#y’all what if he’s making it up



Quincey P. Morris is thee best character of all time and god fucking bless Bram Stoker for his creation. Mr Stoker, who clearly had never met a Texan or heard one speak in his life, asked him self, “now, is this something I should know anything about before writing a Texan character?” And the answer he came up with was “no, absolutely not,” and then he made Quincey P. Morris say shit like “why, if it ain’t for this rap-tootlin’ good ol’ beard-lickin’ quandery we do find oursels in, this is JUST like when ma mamma done wrangled that bull-hopper by his yarnhowlin’ horns and put him in the dusty gutter!” And everyone was like now Bram what the fuck does that mean and he was like don’t worry about it it’s called SLANG. god fucking bless
