#九州 kyushu

According to a local man who offered us a ride to the ferry station back to Kagoshima 鹿児島 at the verAccording to a local man who offered us a ride to the ferry station back to Kagoshima 鹿児島 at the ver

According to a local man who offered us a ride to the ferry station back to Kagoshima 鹿児島 at the very southern tip of Kyûshû 九州, this is an almost daily sight. For us it was a massive volcanic outbreak that would certainly scare us without all the soothing voices from the locals. Well, we came for the volcano, we got the volcano. Sakurajima 桜島 was an island until the last big eruption in 1914 built a bridge to the mainland. Apparently it spits ash almost daily, which is a big annoyance depending on the wind direction. When we arrived at Kagoshima and left the train station, we immediately felt like marching through a huge swarm of insects. Tickeling and itching eveywhere. It took us some time to realize, it was just the ash. And yes, you get used to it.

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