

Jess Lee is nicknamed 铁肺女王 (iron lung queen), and this song perfectly demonstrates why. She hasn’t been in the industry as long as Tanya Chua and Stefanie Sun (the last two artists I’ve featured in this series), but I’ve found some real gems on her 4 albums. This song is her most popular and not too difficult in terms of vocabulary content. Probably the most difficult part of the song is that there are some long pauses between words that can make the lines hard to parse. The song is quite sad lyrically, but it stands out most as being dramatic and powerful. It’s not like your typical sad love song in that way. And the title is very fitting, because I really feel the torment and suffering from Jess Lee’s performance.

李佳薇 (Jess Lee) - 煎熬

早知道 你只是飞鸟
拥抱后 手中只剩下 羽毛
那么多咖啡和玫瑰 来打扰

飞鸟 fēiniǎo - bird
羽毛 yǔmáo - feather / plumage / plume

我想要 安静的思考
天平上 让爱恨不再 动摇
我关灯还是关不掉 这风暴

天平 tiānpíng - scales (to weigh things)
动摇 dòngyáo - to sway / to waver / to rock / to rattle / to destabilize / to pose a challenge to
风暴 fēngbào - storm / violent commotion / fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis etc)

心一跳 爱就开始煎熬
每一分 每一秒
火在烧 烧成灰有多好
叫思念 不要吵
跟寂寞 再和好

和好 héhǎo - to become reconciled / on good terms with each other

得不到 也不要乞讨
怎么做 不需要别人 转告
我也只剩下我自己 能依靠

乞讨 qǐtǎo - to beg / to go begging
转告 zhuǎngào - to pass on / to communicate / to transmit
陷 xiàn - pitfall / trap / to get stuck / to sink / to cave in / to frame (false charge) / to capture (a city in battle) / to fall (to the enemy) / defect
海底 hǎidǐ - seabed / seafloor / bottom of the ocean

心一跳 爱就开始煎熬
每一分 每一秒
火在烧 烧成灰有多好
叫思念 不要吵
跟寂寞 再和好

去面对 下一个 拥抱
