning so loud. After tucking all the kids to sleep he went on his way to play his kind of games with you. He folded you on the counter, pushed your chest against the marbles of the kitchen, and gripped your waist tightly as he shoved his cocked on your pussy forcing you to take his whole length without prep. Jarred from the sudden force on your hole you reached for your pussy and began stimulating your clit to ease the pain on your hole and make you wet when Choso pulled your hair and whispered in your ears.

“Did I tell you to touch yourself? No, right? Then remove your dirty hands on your pussy or I won’t let you cum.” Cringed from the thought of not cumming you dispelled your fingers from your clit and painfully took choso’s thrust on your hole. He was ramming his hips so deep and so hard that you were unable to contain yourself and spilled a boisterous moan out on your lips so he gripped your jaw and shoved your dirty undies on your mouth.

“So fucking loud! Do you want to wake up my kids, you dirty slut?”

Kindergarten teacher! Choso who’s quick to shove you off his cock one time when a student came by the kitchen finding him after waking up from her sleep. Her hair was messy, hands rubbing the sleep on her eyes and mouth yawning. Afraid of being seen like that choso immediately pushed you off from his lap making you fall on the side. You were still shivering from his release, his semen spilling on your legs, breath still heavy, when he pulled his pants up and squeezed your ass one more time before catching his student in his arms. Fixing her messy hair and leaving small kisses on her temples.

“Teacher, what are you doing here?”

“Hmm, nothin princess, I was just asking y/n what meal we will be having today.”

“B-but we already ate our lunch, teacher!” Choso looked in your direction, delighted with your fucked-up state. Hair is messy, lipstick-stained on the corners of your mouth, clothes are crumpled and legs are shaking. He then formed an incessant smirk on his mouth before answering his student’s question.

“No princess, it’s for me. I haven’t had my dessert yet right, y/n?”

Summary: Sometimes happiness means Geto Suguru’s Happiness

Characters: Geto x reader

cw: angst, reader is crazy in love with geto, mention of death, minor manga spoiler

A/n: uhm, help me with the title pls?

“I trust him more than I trust myself.” At long last, you said it. The truth you have been holding that feels like ages. You always wanted to proclaim it, shove it to everyone’s face, and scrape it on your skin but what’s stopping you? Fear? Abandonment? Condemnation? Maybe, but now you won’t have to feel that. Not when you are ready to give up everything for him, ready to throw everyone else for him. For the scraps of his love and for the declaration on yours.

“Do you realize how crazy you sound right now y/n? he’s a goddamn serial killer wake up!” You said nothing but silence, unwary of the rage and disgust that your friend is offering you right now. Unhinged and stupid enough to understand the words she utter is reality. Unable to think properly whether the love of your life is a serial killer or a dejected son of God. It is a fact that he is a ticking bomb, a heartless mass murderer that killed hundreds-no thousands of people. He’s willing to kill everyone, even killed his own parents for his twisted morals. He signifies death, stinks of misfortune, and bleeds ruination but that didn’t matter because it didn’t scare you. He didn’t scare you, not a bit because you saw him differently. You saw him more than his violence, you saw him beyond his transgressions. They never saw him the way you saw him so they didn’t realize that those dull melancholy eyes were suffocating in pity. Those loneliest nights were his mind was destroying him doing the unthinkable and that of he’s just yearning for someone’s touch, someone’s warmth, and someone’s affection. Someone to tell him that he’s not alone and it will be okay. Those guilty hands and thorn heart that shouted truce where he wanted to stop but he couldn’t. How can you be truly scared of him when you saw him stripped naked with wounds covering his whole body, soul shattered to pieces, and mind covered in a vast darkness. He wanted to be saved but couldn’t. He just wanted to be free. Free of pain and free of terror and so he did.

“Your right, Maybe I am crazy, cuz I fucking love him no matter what you say and no matter what I do.”

“He’s just using you, you know that after he gets what he wants he’ll kill you. He’ll do it without a second thought.”

Your mind began to wonder at the thought of him, Geto Suguru, your master, the love of your life. You saw him at his lowest that facades his glory and you know what he feels inside. He wanted the truth. Freedom of fear, abandonment and death. He wants to be strong and to do that you’ll have to die. God, would you really deny him? Deny his will and candor? Can you say no to his glistening black eyes that cry out peace and unadulterated joy as he witnesses your dying body on the cold ground chasing the last second of your life with an imprint of his genuine buoyancy as he walks towards his eternal truth leaving you behind?

Your heart throbbed, soul faltering, just the slip of his genuine joy makes you weak and restless. If that gives him his freedom, his true happiness, and fulfillment then you’ll do it. You’ll do it in a heartbeat.

“I know and I’ll die on that day with a smile on my face because the person I love the most had at last reached his heaven thus, I did.”

written with my post-vaccine brain so judge me all you want :)

Did my breast get bigger? Looking at the mirror you gave your in front a thorough look, checking on every nook and cranny that somehow changes on your body. Gazing yourself, especially your breast intently in a full view mirror gives you a mixed feeling of dazed and confused.

