

Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(古事記Kojiki)


Kochi’s Hanamatsuri has two layers. The base layer is ordinary Hanamatsuri, and story derived from ‘Kojiki’ is newer layer.  In this festival most remarkable program is '大蛇退治OROCHI TAIJI’  (annihilating huge snake). Of course this is a famous story in Kojiki. A mythical hero 素戔嗚SUSANO defeated an evil huge snake having eight heads by his clever scheme.  
Now Let’s look at festival yard. We can see a great oni, its name is SUSANO.


A Shishi(lion) entered the yard. But in this program it plays a role of huge snake called YAMATA NO OROCHI. By SUSANO’s scheme OROCHI had got drunk and lay down. SUSANO (oni) approached it and ,,,,

古事記にある通り、八岐大蛇(代 獅子)は酒に酔っぱらって地に伏します。そこへ、スサノオノミコトが近づいて

槍でグサッ。ひとしきりバトルがあり、スサノオノミコトは倒れ伏した獅子の体内から 天叢雲剣(あめのむらくものつるぎ)を取り出します。(獅子の後ろ足役の人が小剣を素戔嗚に手渡すのが、私の位置から見えました)

He stung Orochi with lance. The two fought for a while. But soon the god won. He took the sword  from Orochi’s body. It is called AMANO MURAKUMO NO TSURUGI. (It is one of Three Sacred Treasures.This sword and other two treasures are things that prove their owner to be Japanese emperor, even today).


At last Orochi escaped

Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(古事記Kojiki)



Many villages in Shitara area have Hanamatsuri festival. Some of them are different from other usual Hanamatsuri in the aspect  of having stories like a stage drama. The  stories came from myth of Japan(古事記 Kojiki).


AMENOUZUME and her followers アメノウズメとその従者



Various gods, some are from myth of Japan(Kojiki)


Many villages in Shitara area have Hanamatsuri festival. Some of them are different from other usual Hanamatsuri in the aspect  of having stories like a stage drama. The  stories came from myth of Japan(古事記 Kojiki).




A festival of winter solstice. Our ancestors believed their spirits got weaken at the season. So they held festival of water and fire in order to get new energy. This is also a festival of rebirth.

2019 東薗目の花祭


The festival of rebirth. They believe this holy hot water make their spirits vivid and their bodies healthy. 聖なる水と炎による生まれ清まりの祭り。冬至のころ、肉体と魂の再生を期して行われる湯立神楽です。

A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   17

Kurijima River at typhoon 2018  2018年の台風時の栗島川  

「ここにいては危険だ。少しでも高いところに逃げよう。津島神社が良い」 正之さんは言った。

車軸を流すがごとき大雨である。加えて、立っていられないほどの強風。そして停電。真っ暗闇の中、耳を聾するばかりの川の音がする。子供たち4人を抱えて、無事に神社までたどりつけるだろうか? 我が家からわずか80mのところにあるのだが。



Masayuki-san said ‘It’s very dangerous to stay here. Let’s get away to higher place as much as possible. Tsushima jinja shrine would be proper.’

It rained bitterly and wind blew so extremely. It kept everyone from standing firmly. Moreover the power had been down.

Chikako-san thought  'In the true darkness , are we able to take our four children to the shrine ?  Even if it’s only eighty meters.’

'Let us go.’ Masayuki-san said.

'Oh yes, my hus’ Chikako-san answered with determination.

The matter was  life of whole family. Chikako-san and Masayuki-san had two sons and two daughters.

Chikako-san thought 'I must keep, I must keep their life, and blood of Ito family ’












Isewan typhoon. The most notorious one which attacked Tokai district in Showa 34 (1959). The lowest air pressure was 894hPa, maximum wind speed around its center was 90m/s (measured by US forces).

Being soaked by rain the family climbed  the stone steps at the shrine and arrived at under the shrin’s roof. Their house was almost at the foot of the step. And beyond their house, we was able to see Kurijima river run. From the river the strange sounds came. At first they were faint.  More and more they got loud and the number of them got many. Strange base sounds. Their second son noticed them first.

'Mammy, what is that ?’

