#⊹ the moments that wont ever be forgotten




the concept of an escape room is quite interesting. you’re welcomed into a mystery/puzzle real-life game you have no idea what it really is about until you’re thereand a bunch of npcs actually need to contribute to help the crew move on. in horror movies—or games, to fit the example—you could quickly point out which character fits which stereotype. nakyung is the pretty girl who’s actually pretty smart, obviously. she’s in this to win it. the boy beside her is the perfect example of the dude who’s first todie.

she keeps staring at the next clue but his presence in itself is already distracting enough. maybe she should have brought her brother with her so she could make fun of people and he could listen. her eyebrows are on a constant state of stress,furrowed together, and whenever she remembers that causes wrinkles she tries to relax, but the expression just as quickly returns. “do youknowwhat you’re doing?” nakyung asks the tall boy directly. and he’s so. damn.tall. it’s foolish to try taking a guess at his age, but she could just about make assumptions on his mental one at the very least.

back in america, lucas frequented escape rooms with his friends a lot. the activity’s popularity was on the rise around the time he left california, so he’s ecstatic to learn that it’s just as prevalent—if not more so—in south korea. his friends would argue about the clues while he fiddled with random locks and pointed at irrelevant items that were just props, simple decorations not meant to enhance the escape experience.

you could say he’s not exactly useful when it comes to escape rooms. he never has been, and he probably never will be. but if you think that will stop him from partaking in these types of activities, then you’re wrong. lucas still gives his all, despite it being for naught. his friends would tease him for standing around aimlessly; they’d laugh at his confusion and nonsensical ideas. but the girl with him in this escape room is not his friend, and she does not react like them either. 

“no, i don’t,” he admits. contrary to what he says, he nods his head confidently with the widest of grins. “should we ask for a hint?” and he doesn’t even wait for a response before he turns to one of the workers in the room and asks, “what do we do next?” 

he thinks he’s being helpful. he really thinks this is the best course of action, that the stranger will approve of his idea, so he glances over his shoulder at her and gives her a thumbs up, paired with a drawn out wink to indicate that he’s got this.

an#rkzombienight starter for@mxnark

he doesn’t mean to get in the way—at least, not at first. he’s standing in front of the photobooth with a couple of people he’s just met, waiting for their turn to take pictures. they’ve each dressed up as an avenger (lucas is the superior one: iron man, of course) and they want to commemorate the moment even if they don’t know each other, but they’ve been waiting in this line for so long and the people ahead of them won’t seem to leave the booth. 

lucas doesn’t mind waiting, but one of the other boys is getting impatient. he tries to tell the stranger to calm down, but it seems he has a short temper; he shoves lucas in the heat of the moment, and said boy tumbles through the velvet curtain right as there’s a flash from the camera. 

“hey ladies.” he grins to save face, as if he hasn’t just intruded on a nice set of photographs for a group of friends. “hope you don’t mind that i joined you. oh, look, it’s counting down again! let’s pose!”


Never let it be said that Boo Seungkwan was one to step down when something became the slightest bit challenging. Honestly speaking he was in humanities for a reason. He had never been good at mathematics or sports, always had a tendency of blowing things up in science class and didn’t know the first thing about any important historical figures from Korea. But Seungkwan lived under a very important saying: fake it ‘til you make it. And he most certainly had to do so, at least come next month when some people from his class had invited him for a bowling tournament and he had without even a moment of hesitation said yes despite his average in an alley rarely going above 70.

But there was still plenty of time to practice he had decided, ever the optimist, and he was definitely going to reach 100 today! As soon as his balls would stop hitting the gutter that was. Somehow it seemed like the guy next to him was giving him pitiful stares every once in a while, but surely that was just Seungkwan’s imagination! With a very impressive tossing posture probably rarely seen in the world of bowling, he sent another ball into the gutter and let out a defeated laugh. “Do you think they give out a consolation prize for worst score of the day maybe?” he asked, trying to catch the other guy’s attention.

