#zevransurana if you have good eyes

Dear Alistair,my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turnsDear Alistair,my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turnsDear Alistair,my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turns

Dear Alistair,

my responsibilities at Vigil’s Keep kept me from writing to you sooner. It turns out killing darkspawn is a lot less fun without the old crew around. I didn’t realize at the time just how close I grew to some of you and, well, I miss you terribly. I didn’t tell you this in person and I fear I won’t have the chance to do so anytime soon but I wanted you to know you have been like a brother to me and I consider you family.

I’m sending over a few items I feel belong to you. Duncan’s weapons, Cailan’s armor, and Maric’s sword have all been included. I admit I’m unsure how you feel about the latter two but I don’t think it’s my place to keep them.

I hope to see you soon, little brother.



P.S.: Zevran sends his regards.

P.P.S.: Have you heard from Morrigan? She’d laugh at me for this but I’m worried about her and the child. I know you tried searching but No, I shouldn’t pry. Just know that you can turn to me for help if you need it.

Step aside Goldanna, Surana is here to take over sister duties.

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