'What? You say about what ’

The sounds got loud more and more and got many. The sounds like giants’ footsteps marching in the underground world.

'That is,,’  Masayuki-san tried to answer but he could not continued his words.

Extreme rain caused extreme flow. And it pushed stones and rocks in the river. Eventually even huge stones could not keep themselves staying still. They started to move. Those rolling rocks collided other stones. Then these stones started to move and collided. It was tremendous chain reaction. Even a person who had lived mountain area for long years seldom see such a scene. It was fearful experience.

The family waited for dawn without any words. Chikako-san prayed in her mind 'Please help us, my god, the god of our village ’. And she looked up the shrine’s eaves.

5,098 people were killed by this disaster. The morning light came but with huge number of victims.

Because of this terrible typhoon the authorities made a embankment along Kurijima river. We can see it today, as a important part of Mitsuhashi’s landscape.

堤防とかっぱ亭 embankment and Kappatei 



Days and years had passed like an arrow. Their four children grew up soundly. Boys made swimming goggles by themselves and went to Kurijima river next to their house, to spear fishes with their friends. Girls loved drawing. They drew pictures of princess and ladies on the walls in the kitchen or washroom !  Boys preferred to affix seals which are small free gifts, when they bought chewing gum they can get them. Now we can find some anime hero’s seals pasted on pillar in this house.

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A small shrine of 田の神様TA NO KAMISAMA(paddy field god) 

Strolling countryside in Japan we sometimes find a small shrine beside paddy fields. It’s for TA NO KAMISAMA. In our faith and folklore he comes down from mountain to village area every February. People enshrine him next to their paddy field. And he stay there until October to guard farmer’s agricultural work. And after harvest he returns to mountain. This is a basic pattern of Japanese agricultural faith.

Now I found TANO KAMI SAMA when I was taking photos of flowers. But the paddy field seemed to have been abandoned for long time. At first I felt disappointed. But I saw it twice and three times, and found there was Sakaki sprig. That is a offering.Someone offered it to the shrine.
The paddy field had gone. But the faith is still alive.

‘Enshu haguma’, endangered species



参候祭り Sanzoro Matsuri festival



This Nov.9th our village Mitsuhashi is going to hold Sanzoro Matsuri festival. My wife and I live near the festival site (Tsushima jinjya shrine). When you visit there please look for the poster above. That is my house. There I’ll offer you Oden for free. Please eat Oden and enjoy the festival. 

more info for Sanzoro Matsuri festival is here



Autumn scene at Mitsuhashi, Japan 三都橋、秋の景色。参候祭りももうすぐです。by Shige #したらぐらし #設楽暮らし #設楽町 #奥三河 #愛知県 #三都橋 #

Autumn scene at Mitsuhashi, Japan
三都橋、秋の景色。参候祭りももうすぐです。by Shige
#したらぐらし #設楽暮らし #設楽町 #奥三河 #愛知県 #三都橋 #すすき #秋 #folklifejapan #mitsuhashi

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folklifejapan: 設楽SHITARA and 新城SHINSHIRO, a land of flowers 02 SHITARA and SHINSHIRO are located bfolklifejapan: 設楽SHITARA and 新城SHINSHIRO, a land of flowers 02 SHITARA and SHINSHIRO are located bfolklifejapan: 設楽SHITARA and 新城SHINSHIRO, a land of flowers 02 SHITARA and SHINSHIRO are located bfolklifejapan: 設楽SHITARA and 新城SHINSHIRO, a land of flowers 02 SHITARA and SHINSHIRO are located bfolklifejapan: 設楽SHITARA and 新城SHINSHIRO, a land of flowers 02 SHITARA and SHINSHIRO are located b


設楽SHITARA and 新城SHINSHIRO, a land of flowers 02

SHITARA and SHINSHIRO are located between two big cities. One of them is 豊田TOYOTA. This is the city  home of big automobile company TOYOTA. Another city is 浜松HAMAMATSU. Hamamatsu has automobile or motorcycle companies, too. SUZUKI, HONDA and YAMAHA. those companies were born in or near this city.
Though Shitara and Shinshiro are between two industrial cities,they show us very beautiful rural scenery. Steep mountains and deep gorges, and sometimes fertile plains and villages,having their traditional cultures.

