#❧ 「 general 」 ⸻ ooc

OOC: Currently looking for active xiv blogs to follow. If you are active and seeking contact gives a

OOC: Currently looking for active xiv blogs to follow. If you are active and seeking contact gives a likes or reblog! Would love to know more about your ocs <3

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Just ya know random fc moments while hanging on crystal. just admire the lovely bun @mstrange.It’s b

Just ya know random fc moments while hanging on crystal. 

just admire the lovely bun @mstrange.

It’s been really fun being back on balmung and hanging out with the others when I can. Been really tired as of late but I’ve been pushing through. Been considering opening up the idea to discord rp but I've been keeping my server list / friend list small. It’s nothing against anyone if I removed people I just only keep my list to people I actively talk regularly. This is more so for the safety of my mental health and not feeling so overwhelmed. I still do enjoy engaging with others so by all means poke me in messages if you like! Remember to take care of yourself and each other.

- BunBun.

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No suicidal shit but this world is tiring and I wish I had no part in it

Mun Things - OOC:

  • Relationship status: In a Relationship
  • Favorite color:Dark Red / Dark Green
  • 3 favorite foods: Sushi, Seafood, Pasta
  • Song stuck in my head: System by Chester Benningtion 
  • Last thing I googled: Wisconsin Cabins
  • Dream trip:A trip to New Orleans because I really wanna learn about the culinary aspect of the place and I wanna see the French Quarter
  • Something I really want right now: To be more positive person who has healed from past trauma and to find the beauty in life.

tagging people to know better:

@khairxiv/@mstrange/@captainkurosolaire  / @o-dyllita/@huntersden/@elfyourmother /@bxnez-xiv / @bek-sc 
