

Gavin x MC’s Lore in S1 Pt. 4

Part 3

CH 19-24: Chasing Paperplanes Amidst Snowflakes.

… Or as I call it “The Heartbreak Era”

After sacrificing herself, MC floats in between time and space for an unknown while. When she opens her eyes, she is engulfed by pure white and her wound disappears. She realizes that she is alive and that everyone had a happy ending except for her, imprisoned in a world bereft of time.

Warning: This post has nothing but spoilers from MLQC S1!

Warning 2: If you decide to refer to this work, please make sure to mention it ^_^

Nonetheless MC finds herself willing to go back to the world which has everyone that she cares about. She hears her father’s voice assuring her of her certainty in achieving her goals. Afterwards she remembers the LIs and Gavin’s steadfast figure is revealed as a wind blows away the mist and he locks his fearless amber eyes on her:

  • No need to hesitate or waver. I will always protect you.

She tries to reach out but the golden light scatters to pieces between her fingers. The hand of time falls forward one click and MC wakes up.

Observing her surroundings, MC thinks about how wonderful the world before her is. This is when we get to choose to meet Gavin.

MC is working late, pondering over how everything has been normal. To her, a week has passed since her sacrifice and it appears that no one has any memories of this except her. She then catches herself thinking about Gavin and how his mission seems to be lasting longer than usual.

I’m sure he’ll get the job done! Whenever he’s in danger, that fire for justice in him always burns even brighter. It made you believe there was no problem he couldn’t handle. That this peace would last forever. Thinking of his resolute, clear eyes, I couldn’t help inwardly wishing him well.

This is when she detects Gavin in the crowd while looking outside of her office window. As if they were telepathically connected, Gavin calls her right at this moment. He tells her that his mission is over and that he is passing by her office. Seeing that her light’s on, he offers her a lift home which she accepts right on the spot due to euphoria, but then realizes that he’s probably tired from his mission and decides to let him rest. Feeling the softest spot in her heart spasm, she lies to him about her not being the one in the office.

Accepting her explanation, they simultaneously tell each other to get some rest because soulmates gotta soulmate ;) (#justGavinxMCthings) .

Unfortunately, she forgets who she’s dealing with,and Gavin catches her lie easily and meets her at ground floor just as she steps out of the elevator.

MC makes a bet with Gavin about finding new scars on him after his mission, but Gavin isn’t able to think of anything to stake on. Neither can MC. But a very “accurate” HC comic as to how the bet could look like based on S2 CH19 can be found here.(Also a sign that this dynamic never changes) Spoiler alert, he does have a new wound on his left index finger, albeit from a cooking accident so it doesn’t count (*pictures him cutting his finger while chopping <3).

While eyeing him from head to toe, she muses about  the person standing in front of her. The real Gavin is a brave, decisive man of integrity who gets shy and has a little temper. She acknowledges how he chooses to protect the safety of society instead of leading a cushy life, seeing it as a tremendous act. Gavin calls her out on her captivated gaze.

Gavin wiped his face, but there was nothing on it except the glow of lights. His lips formed into a smile more enchanting than the lights, and I was drawn even more.

Speaking of lights, Gavin tells her that he has a place to look at the lights, then takes her hand and strides off with her. MC feels a warmth surging from his hand through her whole body and follows him eagerly. Small flurries of snow float on the wind, falling on them like a wonderful icing. And we read MC thinking THIS ⬇️⬇️⬇️

This is the first time we clearly read about MC’s innermost desires towards her future with Gavin. She wants to feel his warmth forever and wants to grow old together. Please mark this moment because there will be lots of references to this wish in the future dates, chapters, calls and co.

Gavin takes her to a mall with festive lighting but realizes how late it is as the lights go dim. Undeterred by a trivial obstacle, Gavin takes her flying to enable her to see the lights from inside of the building but MC is out of practice and clutches to Gavin tightly. Gavin assures her that she will have plenty of opportunity to practice. (We are merely into this chapter but we can already see the focus on a future together on both ends). For Mc this sounds like banter and a promise.