“Was it really bigger? That can’t be.” You were not sure if you are seeing right but you think your breast got bigger compared to before. Given the fact that you need to use an extender now to hook your bra properly, the cup too came in useless because they aren’t covering much of your soul. Furthermore, the underwires were cutting quite a bit of your meat, leaving your skin itchy and sore. Still befuddled by the new changes you are seeing, you turned your body around to ask your boyfriend for his opinion.

“Hey, babe did my breast get bigger?” Your boyfriend-Gojo was laying down on your bed with his long slim legs on top of the other busy going through his phone when he detached it to look at you.

“Come again, sweetie?” You turned your body around facing him completely before you pushed your breast upwards while looking at him straight in the eye.

“I was just wondering if my breasts got bigger? What do you think? Did they get bigger?”

Gojo folded his arms around his chest, grin painted all over his face, blue eyes raking up on your body up and down. Liips drenched from all his licking before he situated his orbs on your breast boldly undressing you with a mere look.

“Yes baby, your breast certainly got bigger. And I did that to you so you should thank me for it.” Proud of his so-called achievement Gojo strolled towards you, a winning smile covering the entirety of his mouth, he grabbed your breast molding it with his palms like his own art piece.

“So you say baby, don’t you think I need a reward or something?” Tonic with his touch, you decided to play it off and get along with his sultry look, sultry voice, and sultry intention.

“Like what, gojo?” You know what he wants to do and you want to do it for him so you push yourself forward. Letting him feel your roundness on his chest.

“Like a boob job, sweetie. My cock pulsating between your breasts while I spill my cum all over your face. That’s only fair for saving you the money you could have used in a breast implant right?.” Defeated from gojo’s blatant discourse you decided to provide him the deed. He worked too hard to make this breast of your own, so he should definitely try how it works right?


Summary:You have to fix Megumi’s shirt for him -  but y/n’s hands like to linger a bit too long

Warning: Bad Grammar

A/N: I just had this little scenario in my head and decided to write this real fast for you guys – hope you like it ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
✧ I’d love to receive some feedback ✧




You all were waiting outside on the training grounds, even Satoru tagged along. He settled himself on the stairs with his head resting on his hand while letting out a loud sight every few seconds. He was definitely forced to be here.

Your school had a small conference with your sister school in Kyoto, which means that old man Gakuganji would also come along.

All of you looked at least approachable, besides Nobara who made it her mission to look like a model that was send to the wrong set.

Currently she was running way from Panda and Toge while Maki was trying to save her from getting her whole outfit ruined.

“Shouldn’t we train at least a little bit before the others show up?” the Panda called eager.
They are so committed. You sighted out loud.

Looking around, you could spot Yuuji talking to Satoru. The pink haired boy was desperately trying to hype him up, seems like Satoru was not really having it today.

Turning to your right, your eyes captured Megumi. He was observing the spectacle of Nobara, Panda and Toge in front of him.
“Megumi! Move your butt over and help us!” Maki screamed at the black haired.

“I’d rather not.”

Letting out a small chuckle, which led Megumi to take a glance at you now. Looking right back at him, you squinted your eyes while smiling widely.

Moments like this made you realize how lucky you where to be here.

Still observing the boy beside you, you noticed how the collar of his neatly buttoned up shirt was kinda messy.
Should I tell him? You desperately wanted to fix it. Shifting on your feet you slightly glanced over to him again.
Come on y/n! Just do it for him!

Giving yourself a small pep talk you hesitantly walked up to him.

“Can I?” you asked with a small voice while pointing to his collar. It took him a second to understand what you were implying to. When he spotted his messy shirt he just nodded at you.
The tips of his ears turned red after you started working your hands on his neck. Your thumbs where brushing his skin from time to time, which also led you to blush at the situation.

After you finished fixing the collar, your hands lingered on his shoulders for a little bit longer then needed. Megumi didn’t seem to mind it, he was glaring you up and down while you where still fixated at his shirt, not daring to look up. You were too scared to meet his eyes right now. The situation was already embarrassing enough.
“Finished!” you said in a happy voice after catching yourself again.

“Y/N! You take on Toge, I’ll catch Panda!” Maki shouted over to where Megumi and you stood.

“On my way!”

Going on with your day, you noticed how Megumi didn’t touch his collar once after you fixed it for him.


REPOST! because I think I got shadowbanned

❀ Summary: First Date with Megumi

❀ A/N: sorry if this is bad, I still have to learn how to write headcanons lol

❀ Warnings: Grammar Error / Fluff / Milk – Coffee

❀ Published:25.02.2021


✧ I love this boy so much

✧ but let‘s be real, Megumi would be too shy to really ask you out

✧ it would be more like “Hey (Y/N), you wanna catch some coffee?”

