
Pencil drawing of Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan, eyes injured, slumped on the ground and clinging to each other.ALT
Close up of the drawing. XXC cradles SZC's cheek, who pushes his hand away but clings to his robes.ALT

for the final day of @mdzs-language-fest, (sort of) prompt: black and white.language: greek

the fact that μάτια μου is a term of love/endearment in greek which literally means “my eyes” has been tucked away in the future-songxiao-projects part of my brain for like a year at least, so thank you to this event for prompting me to do anything about that,,,

this has alt text. extended description under the cut.

Xiao Xingchen surges towards Song Lan, reaching a hand up to his face and peering into his injured eyes with visible distress. Song Lan pushes it away, but clings tightly to Xiao Xingchen’s robes with his other hand. Their skirts pool around them on the ground. Handwritten text placed behind Xiao Xingchen reads “μάτια μου,”.

Pencil drawing on paper.

Ink drawing. Xiao Xingchen lays a hand on Song Lan’s shoulder as he passes him. Song Lan meets his eyes with a light smile. ALT

*starts@songlanfortnight a week late* > _>

just a little songxiao for day three (people/family and friends). i started something for days one and two last weekend so… maybe i’ll finish that before the event is actually over fjkhkdjnkdsk

this has alt text. expanded description under the cut.

Song Lan faces the viewer, head turned towards Xiao Xingchen who has drawn close to him to place a hand on his shoulder as they pass by each other. With Song Lan’s slight smile and raised eyebrow, they seem to be having a light-hearted conversation. Both carry their horsetail whisks. 

Ink drawing on paper. 