At one floor they see ginkgo leaves dancing in the autumn wind and MC thinks back to the fall day when Gavin and her reunited and can’t help looking at him, meeting his gaze:

Gavin x MC: You.. (#justgavinxmcthings)

Before they can finish their simultaneously spoken sentences, the chiming of a clock breaks their gaze. Having forgotten about her flight fright, MC tugs Gavin’s hand and pulls him toward the clock tower. Ascending even higher, Gavin buttons her coat which leads her face to turn hot. Upon arriving in front of the clock, MC starts swaying to the tune and then invites Gavin to a dance to which he replies that he’s happy watching her dance (dancing is not our birdcop’s forte´at this time but be patient ;) They will have their midnight dance in a pool of stars later). MC notes how stiff Gavin’s moves are, leaving our Jupiter shying out and trying to distract her into looking at the show. This is when the midnight bells chime (do you also sense the Cinderella vibes here? Remember the glass shoes from the 2 become 1 and Homecoming Date? Yeah, PG was foreshadowing these two dates in this chapter back in 2018 imo).

Getting back to the ground, they tidy each others’ tousled hair. MC finds that simply catching the puppet performance and enjoying a snowy yet not overly cold evening, with Gavin by her side is the definition of perfect.

While they fly to grab some food, MC tries to keep Gavin warm as the hem of his shirt gets fluttered open by the wind. Gavin tells her to hug him tightly if she doesn’t want him to get cold ;) MC listens to Gavin’s heartbeat and finds it  more delightful than the music just now. Gavin offers her a walk home afterwards after a dinner filled with food and banter. This is when MC realizes how she ended up taking up Gavin’s time despite wanting him to rest after the long mission. 

I suddenly came to a realization.
Gavin didn’t just exist for me alone. He had his own life…

I find it really important that she realizes this and it will become more eminent later in the story. This era might be full of heartbreak, but it serves a purpose and by the end of it MC becomes more mature towards Gavin.

Deciding to give him some time to recuperate, she asks him out the day after to enjoy the celebration in the city. She conscientiously offers to meet him at the Central Park instead of having him pick her up from work. Although she considers just chilling at home,her anticipation gets the best of her. Furthermore, Gavin also encourages to go to the celebration.

When the day arrives, MC runs into Perry at the celebration area. She doesn’t realizes that it’s him at the beginning and helps him as he appears to be lost in the crowd. She then has a vision of the past and how Gavin annihilated him, wiping him out bit by bit. I have to be honest with you here - Gavin having the power to annihilate something by using his evol, wiping them out bit by bit is quite scary.

After saying goodbye to Perry, she starts searching for Gavin and thinks that what he went through would be a thousand times worse than her if her vision had truly happened. She doesn’t even want to imagine it and wonders what Gavin must have endured to make such a decision. Remember their last phone call from CH18? They were both going through similar experiences, making similar decisions of unfortunate sacrifice, and having the same trains of thought while doing it.

While MC ponders over this, Gavin calls her, leaving her in a dilemma. Should she probe on whether this world is real since she just met Perry, who is supposed to be dead? Or should she pretend that nothing happened and protect what beauty is left there and now?

Over the phone, Gavin tells her that he had left for a mission right after dropping her at home the day before and that he is still on the way (can you imagine how tired he must be?). MC tries to reassure him by lying to him for the second time that the celebration hasn’t started yet, and suggests that they meet at a more secluded place.

Upon hanging up, MC’s excitement from before evaporates. While submerged in this feeling, Gavin shows up with a different expression than before, making her worry subconsciously. MC asks if something happened, to which Gavin replies reluctantly that it’s nothing. MC notices that his amber eyes contain too many secrets, not leaving any room for his usual fire.

“His lightless gaze drifted to the distance and didn’t land back on my eyes again.Those once familiar features were alien to me now. His whole face seemed subdued. As if he’d been through some intense mental battle. He finally left the shadow and walked toward me. The forced smile on his face no longer brought reassurance. He seemed estranged instead…

…His heavy military boots left deep prints in the snow, and carved away at my heart with each step.”

