

( View from inside the pussy via tiny camera inserted deep into vagina )

Huge Load of cum inside pussy
chastitycollection: “Recommended Annual Ejaculations” ChartI created my own, more extensive “Recomme


“Recommended Annual Ejaculations” Chart

I created my own, more extensive “Recommended Annual Ejaculations” Chart. It lists how often you’re allowed to cum, depending on your age and cock size.

The two smaller tables to the left show you the age you will have your last orgasm (permanent chastity for life after that), and the recommended method of cumming.

The green highlight is just for myself (I’m in the 6in bracket and will be permanently denied at age 27).

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All the signs were there if she had just been paying attention. When it happened, all the pieces sud

All the signs were there if she had just been paying attention. When it happened, all the pieces suddenly fit together. The initial sounds of distress that suddenly faded as he wiggled and writhed followed by tensing, a moan, almost panic, and then the return of a naughty little boy being spanking to contrition.

He had been a little “off” before school. Barely on time, hadn’t cleaned up his breakfast, and just a little rude. After school he was just a little tween nightmare like every parent fears. Slamming doors, clearly eating candy which she doesn’t like him doing, playing video games instead of homework, and just leaving a mess wherever he went. Shoes, coat, dishes, backpack, everything.

She asked him nicely to put his stuff away and do his homework. He responded with a, “sure,” answer but did nothing. She tried again a little more forcefully and still no movement from him. Truth was, there was no movement from her either: all bark, no bite.

The third time she walked in with the little paddleball paddle that she used to spank him with when he was little. She hadn’t spanked him in years and she meant it only as a threat but after giving him an ultimatum, she heard him say, “alright! Don’t have to be such a bitch about it.”

it was a line she had told him repeatedly to never cross. His father had been verbally abusive when he was still in their lives and she vowed he would not follow in those footsteps.

Her anger ignited quickly and it seemed like only seconds between when she announced he was getting a spanking and she was sitting on the chair giving him the universal “get over here” hooked-finger sign. She order him to get undressed but when his pants were off, she saw his hard little penis through his worn out underpants. When they were removed, its presence made her nervous. It had been years since she had seen him erect and the sex organ of her pubescent son in its aroused gave her conflicting feelings. Perfect, innocent, cute even but also sexual, aroused, and arousing. 

Over her lap in just his socks and t-shirt, she couldn’t believe how beautiful, perfect, and pristine, his bottom was. She almost felt bad spanking it but she knew she couldn’t turn back now. Still, the first spanks lacked the anger she had been feeling.

He immediately vocalized his discomfort but after the first dozen spanks, he grew quiet. At 20 cracks, a different sound–almost a mewing–could be heard. At first, she thought he was about to cry but then he made a sound her ex-husband had made so many times: that low moaning growl that signaled his orgasm’s immanent approach.

A moment of revulsion at what she suspected was happening was quickly and surprisingly replaced with a combination of uncertainty, anger, and frighteningly powerful arousal. Not knowing what to do, she continued to connect the thin would to her son’s pink bottom.

His ejaculation was imperceptible to her but once his semen was finally expelled and his sexual energy spent, he became just a crying little boy again. She knew it should break her heart to inflict pain on her own son and though her anger was sated and even replaced by an almost urgent arousal in her own loins, she felt a duty to end the spanking quickly but with a flourish. She brought him to tears and quickly brought him to his feet. She needed to see the evidence of what she suspected.

Her blue silk dress showed his pre-teen semen clearly and his proud member was now softening and shrinking rapidly. She had to ask the question even though she was sure she knew the answer. “Did you want mommy to spank you today?” she asked gently. He didn’t seem to have words as he stood shaking and crying. “It is OK, baby; I just need to know.”

He nodded a little and then a lot. It was the moment of truth. He had the opening he had been seeking for so long. Even more than when she took the bait, it was obvious that this was the real opportunity he was looking for.

“Next time, just ask, OK?” she said with a smile. Through the tears, he smiled too. “Mommy will give you spankees whenever you need them.”

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