Thank you for reading my post. I live in mountain area in Aichi pref in Japan. The village’s name is Mitsuhashi. I enjoy rural life there. If you are interested in Japanese life in mountain area, please take a look at my another article.

In the page and following pages I describe one woman’s history. At the time of ww2 and until today, how did she live her life ? I’ll show you it.

Post link

森林鉄道と、ある酒屋の物語 16(日本語&English)

A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   16


ex-railroad line 森林鉄道軌道跡


ex-railroad line 森林鉄道軌道跡


bridge pier  橋脚


The logging railroad Unagisawa-line was at work from Showa 6 (1931) until Showa 33(1958) to convey logs from the national forest in Dando. A locomotive driven by gasoline engine pulled many wagons called ‘truck’ . It departed from the station in downstream area and went up along the river. Each truck had one rider who is in charge of it. All of them were tough men. At the terminal station Unagisawa, Logs cut down in the deep mountain waited for them to arrive. Here train was separated into wagons. As the riders did’t have such machines as fork lift each man lifted up those logs onto his wagon and load them only by his thick arms. Their wage was percentage pay.  The more they transported wood the much money they were able to get. So they worked hard and hard. Then they got on his separated wagon heading to downstream. This time the wagon had no motive power. It was moved by free fall until downstream station.  They controlled its moving by brake. To prepare the brake shoe was also their important job. It was made of wood. They made them and set them to the wagon.  Three or four brake shoes would wear out per one descent travel.


Chikakosan’s place


Chikako-san loved to hear the sounds of logging railroad in her liquor store. The sound of gasoline engine, the friction rub given off by rails and wheels, the sound like scream from brake shoes, and so on. Behind the counter she heard engine sound getting closer . It came from the south , that is, from downstream area. The rail turned to the east near her shop. So the sound  became more distant and more faint.  But soon it turned back to her place. In the depth of forest the rail went across the river by wooden bridge, and turned its direction to the west, toward her shop. And in the shade of trees on the cliff she was able to catch sight of train turning the direction again. This time it went to the north, heading deep mountain area. As it went, then the sounds got faint again.

The sounds of logging railroad was her great amusement in her daily life.

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The area of Shitara town in Aichi Pref is pretty large. But civilized area is limited. Only five or ten minutes drive leads us out the artificial space. Now we arrive at the border where we can find fusion of nature and old human culture.


Above is ‘Enshu haguma’, endangered species


A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   14,15


Tougaitsu River. Logging railroad went up north along this river


森林鉄道のトンネル A tunnel for the logging railroad


三都橋の津島神社 子供たちはこの石段のすぐ下の小道を通って通学した

Tsushima jinja shrine with stone step in Mitsuhashi. Every morning children went to school through the road which is at the foot of this stone step.

















It was few days later that we were able to find two persons sitting in Japanese reception room of Ito family’s house.

Masayuki-san and Chikako-san sat face to face at the big low table on tatami. The room was filled with a tense atmosphere. Especialy Masayuki-san, being under huge tense,  he was abashed and sweated bitterly . As for Chikako-san, due to being elder than Masayuki-san, she was able to afford to observe his behaivor. Masayuki-san took Japanese towel and wiped sweat on his forehead. Then he determined and straightened himself. He broke long silence in the room.

’ Chikako-san ’

’ Yes ’ she replyed.

’ Will you,, Will you marry me ? ’

after moment of silence, Chikako-san asked

’ Do you think I’m appropriate to your wife ? ’

’ Yes, of course. What do you mean ?  What do you worry about ? ’

’ I’m five years older than you ’

’ I loved your late husband Tadatoshi-san like my brother. But honestly speaking when you got married with him I envied him a bit. How beautiful bride you were ! How beautiful!  How happy I would have been if I had got married with you, I imagined.’

Masayuki-san asserted earnestly .

He was too eager to keep calm. He got beside himself with his passion. And it hit Chikako-san’s heart.