✧ will definitely act like it’s not a date, but deep down he really wants to ask you out properly

✧ his excuse would be that he wants to talk to you about the upcoming mission

✧ he would take you on a walk to a really nice and rather small coffee shop

✧ the walk would be quiet at first, Megumi has some problems talking to you because every time he glances over to you his ears would turn red

✧ he’s just not trusting his voice right now

✧ so it’s your mission now to start a conversation

✧ I see Megumi as a milk-coffee kinda guy, so when you two enter the coffee shop he gets two milk-coffee’s – he insists to pay (he wants that date feeling… poor buy is just so shy)

✧ “wait! do you even like milk-coffee?”

✧ “yes, that’s totally fine” you said while trying to hide a small giggle

✧ it would be so obvious that Megumi is nervous, pls just go with the flow and take the milk-coffee

✧ after you two got your order you sat yourself at a small table with only two chairs in a rather quiet corner

✧ it would be up to you again to start a conversation because poor guy Megumi is just starring at his coffee, grabbing it with both his hands

✧ do be fair, the conversation wouldn’t be that romantic – you both would probably talk about different fighting styles, Megumi would tell you about that new cursed weapon he borrowed from Maki

✧ he would love to just sit there and listen to you talk about life, so when you told him a story about that one prank Yuuji and you pulled on Satoru last week he zoned out, starring at your hands laying on the table

✧ he just wants to grab and hold them so so bad

✧ decides not to, because he doesn’t want to ruin the situation

✧ (just tell him that you like him so he can hold your hand damn it)

✧ when you both finished your coffee the sun already started to set

✧ so on your walk back to school it got kinda chilly

✧ “are you cold?” he’d ask you, eyeing you up and down

✧ “nah it’s fine”

✧ but he could see that you tried to warm up your hands by sliding them under your arms

✧ sadly Megumi couldn’t offer you a jacked because both of you are only wearing a hoodie (boy should have been prepared)

✧ “give me your hand” he said surprised by himself

✧ you hesitated for a second but stretched out your hand that’s on Megumi’s side

✧ but instead of holding it, he grabbed it and put it in the pocked of his hoodie together with his own hand

✧ now it was your time to turn red “t-thank you” you stumbled over your own words

✧ he didn’t say anything but the smile on his face said everything – still insecure he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand

✧ back at the dorms you just looked at each other, not knowing what tho say

*should I just say “bye”?* (no Megumi you should not)

✧  you wrapped your arms around the boy in front of you, hiding your blushed face in his chest

✧ he instantly tensed up, but after a few seconds he was able to slowly hug you back

✧ tomato Megumi

✧ “so… was that a date?” you mumbled in his chest

✧ “ a – a date?”

✧ “yeah, a date”

✧ “do you want it to be one?” he asked you quietly, still hugging you

✧ you just nodded you head, not trusting your voice

✧ so he just hugged you even harder and put his chin on your head

✧ “well… then I guess it was a date”


I hope you liked this headcanon. If you know things I could do better, feel free to DM me. I always want to improve myself and my writing.

Have a nice day! ♡




⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.





⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

© 2022 serxeinxx. All Rights Reserved. Do not repost. Do not plagiarize.


⁰⁰⁶.taglist:@mrsbrandoxxx@sanemishina@meliii0@kiiraes@gumiresque@uwiuwi@5sos-wdw@purpi-narwhale@bakugous-princess@hirugummies@markleepooh@nicci08 @siyas-map@mukagentropy@cosmonettica@dukina@that-levi-kenma-kinnie@uxavity@ffsg0jo@uravichii

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⁰⁰¹.pairings: megumi x gn!reader [requested<33]

⁰⁰³.genre: fluff + sfw !!

⁰⁰⁴.notes: thank you anon for this request!! I hoped that you enjoyed this !! + although,, bc of my heavy workload of activities in school,, i may have problems on my sched T_T but im suprised that i finished this faster omgg+ i put it on as gn reader bc i don’t know what is your gender preference ♡

⁰⁰⁵.other links: navigation;gen.masterlist;jjk.masterlist;taglist form


— being his s/o was so accurate in his type. because, he wants a partner that has an unshakable character, having a moral compass, and is a hard worker.

— seeing you working so hard for the things you are passionate is really attractive to him.

— and it drives him too to make more effort in his training than he used to do. he can’t be left out by you, of all people.

— think about as him, being his own favorite person to look up to. same as you too! you look up to him because of the efforts he has made.

— and he loves to listen on your goals in life! because he knows that you’ll definitely reach it; fuck that, he KNOWS that you’ll get the things you want but more better than your initial plan!

— yes, he’s willing to support you. but, sometimes it worries him to the core when seeing you overworking yourself. because, every hard-working person like you needed a much deserving break/rest.

— he has no hesitation to pull you from your desk or working place just for you to relax a bit.

— besides from your ambitions, he also cares for your health and well-being.

— overall, he’s totally attracted, and utterly in love in you.


reblogs are highly appreciated !!

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