
Putting on that game face; getting ready to wrangle these wild bees! I’m glad I brought a seco

Putting on that game face; getting ready to wrangle these wild bees! I’m glad I brought a second bee suit! P'Banky (a grad student friend from the lab) was going to help me do this in shorts! Short Shorts!! Let’s just say there are places from which I don’t want to help someone remove a stinger!

#ต่อย #HoneyHunt #MaeRim #MaeRimChiangMae #DoctorBuggs #Entomology #ตื่นเต้นจังเลย #HoneyBees #Apiscerana #AsianHoneyBees #doisuthep #research #researcher #wildbees #ดอยสุเทพ

(at โรงเรียนวัดโป่งแยงเฉลิมพระเกียรติ)

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Ok so we just made it to the mountain and we’re on our way to meet The Honey Hunters! They&rsq

Ok so we just made it to the mountain and we’re on our way to meet The Honey Hunters! They’ve found four Apis cerana (Asian Honey Bee) colonies and they’ll catch them for us for 1000 baht (about 30 USD!) ตื่นเต้นจังเลย I feel like I should tip…I wonder how much it’s customary to tip a honey hunter.

#HoneyHunter #MaeRim #MaeRimChiangMae #DoctorBuggs #Entomology #ตื่นเต้นจังเลย #HoneyBees #Apiscerana #AsianHoneyBees #doisuthep (at โรงเรียนวัดโป่งแยงเฉลิมพระเกียรติ)

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