’ All right. Let’s make this family prosper together’

And three years had passed with love and trust.

It became Showa23(1948).



Sign boards left in the shop space tell us that many kinds of stuff had been for sale here, such as miso, cigarette, salt and candy






旧伊藤屋(現かっぱ亭)には「新城税務署酒類販売免許店」という監察札が残されており、その裏面には「免許 昭和二十三年五月一日 伊藤ちか子」とある。伊藤屋あらため「伊藤屋酒店」である。このとき、ちか子さんは24歳。母となり、酒屋の若女将となった年であった。

Showa 23 (1948). Cities in coastal area had not recovered from the damages of war yet. On the other hands villages in mountain area  were vibrant.

Passing by  Tsushima jinja shrine Torii gate, a throng of children had gone toward their elementary school. And then Chikako-san heard a sound that logging railroad train gave off.  The train, that was driven by gasoline engine, was consist of many small wagons called ‘truck’ . This train came from Damine station to convey wood from deep mountains. Chikako-san’s husband Masayuki-san was on his way to Damine  station then. He had to go to Damine on foot and get on another private train there to go to his workplace. He was an employee of Japan National Railway. It was a hugest company in Japan at that time.
Chikako-san talked to herself ’ I manage a liquor store and my hus is emploee of big company. It’s a funny combining. But it’ll go well, it will go well. Don’t you think so ? , my hus Masayuki-san’
Then carrying her baby on her back Chikako-san entered the house  and took up her position behind the counter.

The license board written ’ A shop having permission to sell liquor’ is left in ex-Ito-ya store (now Kappatei). And on the back side of it there is a description, that is,        
’ license  given in May 1st Showa 23, Ito Chikako’.  Ito-ya store was opened as a grocery store by her parents-in-law. It was around the end of Meiji era. And then Chikako-san added selling SAKE to miscellaneous goods.  It was Showa 23 (1948).  This year she was 24 years old, gave birth to her baby, became mother and became a proprietress of liquor store.



The actual thing of license board given to Chikako-san

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We Japanese have some particular days when we believe spirits of our ancestors come back to this world from the world after death. Most important and famous is BON in July or August. Beside it, around Vernal Equinox Day and Autumnal Equinox Day we have days called HIGAN彼岸. This word means ‘another side of the river’. Of course it is a land of the dead people.
During these days we visit family tomb to hold a memorial service for our ancestors.
Equinox Flower( we call it 彼岸花HIGANBANA) blooms during this term. It reminds us of the coming of HIGAN season.  


Thank you for reading my post. I live in mountain area in Aichi pref in Japan. The village’s name is Mitsuhashi. I enjoy rural life there. If you are interested in Japanese life in mountain area, please take a look at my another article.

In that page and following pages I describe one woman’s history. At the time of ww2 and until today, how did she live her life ? I’ll show you it.

A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   13


Photo: statues of Ebisu and Daikoku, gods of happiness. Chikako-san enshrined them in the kitchen for a long time. 恵比寿と大黒の像。長い間台所に祀られていたようです。

三都橋の伊藤家は、伊藤仲吉さんとなつさんという夫婦から始まる。忠利さんの両親である。明治の終わりごろに三都橋に移り住んで、商売屋を営んでいたものと思われるが、定かではない。店の「売上帳」「支払帳」等が残されているが、場所と年代がはっきり記されているものは、大正13年の売上帳で、これには「三都橋 伊藤屋」と表書きされている。扱っていたのはタバコや炭だったらしい。


Mr. Nakakichi Ito and Mrs.Natsu Ito established their home in Mitsuhashi, and they began the history of Ito family. They were Tadatoshi-san’s parents. They moved here and opened a grocerystore.It was suppose to be at the end of Meiji era (1868-1912), but uncertain. They left some account books of their business. The oldest book which we can find the year and place name on it cleary is a purchase book of Taisho 10 (1921). We can read the letters ‘大正十年一月 January Taisho 10 ’ and ’ 三都橋 伊藤屋 Mitsuhashi Ito-ya ’ on its front cover. Seeing that book, we can know they sold cigarette, charcole and so on.