MC realizes that Gavin is wearing the all-back uniform from her memory and decides to tell him about Perry. However, Gavin shows neither confusion nor denial. His silence tells her everything. She concludes that the fragments from her mind truly happened.

MC reaches out  to grab him, but ends up lunging at the cheerless, cold, and empty air as he dodges. Gavin’s hands flex into fists, loosen, but they don’t reach for her. He only utters two words…”Let’s go.”. Only their elongated shadows remind her of their former days. MC’s mind is far from celebration. She doesn’t dare to speak due to his aura. Gavin realizes her gaze, but he doesn’t turn his head towards her. At last, MC breaks the silence and asks if he’s going to remain mum, to which Gavin brushes her off by saying that it’s all stuff she doesn’t have to know. This saddens MC and makes her ask him whether she is that untrustworthy. Gavin refuses in an almost cracking voice that that’s not the problem.

“He bristled at my question, growling like an injured wolf in the open field”.

Also Gavin realizes the loss of control in his tone and rubs the back of his neck. They don’t talk after that. Gavin is the one to break the silence this time ina more eased tone:

  • The more you know, the closer you are to danger, I…

At this point, he receives a call and MC hopes that he would have returned to normal. Instead what he says…

  • MC, I gotta….

Knowing what comes next, MC runs at him but trips on a thick bank of snow. Gavin hurries to her and offers his hand. However, just as she reaches out, he pauses mid-air.

“When did those hands that always strove for justice suddenly get shrouded in shadow? And when did he stop holding out a helping hand to others?”

In the end, Gavin just brushes some stray hairs behind her ears:

  • Get up, the ground’s cold.

I don’t know about you,but my heart is pierced by a thousand knives at the sight of this Gavin. MC must feel the same because she mentions about her scraped hands and knees but she cannot feel any pain, because the only thing she feels is the way her heart recoiled when Gavin made a face like that.

“That expression of goodbye..it wasn’t the first time. This time there were no raging fires or pursuing soldiers. Just snow, and music in the distance. Everything looked so wonderful. Too bad it was just looks.”

Holding back a tingling in her nose, MC forces a smile as a farewell present for him and tells him to remember that he still owes her a celebration. But what she wanted to say was that no matter what, he has to come back alive.

Gavin responds with a slight glimmer of resignation in his gloomy eyes:

  • I will. I promise you.

After Gavin leaves, MC decides that if the other end is the original reality, she’s spent enough time in this dream.

The streets, the people and the noise disappears as the snow intensifies. She finds herself in the frozen and colorless eternal Winter Loveland:

“Everything I’d done, everyone I’d met in that wonderful world…It was all just a falsehood”

Gathering her strength, she decides not to give up and this is when she encounters Cyril, who informs her that this world is her making and asks if this is the world she wanted - a world where everything is frozen, where everything she feared hasn’t taken place, and where everything she’s experienced is a product of what she yearns for the most.

“If everything could start over, if life could return to normal, if none of this had occurred…”

Afte this her vision changes…

“If on that day, everything was as usual…”

Finally, the clouded-over sky in her vision begins to peel away and MC starts looking for a person while hearing the piano melody. Meanwhile, sorrowful memories appear before her as happy ones, stopping her in her tracks. Her memory with Gavin is as romantic as always:

“I saw that evening I’d dreamed so many times. Gavin returned to my side, saying -I won’t leave-”. And this is the core of MC’s heart’s desire with Gavin. Remember how she wishes to keep that feeling of warmth with him all the way until they grow old together? It all leads to the same wish. Not to be separated, that Gavin doesn’t leave her, that he is by her side and they grow old like that.

It’s important to note here that of all the other misfortunes that happen until CH18, MC wishes that Perry stays healthy and reunites with his father, which is something unique to Gavin’s lore as her wishes go beyond her happy memories with the LIs. 