“a prize?” he asks, head tilted to the side because that’s all he really catches from the entire sentence. did the stranger say something about the worst corn being sold at eight? lucas doesn’t know what that has to do with a prize, much less bowling, but he goes along with it. “who is giving prizes?” he’s pretty sure you pay the bowling alley and not vice versa, unless it’s somehow different in korea—he wouldn’t know. this is his first time bowling here.

lucas couldn’t help but watch the other boy earlier. it’s hard not to pay attention to someone who sucks as bad as him, especially with the loud noises that come from his lane when the ball lands roughly in the gutter. he feels kind of bad, having never seen such a poor bowler in his entire nineteen years of life. 

he sidles up to the boy just as he’s about to toss the ball down the lane again. lucas isn’t sure how to explain what he wants to say in korean, so he opts to just show the boy with minimal words. lucas adjusts the position of his fingers, then steps aside to show him the proper posture and follow up with a confident (empty) swing of his own arm. “closer to the ground. throw from there. keep your arm up after you throw, too. and relax a little. try it now.”

a charisma starter for@rkseungwoo

lucas doesn’t know where he is, just that his stomach is growling after a long evening of studying at the library. hunched over a book, eyes following the small print until they’re strained and his head hurts—or so that’s the story he plans on telling his mother. the truth is, he was actually at a pc bang playing a game one of his classmates recommended. turns out, button smashing can burn some serious calories.

he follows the smell of fresh food that wafts through the air, the scent only aggravating his hunger. lucas stops in front of a food stall, eyes raking over the ingredients laid out. everything looks delicious to him, and quite frankly he cannot read the menu scrawled on the board in entirely korean (who would have thought he would need to learn how to speak korean and also read the language after moving? he feels like that one meme: “waddup im jared im 19 and i never fucking learned how to read.” do koreans know that video? he’ll have to ask someone one day). so, he turns to the worker for help.

“everything looks so yummy. i don’t know what to get,” he says slowly. lucas can’t tell if it’s because of his incompetence in the language or because he’s trying to prevent himself from salivating all over the place. “can you recommend me something?”

a charisma starter for@rkxsnh

it’s his first time taking a dance class, and it’s safe to say that it’s not going so well. so far, lucas has stepped on the feet of both people on either sides of him, tripped over his shoelaces twice, and has danced the wrong dance at the wrong time—how could he even mistaken the dance to gangnam style: an iconic, life changing song and dance that shook the entire world to its core when released. is he stupid?

no, he’s not stupid (actually he is, and he’ll be the first to admit it, but not in this situation); he’s just not a dancer. he’s done similar things before, but gymnastics and muay thai are very different from having to move to a beat while synchronized with a group of people he doesn’t even know. and quite frankly, in a room with so many competent people, it makes him look worse than he really is.

after his seventh misstep (yes, he is counting, because each instance is a massive hit to his ego), lucas finally caves and turns to the girl beside him for help. he doesn’t know her name despite the flashmob rehearsing for a couple of hours now. “hey, can you show me how to do that move?” 

a charisma starter for @rkyeri

on a warm september afternoon, vibrant scenery and cute girls catch lucas’ eye on the long way home from university. 

there’s an led screen in the window of an electronics shop, a bright yellow price tag stuck to the bottom right corner. he doesn’t pay attention to the price; why would he when there are six pretty girls dancing on the screen? he can’t hear the song playing, but he can tell from their fresh and innocent expressions that even their voices must be cute.

this is the first time he’s seeing this group. lucas has been more in tune with boy groups in the current kpop scene. he knows vaguely of convex and per_se, though his expertise lies with the older groups that his mom inadvertently introduced him to. maybe, if all girl groups are like this, it’s time to expand his horizons.

“they’re adorable.” he’s in awe as he says this. eyes shining, lucas turns to the stranger standing beside him—another pretty girl. korea has a lot of those, he notes. jabbing his thumb in the direction of the screen, he speaks in heavily accented korean. “hey, do you know what group is this?”