For several years after the end of the war, all Japanese people experienced severe days. Especially Ito family did. Tadatoshi-san was a only one son, who had been expected to inherit the family line. But he had gone. In those days for Japanese people, Interruption of pedigree was huge sin against ancestors. In this case they used to try every possible means to avoid this tragedy.


Photo :伊藤屋商店の帳簿 明治40-大正10

Ito-ya grocery store’s account books(1907-1921)






「え、あ、 あ、 でも」


「あの あの 一体どなたを?」








Soon after the war Nakakichi-san and Natsu-san ,Chikako-san’s parents in law , consulted her.  

Her heart beat fast with a hunch.

’ There is a special favor that we need to ask you. Would you pitch in and help to keep our family ? ’

As she anticipated it was a matter of her next marriage. In those days to maintain the family pedigree was the huge problem which people had to override than anything.  Tadatoshi-san, Chikako-san’s first husband, had passed away. So Nakakichi-san and Natsu-san asked her to get married with a young man who belonged to Ito family’s close relatives and begged her to keep the family blood with the person.

It was an ordinary way to solve the issue of successor. But when it became on herself she could not help  feeling agitated.

'But, but,,, who ? With whom ? ’

She was thrown into confusion.

'We think of 正之Masayuki-kun as your husband ’

Chikako-san thought and talked to herself

'I know, I know him’,  'A young man who was attached to Tadatoshi-san like a true brother’

'But he is,,, I’m,,’

She said aloud 'I’m much older than him’

'Yes, he was born in Showa 3. So you are four or five years’ older than him.’

She felt uneasy more and more. She felt serious thirsty, and asked

'Is he OK ?  I’m afraid I’m too old to get married with him’

’ You’d better make it sure by yourself in person.’

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A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   12


Photo: 津島神社 Tsushima jinjya shrine


Photo: 参道を行く参候祭りの行列。かつてこの道は商店街でした。街路灯の明かりの形が、商店街だった往時をしのばせます。画面左に見える家が旧伊藤屋酒店(現 かっぱ亭)/ A procession of The Sanzoro Matsuri festival.Once this road was a shopping district. The shape of the street lamps reminds us those days. A house you can see the left side in this photo is ex-Itoya liquor store (now Kappatei).






Photo: 旧三都橋小学校(現 交流センター)ex-Mitsuhashi elementary school



Today’s Kappatei ( ex-Itoya liquor store). The place to drink with fun, in those days and also today

Fretful cry of her baby, whom Chikako-san carried on her back, awaken her from daydream of reminiscence. A Wind that blew around the storefront told a deepening of autumn. It was October of Showa 23 (1948).  This baby, at the age of six months, was an eldest son between Chikako-san and Masayuki-san, her second husband. Dandling the baby on her back, Chikako-san began to sweep and clean the road in front of her liquor store. She cleaned around her store earnestly, especially the concrete floor under the sign ‘Ito-ya liquor store’ . The new hope toward the future made her vivid.

It was getting to be the time for children to go to school. One two, four five,and many. Like a flood, many children pass the road before Ito-ya liquor store. Though this street was short and narrow but it was a shopping district in front of Tsushima jinjya shrine. And another path from Forest Service’s official residence, where some families  lived, joined  this road here. For a while in the morning, maybe 10 or 15 minutes, the street was crowded with children going to Mitsuhashi elementary school. They each said something impertinent, like this

'Itoya-san, you open liquor store ?’

'Can I have a cup of SAKE ?’

But as they said, later, when they grew up, they became good custmers of Itoya liquor store.

