#ziam fandom



Something I’ve discovered is that self-publishing takes money. While I’ll itemize costs for you at some point, the gist is that everything, from an ISBN to copyright protection to formatting to website hosting (yes there will be a website!), costs. Part of what has made the rollout of The Killing Type take as long as it has is that I am paying these expenses as I can afford them; sometimes that means saving a few hundred dollars at a time for the next part of the project. 

I work to support myself. While it would be a privilege to lean on, say, my family for financial support, I simply don’t have that option. Actually, at 26, I’m making slightly more money than the amount my mother made to support us when I was growing up–still not very much. And while I’m happy to work and always have (my first gig was as a 14-year-old at a hipster toy store), my true dream is to be able to devote myself fulltime to writing stories. You know the stuff: stories that are engaging. Stories that feel like a game or a puzzle, somehow intimate because it’s also about the reader. Stories you want to come back to, hopefully. All that love and calamity. 

For a long time I was wary of the donation model of income–maybe I just didn’t feel like I had the right to ask. 

I’m asking now. While it’s still fairly bare-bones, I decided to create a Ko-fi account. If you’re interested in supporting this next step of TKT, or future writing of mine (short stories, articles, as well as a longer piece I have planned with an adventure element for the reader), please consider donating. I am also looking into perks I might be able to offer to those who donate, so if you have something in mind, feel free to let me know.

You, dear reader, have always been at the heart of my passion for writing. There is nothing like creating something you can enjoy. I am humbled by your support. 

You can find my Ko-fi link in the blog description or 


Thank you.


If you’re reading this, it’s time. Grab your physical edition of The Killing Type, or snag an ebook edition for the road. Featuring original cover illustrations from Sydney Kattine and a very special dedication, finally you can share your love of crime and murder with friends and family.

Buy Now

Thank you, tumblr readers (and AO3 alum!) for the incredible support that made this possible. Enjoy your holidays.
