
Одним теплым осенним днем чета йорков решила остаться дома и попить кофе с пончиком В последнее врем

Одним теплым осенним днем чета йорков решила остаться дома и попить кофе с пончиком В последнее время даже я превратилась в затворника, ведь дома так уютно♡

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I am in financial shit now, if anybody wants to commission me, that would literally be life changing for me.

If you can’t please reblog this post, I am looking for a part time job now, but until I find one I am pretty much screwed

Me and my friend’s entry for Clip Studio’s paint 21st international illustration contest (the theme is mythology so we drew a typical dinner at Baba Yaga’s vignette)

Coloured and Inked the double page spread in my and my friend’s comic Gorod Boli/ 城市—玻璃 (working title)

It’s a story about two adventurers set in a fantasy world based on Chinese and Russian cultures.

Please like, reblog and check the rest of the comic out

Coloured and inked another page in my and my friend’s comic- also drew some backgrounds)).

The comic’s working title is Gorod Boli/城市—玻璃, it’s a story about two adventurers set in a fantasy world inspired by Chinese and Russian cultures.

Please like, reblog and check the rest of it out- we are just starting out so your support is very important to us.

Coloured and digitally inked another page in mine and my friend’s comic.

It’s working title is Gorod Boli/城市—玻璃 , it’s a story about two adventurers set in a fantasy world inspired by Chinese and Russian cultures.

Please support us by liking and rebloging the comic or by supporting it on our other social media accounts (our instagrams are livresquare and huiii.f )

We are just starting out and your support is immensely important to us