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A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   11


Photo 田峯の盆 damine no Bon






Photo 田峯観音高勝寺にある戦没者慰霊碑

War memorial monument at Damine Kannon Koshoji temple

War situation got worse and worse. People said  each other ‘I heard Navy arsenal in Toyohashi was bombed’ 'I heard Hamamatsu was attacked by  gunfire from warship’ . People said many  'heard’. Those weren’t rumors but the truth. The bodies lay in heaps here and there.
And September 9th  Showa19(1944), Ito family received a letter telling Tadatoshi-san’s death from a disease contracted at the battle front. The documentary record edited later says 'He entered Beppu navy hospital to be treated but in spite of all medical aid he died from disease  in September 9th  Showa19’.
There is a war memorial monument in Damine Kannon Koshoji Temple in Shitara town. On it we can see many soldiars’ names carved, who were killed by war. Among them we can find Tadatoshi-san’s name , too. Every August they hold a festival called 'Damine no Bon’ to mourn the death of their family member and to think fondly of their ancestor. August 17th, they have a ceremony to chant sutra in front of this monument. This is a very important part of a series of ceremonies because the pain of lost are still alive in people’s mind.
We Japanese believe that dead people’s spirits come back to this world on this specific Bon days. Tadatoshi-san’s spirit also does, I think.

  The feeling of grief was so huge that Chikako-san even could not cry loudly.  She was able to do nothing but drop many large tears at the news of her husband’s death.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Fatal damages  were reported in a row. And at last Empire of Japan had gone . It was Showa 20(1945).

to be continued

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A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad  10













The wedding ceremony day had passed in a fearful hurry. At the late night of that day this new born couple could have enough time to have conversation eventually. Under the poor lamp light, Tadatoshi忠利-san handled a pen stand made of bamboo and shown it to his wife Chikako-san. ‘I made it when I was a boy’. Chikako-san took it in her hands and checked it. On its surface she could see some kanji and hiragana written in India ink. '武勇BUYU (valor)’, '忠節CHUU-SETSU(loyalty)’, And Tanka poem, that is, 'かかるときさこそ命はおしからめ、かねてなき身と思ひ知らずば KAKARUTOKI SAKOSO INOCHIWA OSHIKARAME, KANETENAKIMITO OMOISHIRAZUBA ’.

Tadatoshi-san said, ’ 忠TYU, I love this kanji because my name  contains this Chinese character’.

Chikako-san asked 'And this Tanka poem, did you compose it ?’

'No it was by Oota Dokan, a famous samurai leader. He says in this poem that he is willing to die in battle field in any time because he is a samurai.’  'And I myself ’ said Tadatoshi-san, ’ I have the same readiness and determination like him’  

'No, no,no,no, please come back to me safely,,,,, . May the fortune of war be with you’

'Keep our family, please  make our  Ito family  survive.  I, I'will come back here if I’m alive or even if I would become a spirit’

Then, next morning, he returned to his corps.

to be continued

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A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad  09


↑ Japanese wedding items



Ms. Chikako was from Kiyosaki in Shitara town and got married with one of member of Ito family living in Mitsuhashi. It was the latter half term of the world war 2. At that time the war situation gradually had got worse and worse for Japan. Chikako-san’s marriage partner was Mr.Tadatoshi Ito, he was her first husband and the only child of Ito family. He graduated local agricultural school and entered   Etajima naval academy that was one of the most excellent naval academy in the world then.  The 11th year of Showa era (1936), he was attached to Kure marine corps and engaged in some dangerous missions such as landing in the face of the enemy. He was a cadet of Japan Navy.



He was a famous and fabulous man among the school girls in Shitara town. ‘In Mitsuhashi there is a cool soldier’. They used to say. Actually, an white uniform of Japan Navy was very showy. People who happened to see Tadatoshi-san in Taguchi local line talked of his returning. 'He came back to Mitsuhashi on furlough’ . And the information was spreaded throughout Shitara town immediately.


It was Chikako-san whom Tadatoshi-san and Ito family focused on as a bride.  Chikako-san accepted their offer and worn Shiromuku , that is a Japanese traditional bride outfit. At that time she was 20 years old or younger.

つづく to be continued

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A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad  08


参候祭り sanzoro matsuri festival , belief in mountains in Japan


かっぱ亭(旧伊藤屋酒店)Kappatei (ex-Itoya liquor store), life in mountains














「日本国有鐵道監修 職員用最新鐵道路線圖」昭和27年 伊藤正之氏遺品


Mr. Masayuki Ito’s belongings . All Japan railroad map for  Japanese National Railways employee 

One morning in October, 23rd year of Showa era(1948). The sun has not yet risen, it is behind Danine mountain. The air is cold and fresh. Day by day the climate tells us comming of autumn. Ms.Chikako  knows the village people in Mitsuhashi are looking forward to the the day of Sanzoro festival. It’s a great festival of their village.

