

Chernobyl 26.04.1986-26.04.2022

Time flies.

Today is the 36th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident.

It is difficult to shape thoughts. It is difficult now, after so many years, to reproduce everything that people were thinking about then. What they aspired to, what they lived for.

And people were different. It’s true.

Reading numerous testimonies of bravery, selflessness, courage… throwing away lies, tears, the pain of loss and sorrow, I ask myself again: if this accident happened again now, what would happen?

And I think the answer lies even in these days.

Because this question is not only about the accident, the damage, the dead, the culprits - it is a question of unity, consolidation of peoples - in the sake of a safe world.

Do most people need such a world now - ?

I want to believe that yes.

They need, of course, they do.

I’d like to quote here the doctor’s words that appeared in the play about Valery Legasov: «the task of every person is to prolong life.» Your own life - with working, taking care of yourself. Your children and loved ones - with love and care for them. Keeping the memory of the departed, we also prolong their life, because a person is alive as long as he is remembered.

It’s good that we remember.

Нет в мире виноватых… © Л.Н.Толстой

Чернобыль 26.04.1986-26.04.2022

