

A novel, of memorable liquor store and logging railroad   13


Photo: statues of Ebisu and Daikoku, gods of happiness. Chikako-san enshrined them in the kitchen for a long time. 恵比寿と大黒の像。長い間台所に祀られていたようです。

三都橋の伊藤家は、伊藤仲吉さんとなつさんという夫婦から始まる。忠利さんの両親である。明治の終わりごろに三都橋に移り住んで、商売屋を営んでいたものと思われるが、定かではない。店の「売上帳」「支払帳」等が残されているが、場所と年代がはっきり記されているものは、大正13年の売上帳で、これには「三都橋 伊藤屋」と表書きされている。扱っていたのはタバコや炭だったらしい。


Mr. Nakakichi Ito and Mrs.Natsu Ito established their home in Mitsuhashi, and they began the history of Ito family. They were Tadatoshi-san’s parents. They moved here and opened a grocerystore.It was suppose to be at the end of Meiji era (1868-1912), but uncertain. They left some account books of their business. The oldest book which we can find the year and place name on it cleary is a purchase book of Taisho 10 (1921). We can read the letters ‘大正十年一月 January Taisho 10 ’ and ’ 三都橋 伊藤屋 Mitsuhashi Ito-ya ’ on its front cover. Seeing that book, we can know they sold cigarette, charcole and so on.

For several years after the end of the war, all Japanese people experienced severe days. Especially Ito family did. Tadatoshi-san was a only one son, who had been expected to inherit the family line. But he had gone. In those days for Japanese people, Interruption of pedigree was huge sin against ancestors. In this case they used to try every possible means to avoid this tragedy.


Photo :伊藤屋商店の帳簿 明治40-大正10

Ito-ya grocery store’s account books(1907-1921)






「え、あ、 あ、 でも」


「あの あの 一体どなたを?」








Soon after the war Nakakichi-san and Natsu-san ,Chikako-san’s parents in law , consulted her.  

Her heart beat fast with a hunch.

’ There is a special favor that we need to ask you. Would you pitch in and help to keep our family ? ’

As she anticipated it was a matter of her next marriage. In those days to maintain the family pedigree was the huge problem which people had to override than anything.  Tadatoshi-san, Chikako-san’s first husband, had passed away. So Nakakichi-san and Natsu-san asked her to get married with a young man who belonged to Ito family’s close relatives and begged her to keep the family blood with the person.

It was an ordinary way to solve the issue of successor. But when it became on herself she could not help  feeling agitated.

'But, but,,, who ? With whom ? ’

She was thrown into confusion.

'We think of 正之Masayuki-kun as your husband ’

Chikako-san thought and talked to herself

'I know, I know him’,  'A young man who was attached to Tadatoshi-san like a true brother’

'But he is,,, I’m,,’

She said aloud 'I’m much older than him’

'Yes, he was born in Showa 3. So you are four or five years’ older than him.’

She felt uneasy more and more. She felt serious thirsty, and asked

'Is he OK ?  I’m afraid I’m too old to get married with him’

’ You’d better make it sure by yourself in person.’

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