

Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(古事記Kojiki)


Kochi’s Hanamatsuri has two layers. The base layer is ordinary Hanamatsuri, and story derived from ‘Kojiki’ is newer layer.  In this festival most remarkable program is '大蛇退治OROCHI TAIJI’  (annihilating huge snake). Of course this is a famous story in Kojiki. A mythical hero 素戔嗚SUSANO defeated an evil huge snake having eight heads by his clever scheme.  
Now Let’s look at festival yard. We can see a great oni, its name is SUSANO.


A Shishi(lion) entered the yard. But in this program it plays a role of huge snake called YAMATA NO OROCHI. By SUSANO’s scheme OROCHI had got drunk and lay down. SUSANO (oni) approached it and ,,,,

古事記にある通り、八岐大蛇(代 獅子)は酒に酔っぱらって地に伏します。そこへ、スサノオノミコトが近づいて

槍でグサッ。ひとしきりバトルがあり、スサノオノミコトは倒れ伏した獅子の体内から 天叢雲剣(あめのむらくものつるぎ)を取り出します。(獅子の後ろ足役の人が小剣を素戔嗚に手渡すのが、私の位置から見えました)

He stung Orochi with lance. The two fought for a while. But soon the god won. He took the sword  from Orochi’s body. It is called AMANO MURAKUMO NO TSURUGI. (It is one of Three Sacred Treasures.This sword and other two treasures are things that prove their owner to be Japanese emperor, even today).


At last Orochi escaped

The Original Sin is his delicious body.

✨ “Go and amuse me, my little ones.”

Happy New Year ❣

I wish a better year to everyone!

May all dreams come true and we can reach all our goals!

A year full of OroTama and Commissions is all I can dream!!!

Thanks to everyone support!!
It means a lot to me to be here, and all the likes/comments/followers,
Is so important to my heart!
I wouldn’t be able to be here if it wasn’t all the support!!
Thank You!

! Merry Christmas !

❄ May the true spirit of Christmas shine in your heart

❄ And light your path. ✨

Trick or Treat ?
Be careful with your choice!
✨ Happy Halloween !

Commissions Open!

Ok Finally finished my Halloween fanart.
A little late, but better than never.
Remembering that I had the surgery and all the pain and the money, I said I was gonna skip halloween but I want to keep the tradition of drawing orotama for halloween since 2019/2020.

“My little fox is so cute… Adorable and only mine.”

Commissions Open!

The heart pounding won’t stop,
going full throttle inside our brains.
Hopes, desires, passions,
We’ll wrap them up with a nice ribbon

Chibi K-on First Opening Parody,
with Tamamo no Mae and Orochi!

Commissions Open!