Despite knowing that these scenes aren’t real, she keeps replaying them. One cannot help but feel her loneliness and yearning for a harmonious life.

The snow falls harder and MC finds Cyril. The latter informs her that the snow is falling harder because she is still confused. He also tells her that with her power, everything that she’s experienced can be real.

Color and noise return. Cyril asks her one last time if she wants to go back. Here, we make a decision between staying silent or uncertain. While MC is torn between staying in the dream world or moving forward, she hears the LIs’ voice. And guess what? Gavin’s voice says this:

  • No matter what choice you make, I’ll always be there.

See what MC hears in her head to find the motivation in her heart to go forward? It’s Gavin telling her he will be there, no matter what choice she makes. CH 19 solidifies MC’s feelings and wishes with regards to Gavin abundantly clear. The importance and distinctiveness of this can be observed better when compared to the other LIs. I will leave this to anyone who would desire to read for themselves ;). All these voices drive away her doubt and give her courage to make our decision, fully “determined”.

We decide between “The reality is cruel. But it is real’’ and “I’m not going to indulge myself in the dream anymore”

And the next decision is between:

“No matter how cruel the truth is. I wouldn’t regret”


“Even if I lose everything. I wouldn’t hesitate”

Wait…This line belongs to someone else…

MC remembers Gavin’s line word for word! And of course any Gavin-stan would pick this line and we decide to move forward, thus leaving the Dream edge alongside this sight of Gavin and his words:

“The girl said, she hates people who leave without saying goodbye the most” and “I’ll take you to the stars again sometime”.

Here we can safely assume that the Spring Festival Date and Starry Date take place prior to CH18 since the karmas and lines from them are involved in her mind at this point

MC returns to reality by getting off from the subway (the same subway we travel with during the anniversary event) and feels relieved that the calamity didn’t happen. Although she wants to tell everyone that she is back, Shaw calls her with a reminder that everyone’s forgotten her and that she is someone who shouldn’t exist in this world.

MC starts searching for the people she knew but has no idea where to find Gavin. Just then, an explosion took place and MC decides to investigate.

She meets the LIs in a different order than at the beginning of the story, though there are similarities to the original versions. That is, except for Gavin. Brace yourselves - the way she meets Gavin this time is definitely not for the faint hearted!

MC calls Gavin’s number with the hopes of getting through and the STF’s number turns out to be a dead number. Once she arrives at the place of the explosion, she catches sight of Gavin’s silhouette from afar and has to rub her eyes before confirming that the person indeed is the one she’s looking for. Although she is pleasantly surprised, her circumstances prevent her from running up to him. Instead, she simply observes how he has become  thinner than the last time she saw him. She wonders if he went through the NW plan and if he would tell her the reason why. This is when she considers the possibility that he’s forgotten about her as well, and a stinging feeling emerges in her heart. Upon his movement, she pursues him, only to lose him behind a corner. She calls out his name twice. The next second, Gavin pushes her against the wall next to her and handcuffs her (This is the first time he ever pushes her against something, we will love to see him do that in the future but not here :/).

I would like to invite you to go through this scene here. Cheri has edited this scene in a way that the feelings could be conveyed much better than me scripting it here.

MC comes to the bitter realization that Gavin has also forgotten her. Right now, all Gavin sees is a suspicious person who was tailing him earlier, who somehow knows his name, and knows that he went to Loveland High. MC blinks back her tears in the hopes of keeping her composure but her inner thought is:

“The fact that it was Gavin treating me like this was almost more than I could bear”.

Him interrogating her further worsens her emotional state since MC feels unjustly accused and finds herself on the verge of tears.

Seeing this, Gavin loosens his grip slightly (he is still the compassionate Gavin we know and love, just slightly less compassionate which is understandable given that he sees no connection to MC at this point).

Gavin probs into her motive, which causes the pain in MC’s heart to overflow as she’s unable to tell him the true reason why she was following him.

