

The merch is out and the numbers are in! Our pledged ½ of all zine profits, plus some contributions from our zine creators, come out to a staggering $1224.19 USD! We split the donations between 5 organizations our team all loved.

$263.70 - http://friendsofanimals.org

$150.56 - http://k9sforwarriors.org 

$212.18 - http://hsi.org 

$377.05 - http://internationalanimalrescue.org

$226.48 - http://morrisaniumalfoundation.org


We have a special sale for Halloween! Check out this adorable dakimakura and get a free gift!

We are 6 orders away from reaching our last stretch goal, so we wanted to extend our preorders until June 28th! Thank you all for your support and please share, so we can reach our last goal! It’s a lovely time to be a Kyouhaba fan!

Shop Link: https://kyouhabafanzine.bigcartel.com

Here is Sage’s lovely preview! The shop closes in a few hours, get your order while you can!

Shop Link: https://kyouhabafanzine.bigcartel.com/
