

Blue sky, blue sea, blue me. Be careful what you wish for, you may get what you wished. Feeling grateful for it! For everything I have.


Something old, something new, something borrowed, something BLUE I meant the photo.

现在只有看照片 馋着等了

Seeing these throwback are the only dreamy things to do.

Flowers somehow neutralize your mood, stay cool stay calm~ ❤️

意志坚定 在多遭的处境里 都能毅力不到

You would stand still in tough situations, if you have faith and believes in YOU ❤️

日出 新的一天 新的开始

Sunrise new day, new beginning

无边无羁 自由自在

Freedom with no boundaries

晚霞 - 有时侯,把脚步放慢就会注意到身边很多人事物的美好。

Sunset - slow down your pace, you might discover new beautiful things around you.


Who knows outdoor activities, traveling, are such a luxury things to do. Be grateful.

夕阳西下,什么事情都有结束的时候~ 不需要纠结,一切随缘~

There’s an end to every moment, don’t get stuck, just move on~

Sometimes flowers do make our day~


云河 - 路是自己走出来的,前路虽然茫茫,步步为营;未来不一定精彩,那就尽量享受路途上的风景吧!

Cloud River - future is full of unknown and uncertainties, it may not be bright, just enjoy the journey and gain the fullness of it!

这世界很大~ 我很渺小~

Big big world vs tiny little me~


Once a decision been made, don’t give up! Be persistent and don’t look back.

Now or Never.


Just listen to the wind, the wave~ close your eyes, and feel the moment of silent~ far far away from the city~

有时候,静静的聆听风的声音,海浪的声音~ 闭上眼睛,享受片刻的宁静~ 远离繁忙的城市~

When ever you feel heavy, just learn to let go. You might not be happy, but you feel peace. ✌️


There is always awesome view from the Peak. In exchange, it takes time and efforts to reach there~ just keep believing your self! You can do!


Let your heart take a break for a little while, not too long~ just enough~


Every sunrise represents a new day, new life new opportunity, new you~

日月交替,代表着新一天的开始。新的机会,新的生活,新的人事物~ 勇敢的探索去吧!