Just as Gavin is about to leave after releases her with a fair warning, MC cries out his name and asks him whether he remembers her expectantly and anxiously.

Gavin answers that he doesn’t remember much from high school and warns her not to follow him again. (This following Gavin thing is going to become a recurring phenomenon in Gavin xMC’s story. She will be following him A LOT!).

When he turns to leave, MC still calls out his name and tells him to wait but to no avail.

“The moaning wind stretched on unabated, like the most mournful note in an elegy”.

By the time MC locates an exit from the alley, it’s already nighttime, and she decides to eat dinner. While doing so, she asks herself whether she regrets her decision now that everyone has forgotten her and the sacrifice she’s made. Remember what Dark MC told her back then? Yeah…As to whether she regrets this…she doesn’t have an answer at this point.

This is when she meets her brother-in-law Shaw, who still remembers her. During their conversation, she realizes that she doesn’t regret her decision.

After this, she runs into Cyril too and then decides to go home.

At this point, another explosion takes place at the habor. Just as MC is about be run over by a car while running away from the danger zone, Gavin saves her. At first, she thinks she is hallucinating:

“But when I looked up, my eyes fell upon that same Gavin who had given me a warning a few short hours ago. Still that same, familiar brown hair, flapping in the wind. Still those familiar, strong arms cradling me so securely. At my most helpless, most perilous moment, he was still there just in time to save me from the abyss.” (oh MC…ToT).

MC clutches the clothes at Gavin’s chest, not letting go, afraid that he would leave again, afraid that this time she wouldn’t be able to speak to him…afraid that she wouldn’t have a chance to see him again.

In a flood of people MC finds herself enveloped by Gavin’s familiar, clean scent. She’s about to feel like they are alone in the surging crowd but Gavin’s distant look brings her back to the panic of the moment. (no time to get lost in romantic thoughts MC)

As always, they start talking simultaneously but here is the catch…For the first time ever, they say different lines!

MC: What happened?

Gavin: You shouldn’t be here.

MC and Gavin’s eyes meet. When MC asks him why said that, he only replies with a command: “GO!” before grabbing her by the wrist (not the hand mind you) and taking her to a safe place.

Once they’re safe, MC tries to ask him about what happened but Gavin is focused on his mission and dodges MC again when she tries to reach out to him. He gives her another warning:

  • Get out of here. Don’t follow me.

She tries to warn him that there might be more explosions, but Gavin leaves, rendering her calls futile. At night, a bad feeling lurks in MC’s heart and she decides to find Gavin.

She finally finds him using his EVOL to hold the bridge standing to assist with the evacuation and rescue. He also extinguishes the fire with wind. MC is left in utter awe at the sight of this. Her gaze then returns to Gavin and… “An indescribable excitement and feeling like my blood was boiling made me forget my previous fear.”

“Is that you Gavin?”

She can’t help but moving closer to him and Gavin turns his gaze to her:

  • What are you doing here?

This line calms down her impulse-driven mind and she blurts out her thoughts:

  • I was afraid you’d be in danger.
  • What danger could I be in? Is that your reason, or an excuse? I don’t understand why you keep putting yourself in danger. I don’t see any ability in you to deal with such danger.

MC is frozen on the spot by this harsh, undisguised criticism and contempt. She feeels both wronged and unable to defend herself:

  • I can…I am an evolver too. I can help! MY evol is precognition…I can see things in the future.
  • So you foresaw an explosion? This is why you showed up nearby?
  • Yes…I foresaw the explosion, but I wasn’t sure of the time and place…I couldn’t stop it.
  • Even though I have no way of knowing if you’re telling the truth…next time you foresee something like this, remember to stay out of the way.

MC is surprised by his action. Seeing this, Gavin adds:

  • You though I’d tell you to put your life on the line to try and stop it? If we had to count on individual evol to stop everything that happens, then there’d be no point in having any army.
  • Even if the odds were one in 10.000, I’d still hope that I could stop the disaster. So I won’t stay away.

This leaves Gavin speechless…and with a murderous look in his eyes.

