


I really don’t like to brag about it, but I’ve seen an awful lot of Japan. However, there are still big empty spots on the map and I will try to fill them one by one. Kyûshû was one of them. I’ve been to Fukuoka and surroundings because a friend studied at Kyûshû university, but that’s about it. Despite those empty spots, is pretty unusual that a city completely catches me by surprise. Nagasaki is such a place. As for me, I would call it Japans most beautiful major city. Surrounded by mountains and opening up to a long bay, the natural environment is astonishing. With it’s 433.000 inhabitants it is big enough to offer everything you need, but it is certainly small enough to prevent the hustle and bustle of about every city the shinkansen-kraken reached by now. While Kagoshima for example is now part of the bullet train network. Nagasaki still needs a transfer at Fukuoka to a local line.


However, it is worth the trip. There is just so much to see and do there. You can get involved with the history of Christians in Japan, visiting a ton of churches, among them Ôura Church 大浦天主堂, as far as i know the only western-style building that is designated a national treasure.


Or you can visit Dejima 出島, the former Dutch trading post that was once an artificial island. One third of the original buildings have been rebuilt until now and they still working on rebuilding more.


Foreign influence can be traced everywhere in Nagasaki. Whether you visit Glover Garden クラバー園 with it’s old european-styled housings or just searching for a snack. The portuguese cake called castella カステラ and Nagasakis signature food, champon ちゃんぽん, first made by chinese immigrants, are tasty references to the cosmopolitan nature of the city.


Of course in the west Nagasaki is primarily known for the dropping of the second atomic bomb. Just like Hiroshima, Nagasaki has a museum dedicated to it, a peace park and a monument to the ground zero, where groups of school children occasionally recite peace declarations. But let’s be honest: while the museum in Nagasaki is very pleasent concerning architecture and location, it does not offer all those personal stories that make the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum so unique. Hiroshima tries to touch your soul, while Nagasaki feels more like a historical approach.


And yes, there is this thing called battleship island 軍艦島. (you may guess why by looking at the picture) The real name of this small island is Hashima 端島 and the whole thing was basically huge coal mine. During it’s active time until 1974, the island boasted the world’s highest population density and Japan’s first high-rise concrete apartement buildings. However, after the mine went out of business, people had to leave and so today it’s an uninhabited island with decaying concrete buildings.


There’s a lot more to see at Nagasaki, of course. They have Chinatown, some interesting temples, stone bridges, ropeways and more and we certainly did much more interesting stuff there, but I leave this to later entries. However, one thing is sure: I’ll definitely need to return to Nagasaki in the near future.

Karatsu 唐津 in Saga prefecture 佐賀県 on the island of Kyushu 九州 is just a one-hour train ride away fromKaratsu 唐津 in Saga prefecture 佐賀県 on the island of Kyushu 九州 is just a one-hour train ride away from

Karatsu 唐津 in Saga prefecture 佐賀県 on the island of Kyushu 九州 is just a one-hour train ride away from Fukuoka 福岡 and a nice day-trip. Karatsu is known for its fine pottery, karatsu-yaki 唐津焼 which is influenced by Korea. The city offers a splendid castle, overlooking the city and the karatsu bay. Karatsu castle 唐津城 dates back to 1608 but the current building is yet another concrete rebuild from 1966. It is a museum and for a small fee, you can enter and climb up to the top, enjoying a splendid view of the city and the ocean.

Another great spot is a place called Niji no Matsubara 虹ノ松原 (rainbow pinery), a long  forest of pine trees next to a wonderful beach. There is a tourist information and omiyage shop near the karatsu train station where you can rent bycicles for free and I would strongly recommend doing that, because you can cycle around freely and see the whole town. It’s perfect for swiming and sightseeing, so Karatsu is a full recommendation if you’re staying at Fukuoka or nearby.

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博多からし高菜風味 うまかっちゃん

Hakata instant ramen umakacchanwithkarashi takana, Japanese mustard leaf seasoned with a mustard somewhat similar to wasabi. My fiancé’s family in Kumamoto sent us a care package with food and goodies including packs of this ramen. I love hakata ramen for it’s comforting taste (thanks to the chicken-based broth) and with the karashi there’s a little added kick in the ass.

I travelled around Kyushu for a month, covering all the prefectures except Okinawa. During this period, my main mode of transport between each prefecture was bus. Something that did not occur to me until my WWOOF host shared with me that travelling by bus might be more convenient and cheaper than train. Typically, travelling by bus is cheaper, more convenient with less transfer and also,…

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【471】高校で 最後の旅も 終わり告げ 寂しげあれど いと楽しけり【471】高校で 最後の旅も 終わり告げ 寂しげあれど いと楽しけり【471】高校で 最後の旅も 終わり告げ 寂しげあれど いと楽しけり【471】高校で 最後の旅も 終わり告げ 寂しげあれど いと楽しけり【471】高校で 最後の旅も 終わり告げ 寂しげあれど いと楽しけり

【471】高校で 最後の旅も 終わり告げ 寂しげあれど いと楽しけり

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維新dancin'鹿児島市 スペシャルムービー

If you want something entertaining to watch I recommend this video! This is the 150 Year Anniversary of the Meiji Restoration and the hometown of Saigo Takamori. This is a promotional video for Kagoshima-city made with a local high school’s male gymnastics teams. This video is very funny and the tune is super catchy!


#kagoshima    #kyushu    #meiji restoration    #saigo takamori    #鹿児島    #九州    #西郷隆盛    #日本    
津屋崎、福津市、福岡県、九州  (flickr) 津屋崎海水浴場

津屋崎、福津市、福岡県、九州  (flickr)


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yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。yuki-yamane: おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。映画「男はつらいよ」ロケ地。8つの温泉は全て無料貸切。


おやつ、田の原温泉 大朗館。

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