#ziam fanfic

Picture Perfect by anonymous Prompt: iT’s YoU6k, teen and up ratingA wrong decision in his pas

Picture Perfect by anonymous
Prompt: iT’s YoU
6k, teen and up rating

A wrong decision in his past made Liam’s life a misery and now he is trying to make amends. Along the way, there are more surprises than he had bargained for.

Written for the @1dhiatusficfest/1D Hiatus Fic Fest

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Solamente Tú y Yo by anonymous Prompt: Familiar 4k, mature ratingLiam’s eyes wander the crowd

Solamente Tú y Yo by anonymous
Prompt: Familiar 
4k, mature rating

Liam’s eyes wander the crowd as the song changes to something slower and he shakes loose of the hands on his hips. It isn’t hard to find who he’s looking for, even through the mass of people and the dim lights of the club. The handsome man he noticed almost as soon as he was inside the club, leaning against the wall not far from the bar, nursing a drink. It seems every time he looks off the dance floor their eyes find each other, and the man’s dark gaze has lit a fire under his skin.

Or, Liam wants to get familiar with the handsome stranger he spots from across the dance floor

Written for the @1dhiatusficfest/1D Hiatus Fic Fest

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The Art of Losing by anonymous Prompt: Dusk til Dawn6k, matureLiam doesn’t like to lose, even

The Art of Losing by anonymous
Prompt: Dusk til Dawn
6k, mature

Liam doesn’t like to lose, even though he’s very good at it.

It’s an apocalypse story. Maybe.

Written for the @1dhiatusficfest/1D Hiatus Fic Fest

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