  • You…

This unrestrained and fearsome look leaves MC unable to breathe.

This is when Gavin saves her from a bullet aimed at her (deja-vu), and they have a brief chat about the situation. After this, he receives word that the rescue teams have arrived and he lets the bridge collapse. It’s crazy to think that he has been using his evol all this time!

As MC follows Gavin out of the area, she inquires if he isn’t going to complete the mission to which he replies that the others will take care of it. MC takes note of Gavin’s nonchalance towards all this and that he isn’t shaken or changed at all. She thinks the old Gavin would get angry or feel grief but this Gavin is devoid of these emotions and is especially estranged. She doesn’t dare inquire further and just follows him silently.

She then asks if he thinks there’s a mastermind behind this, and if he came because he had clues.

  • The clues ran dry.

“There was no hint of resentment in Gavin’s tone, but I could definitely make out a heaviness”

  • If I can use my…
  • I don’t believe in illusory precognitions..I only believe in reality…This definitely won’t happen a second time. It’s safe here…You head out. (I like here Gavin’s sharpness and cool head)
  • And you?
  • You don’t need to know.

After this, Gavin gives her a long, probing look.

  • Be careful of your surroundings, and don’t go out if you can help for the being. No matter what your evol shows you.
  • Can you tell me just exactly what happened?

MC asks this redundant question not because she’s unable to understand, but as a subconscious attempt to hold onto him so that he doesn’t leave. As she holds him, a fragmented vision appears before her and she sees Gavin and Helios cooperating.

Gavin flings her hand off roughly, to the extent that MC needs to take a few steps back. (Let’s be honest here MC is violating Gavin’s personal space relentlessly). He has a gloomy and enraged expression on his face and various emotions seethe in his eyes like a gathering storm.

It was a look I’d never seen on Gavin’s face before—cold, pained, hateful, bitter…venting out controllably.

MC freezes in response to his reaction, and trembles from the look in his eyes. Finally, she apologizes to him…which she really should, especially considering how often she’s intruded on his personal space on various accounts up to this point.

  • I’m sorry. I didn’t think so.
  • Forget it.

After this, Gavin leaves with a slight sigh of fatigue and yet still steady.

As I watched him go, for some reason my eyes started to sting. I clutched the front of my coat and bent over slightly. This posture seemed to be the only way to relieve the stifling feeling I felt in my heart…Just what was it? This pain that seemed like empathy(ehm MC, you just got rejected at least three times in a row by the man who held you in his warm and strong arms, took you to ferris rides, wiped your tears away, whose handsome face and athletic body you observed, who caught you when you were falling for your death, who gave you indescribably feelings and who blushed in front of you…Your feelings are legit).

“What on earth had Gavin been through? Just what was he hiding when he acted like nothing was the matter in front of me?- It seemed I would never know”

If I may be critical here, MC is being just a little delusional. Gavin wasn’t hiding anything or “acting” in front of her. That was Gavin from this world and his reactions were genuine imo. And the next scene confirms this:

Paying no more mind to that girl (auch…AUCH!!!! That girl?! THAT GIRL?! GAVIN!!!!!), Gavin turns to deal with subsequent matters and talks to Helios over walkie talkie and grills him for giving the wrong intel and Helios responds that he knows and that he will take care of everything.

This is when Gavin sees the ginkgo bracelet on the ground, picks it up and wonders if MC dropped it. (Wait a minute..so MC is wearing the bracelet in this world all this time?! Good to know. )

An inexplicable emotion was stirring in his heart. (all those “inexplicable” feelings our lovebirds feel throughout the story.;)) This is a strong sign that despite not having any memories of the other timelines, deep in Gavin’s heart all the memories and feelings are hidden deep. Much like in S2. So Gavin puts the bracelet in his inner coat pocket even though he doesn’t think they would ever meet again.

