

Here’s another great bit from a Russian TV show which remains my favorite after all these years. The show “Improvisation” is basically the Russian version of “Whose line is it anyway?”. If you want to learn about what the Russian sense of humor is like, you should definitely check out this show.

I think this is the perfect video to watch if you can’t remember the word казус (kazus sing., m.)


Fun fact: this episode has become iconic and remains a huge meme in the Improvisation fandom (yes, this show has a fandom).

Another Improvisation post! Thank you for the feedback and the suggestions!

Fun fact:
Dr. Dolittle’s name in Russian is Айболи́т (Aibolit) which is a combination of a Russian exclamation «Ай!» and the word «Боли́т» («hurts»). The Russian translators really wanted to make his name speak for itself so they literally named him «Ouch, (it) hurts».

I said I was gonna get back to translating when I’m done with my exams… Yet here we are!

If you’ve seen ‘Who’s Line Is It Anyway?’ before then I probably don’t have to explain the rules of 'Scenes From A Hat’.

Hope you enjoy! And thank you for being here ❤️

господи чего так сложно рисовать прекрасного арсения а

открыла для себя новый фандом мужиков