Ms. Chikako slided heavy door of their house and said to her husband . ‘Have a nice day’. 'Yes’ Mr.Masayuki responded laconically. Every man in Showa era thought it was a huge shame to utter to women frankly and gently. And he was one of them, too.

She see off him walking along  shopping district. The private railroad station was more than 5km far from here. He had to walk that distance every day. Then he took a train for a while and next changed the train to Japanese National railways,,,, Ms. Chikako said to herself 'It is too far, he needs the place to work nearer ’.But they has no choice. Because Mr.Masayuki was a employee of Japanese National Railways.

Ms. Chikako superimposed another man’s figure having on white uniform on Mr.Masayuki’s back.

'He had gone farther, farther place. And never return’

to be continued

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訪ねよう! 山の昭和と里のいにしえ






I leave the crossing site at the Mitsuhashi elementary school natural swimming pool and enter to forest. Then I can find many relics made by old culture in Japan. A temple building which is about to collapse was a hall for ‘Kannonsama’. Once village people enshrined 'Kannonsama’ in it. But people moved it to another temple building nearer their village, so today this building was avondoned.This Kannonsama plays a great part in Sanzoro-matsuri festival. I’m going to have another opportunty to talk you about it.
I can see a stone monument at the open space where the ex-railroad runs. It is a 'Tano kamisama (god of paddy field)’. In Japanese old faith people believed that Tanokamisama is also Yamanokamisama(god of mountain). In February Yamanokamisama comes down to paddy field in our village and changes its role to Tanokamisama, and it guards our agricultural work, then in October it returns to mountain. This is our folk and faith, very old faith.
As for this logging railroad most of rails and sleepers were removed. I know only one place where I can see the curved and bent rails. But in the forest I can find  bridge pier or bridge beams. I think they are worth being said 'Industrial ruins’


to be continued

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訪ねよう! 山の昭和と里のいにしえ


橋脚跡のコンクリーブロックと学校指定遊泳場所 natural swimming pool in the river


旧三都橋小学校 ex-Mitsuhashi elementary school



A road in front of ‘Itoya-san’ was a school route. Every morning many children passed bofore Ms. Chikako’s eyes. The railroad was abandonded in Showa 33 (1957). But she ran her store for a long time until Heisei era.

Going up  the slope way beside the river for 400m, children got to the elementary school building stands on the cliff by the river. The logging railroad ran up along the opposite side of the river and crossed the river on the bridge and appeared at the foot of the cliff which the school stands. Every morining and evening, the students saw the trucks move and hear the sounds given off from trucks. It was ordinaly scene for them. And one more thing. Mitsuhashi elementary school had no swimming pool. So teachers used the natural river  instead of using artificial pool. The place in the river to swim was at the foot of the railroad bridge. The children swam like Kappa and the trucks loaded to capacity with logs went across above their heads.   As for the children, they climbed the bridge and walked on it from this side to another. Of couerse it was to put their courage to the test.

There was no nervous minded person. That was Showa era.

After crossing the river, the logging railroad went into the forest again and headed to the upper stream.


A map for this chapter

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訪ねよう! 山の昭和と里のいにしえ


我が家のすぐ近くを流れる当貝津川 The river runs through Mitsuhashi


A map of logging railroad in Mitsuhashi, related this topic (written in 1947, retouched by Shige in 2019) 昭和22年に作成された三都橋地内の森林鉄道図。2019年にShigeが加筆

三都橋は二つの川の合流点に開けた集落です。 昭和22年に作成された「田峰森林鉄道台帳」に収録されている地図には、三都橋地内を流れ、合流する二つの川と、川に沿って走る森林鉄道が描かれています。