After MC returns home, she discovers that Evolvers are deemed as the number one public enemy in this world, and tries to calm people on the internet (cute :D) but to no avail.t this point, Dark MC talks to her and advises her to accept humanity as it is and not try to change it…So Dark MC didn’t die in CH 18. This new world is worse than the other one, and this was the right decision in CH 18?

When MC falls asleep, she has a dream about two groups fighting each other on a rainy day with fire, lighting, blood and a golden bullet shot at her. The next second, an intense pain starts spreading from her chest.

When she wakes up, Dark MC is still talking to her but she ignores this and watches the city ,swearing to protect it (#justgavinxmcthings).

Afterwards, she gets abducted by evil-haters and Helios saves her from them. Later, Helios receives a call from Gavin. The latter asks about the situation to which Helios replies “That person got away”. Wait, does this mean Gavin sent Helios to fetch MC? And that Helios lied about this? This call leaves me confused.

By the end of CH21, it has been announced officially that Evolvers exist and that they will be put under surveillance.

While in the warehouse, Gavin hears sirens in the distance. He takes his right foot off the back of the person lying on the floor and walks out. Blood slowly drips from his black-gloved hand. Countless incapacitated men are strewn on the floor behind him and then he meets Helios:

  • I don’t have the time to hear about any failures.
  • Things are ahead of schedule.

They get surrounded by a group of gunmen but we don’t know who they are or what happens next. But why does it feel like Gavin is bossing Helios around? Can’t say I’m a fan of their interactions.

CN Version isn’t better either:

  • Gavin: 我没空听失败的消息 - I don’t have time to hear news about failure.
  • Helios: 事情提前了 - Things have been brought forward.


Between CH21 and CH22, Gavin’s Wind Whispers Date and R&S “Lost” take place. I believe the first half of the events in the R&S happened first because there, Gavin notes that he’s met MC twice and it is also mentioned that he thinks about her a lot. We also see him getting nostalgic upon seeing Ginkgo trees at Loveland High right after picking up the lost bracelet. If you ever watched Sailor Moon and know the meaning of the star locket for Usagi and Mamoru’s love, you can see many parallels between that locket and the bracelet. It always works like a charm for them.

After this, the date takes place as MC and Gavin’s paths cross again by the bridge. MC gets sucked into the Black Cabin and Gavin guides her to find her way out. It’s a questionable thing that Gavin uses a paper plane from his past self prior to CH18 to aid her out of the Black Cabin and doesn’t answer her questions about this afterwards. My guess is that he also doesn’t know the answer himself and that an “inexplicable feeling” is behind it.

In CH22, MC and Shaw infiltrate the STF building and the archives room. Just as she’s researching the snow incident, MC gets caught by Eli. When she tries to use Gavin’s name and their high school connection to pass by him, Eli has none of it by calling Gavin a monster:

  • Gavin is a freak over at NW. How could he have been highschool classmates with you?
  • Did you say Gavin is a freak…? (How dare you say that about my future husband!)
  • Are you telling me that someone like that is worthy of being called human?
  • But you two used to be…wasn’t he your squadmate?
  • How could that be? How would a big shot like Gavin take time to come and “play-house” with the likes of us (again being called a big shot… poor Gav but he is a celebrity here too obviously) …And you better stop with the made up stories around here.

Deeming her suspicious, Eli reports MC and we learn that he is agent B-2 (at least I didn’t know that before so he was recruited before Gavin). Shaw saves her, and it turns out he was simply using her as his cover. And they have an entertaining brother/sister-in- law quality time together lol.

Later that day, MC checks the data from the USB stick Shaw gave to her and finds out that STF has been monitoring NW and stealing documents. NW has been investigating the “eternal Winter ” incident for 2 months and to no surprise the head of investigations on NW’s end is Gavin. MC wonder whether Gavin is aware of this monitoring and if so, why he didn’t take any measures against it. Coupled with her concern regarding danger faced during his missions, she wants to ask him these questions directly but then decides to do it indirectly, and searches for the old Miracle Finder episodes with Gavin with the hopes to find some answers there. To her surprise, there are no episodes with Gavin or Lucien in this version of Loveland.

