#zine announcements

Preorders for such stuff as dreams are made on are officially open!such stuff as dreams are made on Preorders for such stuff as dreams are made on are officially open!such stuff as dreams are made on 

Preorders for such stuff as dreams are made on are officially open!

such stuff as dreams are made on is a zine celebrating the greatest English writer of all time, with modern takes on his work in the forms of artwork, poetry, and prose.  It will be 64 beautiful color pages, featuring 37 incredible artists and writers.

The individual zine is $21 (plus shipping), and a bundle including stickers, postcards, bookmarks, and Shakespearean insult pencils is $27.  You can also order a pdf of the zine for $10.

Keep an eye out on this blog and on our Twitter for more previews!

Post link
such stuff as dreams are made on is pleased to announce its official list of zine contributors! We r

such stuff as dreams are made on is pleased to announce its official list of zine contributors! We received almost one hundred amazing applications; it was a hard decision, but we eventually narrowed down our list. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s work in the finished zine.

Thank you so much to everyone who applied!

Preorders for the zine will open on August 1st, so stay tuned!


a courage || ALIENMANDY||Apollo||bracari||Christina Qi ||Erica Doyle||glithch||Jenna Y.||Kara Kern||Kotanya||leylses||M. Cat. White||michi||Nadia Kyobe||Nat Roze||Rocketdoq||Rycheza||Shannon Kao||sophianecatrix||Strontium||Xenia Rassolova


B Taylor||Douglas McDonald||Eden Arielle Gordon||irisbleufic||Katherine Xiong||Nora Pearson||Renn Elkins||smallepics


agronaa//amy||Amrita Chakraborty||HMS G||Jay S.||Jaz Vallin||Kelsey-Jean||Marilyn Schotland ||owlinaminor||Tate

Post link

All of the preorder and contributor copies of the zine were shipped out yesterday morning!

Copies going out within the US should arrive within five business days, while international copies should take a week or two.  Please let us know if you don’t receive yours within that time.

Also, we’ll be updating those who preordered through Gumroad with their tracking numbers within the next day or so, but if you would like to know yours sooner, DM Betsy ( @owlinaminor ) and she can send it to you.

If you missed out on this round of preorders, don’t worry - PDF orders are still open on Gumroad, and we will have a second round of preorders starting soon!  Keep an eye out for more information on that.

We also have a few extra copies from these first preorders; if you are based in NYC and would like one, send us a message and we can coordinate something.

First, on the zine itself: the final version went to the printers about a week ago, and we are hopeful that it will be ready to be picked up by the beginning of next week.  All of the extras have arrived in NYC (and look wonderful), so orders will be shipped as soon as the printed zines are ready.  Also, all PDFs have been delivered to those who ordered them.  Let us know if you have any questions about or issues with your individual orders!

Next, on the future: we have decided to do a second round of preorders for the zine!  This round will be hosted on Gumroad (the same as our first round was), and will be open from approximately mid-October to the end of November, shipping in the beginning of December, just in time for the holidays; more precise dates to come.  Check back here for more details on that run!

In addition, anyone can still buy PDFs of the zine on Gumroad; this order link will remain open until at least the end of the second preorder period.  We also have a few surplus copies from our first round of orders; if you are NYC-based and would like to buy one of those, please let us know and we can work something out.
