#zenia speaks


Me, while writing: yes this is good, I am a good writer

Me, while editing: what was I thinking. What garbage is this

Publishing process 12/25/2018

Editing is taking so long, and I’ve been dealing with mental health issues. My mind hates me and I haven’t been able to sit and do as much work as I thought I could. Anxiety creeps up my throat and stops my hands before I can even write.

I fear I’m not going to make an impact. That I’ll fail. That everything wrong with my book is what I become known for. That I get marked as a bad author. I’m so terrified that it’s stopped my progress.

I really wanted to push for this book to be out by the end of this year. I don’t think that’s happening anymore. I’m so sorry. I’m getting help, slowly and surely, but I’m not sure when the release will come.

However, in good news, you guys will receive a cover reveal in the next few weeks!

“Of the Night” by Bastille is a good song for Midnight…

“You gotta actually edit to make your book”


Make characters flawed.

Make them make selfish choices. Make them make good decisions. Make them makes bad decisions. Make them make morally gray ones too. Make them have bad habits, like biting their nails, or picking at chapped lips, or staying up too late and sleeping in too much.

Make them wear high end shoes, or shoes falling apart at the soles. Make them wear fancy clothes or wear a go-to laundry day outfit.

Make them ugly cry. Make them wheeze. Make them have pimples and blemishes and roseaca and eczema.

Make them human.

Don’t try to make a character perfect. Nobody is. Each and every character you make has different motives, different drives, different thoughts and personalities.

It doesn’t have to be on one page or a single paragraph; it can be gradual and wonderful, just as your main character finds out along the way, like you will too.

Make them imperfect.

Release date postponed

Fallen Angels release date has been pushed back from June 28th to July 28th, due to editing and marketing.

Me: explicitly has a character say they’re bisexual multiple times

Beta reader: “so she’s straight right? Why is she acting like she’s crushing on this girl?”
