

Well, in general, I was again asked to draw a stoned Baileywick

Хотела кому-нибудь заказать Лену, в итоге не нашла кому, а референс-то с ней остался. Ну, думаю можно использовать как новую часть редизайнов на книжные концепты…

Из филиала сверхразумских комментариев

I hope somebody remembers “Čudesna Suma“ / “The Elm Chanted Forest“? It was my favorite cartoon as a child, and I still like it. Not that this is a particularly high quality cartoon, but very atmospheric. I was VERY surprised to learn that this cartoon is really loved in the English-speaking segment, and I was especially surprised that the wizard Thistle is the favorite character of the fandom and in each review they wrote that he was the best. Well, that was my favorite character as a kid when I first saw “The Elm Chanted Forest“, so I understand why so many people love him so much. By the way, I found out about the sequel “The Sorcerer’s Hat” just a few years ago, and found the voice acting just a few days ago. The sequel sucks, I’m disappointed but not surprised

Remember the Cucumber King? The Hegelmann are fools, they lost such a treasure

Помните огуречного короля? Хогельманы дураки, потеряли такое сокровище

Lena and surreal aesthetic background. It is also inspired by a passage from the third book, when she brought eclairs to sick children to cheer them up. She is so sincere, kind, caring and loving ❤️

Леночка и сюрреалистический эстетический фон. Это также вдохновленно отрывком из третьей книги, когда она принесла болеющим детям эклеры, чтобы их приободрить. Она такая искренняя, добрая, заботливая и любящая ❤️

Illustration for an excerpt from the third book.

Poor Helmut

(I remind you that I consider it unacceptable to kill animals)

Иллюстрация к отрывку из третьей книги.

Бедный Хельмут

(Напоминаю, что я считаю недопустимым убивать животных)

Helmut with a drill…

Doesn’t threaten, but warns

Хельмут с дрелью…

Не угрожает, но предупреждает

Лена богиня, и это не обсуждается

Lena is a goddess, and this is not discussed
