#ziam fanfiction

Moonlight in Your Hands by anonymous Prompt: Let Me5k, matureThe sun and the moon. The tide and the

Moonlight in Your Hands by anonymous
Prompt: Let Me
5k, mature

The sun and the moon. The tide and the shore.
A girl and her best friend. A hope for something more.

Written for the @1dhiatusficfest/1D Hiatus Fic Fest

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The Art of Losing by anonymous Prompt: Dusk til Dawn6k, matureLiam doesn’t like to lose, even

The Art of Losing by anonymous
Prompt: Dusk til Dawn
6k, mature

Liam doesn’t like to lose, even though he’s very good at it.

It’s an apocalypse story. Maybe.

Written for the @1dhiatusficfest/1D Hiatus Fic Fest

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