Long ago people came to the confluence of two rivers and established their village. That is Mitsuhashi. I have an old map of Mitsuhashi (written in 1947). You can see two rivers meet in the middle of the village and also you will notice the logging railroad running along the river.
I’ve read some books and interviewed with some senior people and got a vision of this village. The first half of Showa era (1926-1958), Mitsuhashi was a prosperous town. From Hon-nagashino St. to Takekuwada, there was a private railroad. And from Takekuwada, there were some  logging railroads to ship logs. Small trucks driven by gasoline engine ran on the rail. When returning back, it was driven only by free fall. Mitsuhashi was one of important base of this railroad. Many workers and his families gathered  to this village. So this village had many stores. Baker, bicycle shop, smith, grocery store and liquor store.  
Yes, in those days, my house Kappatei was the liquor store which Ito family ran. The village people called, and even now call this house ‘Itoya-san’. It is a shop name. People use this name with respect and love. The proprietress of Itoya-san liquor store was Ms.Chikako Ito. She was popular with everyone.


My house has a bar counter 民家なのにバーカウンターがあります。飲み屋さんだったころの名残。 棚の日本酒は今でも現役。時々、ご近所の皆さんと持ち寄り宴会を開きます

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 訪ねよう! 山の昭和と里のいにしえ 


古民家を入手し、Iターンでこの地に移ってきて2年目。いろいろなことが分かってきました。ひとことで言って、三都橋は歴史と民俗が重層している里なのです。少し散歩に出かければ、田の神様を祀った石碑があります。我が家から徒歩2分の津島神社では、 発祥が江戸時代以前にさかのぼるだろうといわれている民俗芸能が行われます。そして、築90年を数える私の家そのものが、三都橋の昭和の歴史の中で大きな役割を果たしていました。かつてこの家は酒場であり、森林鉄道で木を伐り出す木こりたちの憩いの場であったのです。まずは、物語を始めましょう。酒と木こりと森林鉄道の物語。

My home village Mitsuhashi is located among deep mountains. I can live my life with listening the sound of running water, seeing clear star lights, hearing the birds singing. It is a great pleasure which we could not have if we lived in the city area.  

Two years have passed since I bought an old house and moved this village. I studied and noticed many matters. This village has many layers of folklife and history. A short walk takes me to the stone monument of ‘Tano kamisama (God of paddy field) ’. I live next to Tsushima Jinjja Shrine where we have very old folk festival having more than 400 years history.  And my house itself, which was built 90years ago, played a part in the village history in Showa era.  Once this house was a liquor store and was also pub. After their work at the logging railroad, lumberjacks stopped by this store and enjoyed drinking time.


参候祭り 稚児行列



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Recently every morning I make it a rule to go for a walk in order to see a sakura which I named 比翼連理の桜HIYOKURERNNRI NO SAKURA.

比翼連理 is very old phrase which we can find in Chinese poem called 長恨歌CHOGONKA. It is a long poem telling the story of emperor玄宗GENSO and his wife楊貴妃YOUKIHI. The emperor loved his wife so deeply, but loved too much. His attitude got his nation  destabilized. The rebel army attacked the capital and  楊貴妃YOUKIHI was killed.

玄宗GENSO was left alone in deep grief, and remembered their promise.  'When we are in the sky, we are going to become a 比翼NOの鳥HIYOKU NO TORI’, ‘When we are on the ground we are going to become a 連理の枝RENRI NO EDA’.

'比翼の鳥HIYOKU NO TORI’ is a imaginary bird. Both male bird and female bird have only one eye and wing. So when they try to fly, they must make their bodies one and fly together.

  連理の枝RENRI NO EDA is a word refers to two trees and their branches. Originally they were two trees. But branches fused and as a result of it the two became like one tree.

The word 比翼連理HIYOKURENRI is known as the word expressing a deep love of a couple in today’s Japan.

A sakura tree which I named 比翼連理の桜HIYOKURENRI NO SAKURA. This tree is pretty big  and stands next to the national road in Mitsuhashi. But many drivers don’t see it even its flowers are in full bloom because those pink flowers are covered with green leaves. Approaching it on foot we can find thick vine creeping along the tree’s trunk.  Its foliage covers whole tree and prevent drivers from finding the tree. The vine and the tree looks as if they were fused.