After this, she reads NW reports and sees that Gavin’s investigations end at North Mountain, and deduces that he still must be there. Just as she decides to sleep first, Shaw calls her, asking for a proper thank you (oh Shaw <3). MC says that she will go to North Mountain the following day to which Shaw questions why she doesn’t intend to check the anomalies in the city first:

  • Because Gavin…
  • Really all you do is following him, isn’t it? (brother-in-lawing much? ^_^)
  • He’s the person in charge of the whole investigation into the eternal Winter incident, isn’t he? Wherever he goes, there’s bound to be something crucial (plus, yeah I haven’t seen his handsome face during the last 48 hours, so).
  • The closer you get to the truth, the more dangerous it will be. The same level of danger is just a minor threat to him, but to you it could mean life or death. Do you really need me to explain this to you?

Even though her intuition tells her to listen to Shaw, she explains that nothing is more important than getting to the bottom of this.

That night, MC dreams about the soon to unfold events on North Mountain.

She goes there and is surprised that the cable car is still operating but she has to pay an unreasonable price to use it. Without an alternative, she agrees but the cable car is unstable due to explosions on the pillaring of the electricity towers that support it. Just as MC jumps out of the height as her only means of escape, Gavin catches her (best-boi gotta best-boi).

That face that always showed up just in the nick of time.

This face to be more precise :)

Gavin arrives because MC hits the emergency alarm before jumping out of the cable car. A minute later, the cable car explodes in mid air. Gavin gives her another safety pep talk.

Down the hill, MC is detected as an evolver. Since NW officers suspect that an evolver is responsible for the incident from a tip by the ticket seller from earlier, they apprehend and intimidate her. Just as a worker presses a gun against her back, Gavin shows up and tells them that he will be interrogating her. He then reassures her that while she is not a suspect, she has to be aware of the consequences of another apprehension by NW (cut this guy some slack will you :/). Wanting to prolong the conversation, MC claims that she is from STF which obviously our sharp birdcop doesn’t buy. Still, he accepts her offer of exchanging intel and takes her to the investigation scene, although not before warning her about what happens to STF traitors. MC’s impulsive streak of blind risk-taking leaves him speechless…

  • Putting yourself in danger over and over. Just what are you thinking?

MC freezes and concludes that she just can’t tell him that he forgot about her. Suppressing her complex emotions, she tells him something else instead:

  • There’s just someone that I have to get back…(There, she said it).
Only after all this is over, the “us” from before can meet up in the future. (And this summarizes MCs motivation for this era of the game).
  • Then, when this incident is over, tell me that person’s name. You need to learn more about how to rely on others.
  • Thank you..Although…I’ve already decided to learn how to stand on my own. (Says this while tightly clutching Gavin’s lapel, oh the irony :))

Gavin and MC stand in front of what appears to be mere rubble.Just as MC starts to tell him about STF’s conjecture, Gavin lifts up the rubble, leaving MC in awe as an entrance comes into view. MC follows him into the darkness and they reach a foyer with screens. Gavin gives MC one last chance to back out. Upon hearing her determination, he hands her a gun and teaches her how to use it (which will come up later in the story).

Once inside, they find another floor underneath and discover a circular elevator that goes downward. Gavin wants to go down first but unsurprisingly MC insists on going along. I think at this point in time, Gavin has acknowledged MC’s stubborn determination and simply reminds her about the gun and to make a run for it if something happens.

When they reach the bottom floor, they realize that the machines are already deleting data about the satellite signal plan and that they are searching for the Black Swan Queen since she is the single point of failure in their plan. Just as MC plans to tell Gavin that she is the Queen, they are attacked by the mechanical arms from MC’s dream and start fighting off the mechanical arms like the killing power couple they are. Gavin even gives her a compliment that speaks right to MC’s heart.

Even though we were still in danger, and might still have to facemore, unknown challenges…still, the worry and helplessness that clouded my heart was dissipated on the wind of his words.

I will intentionally not write this scene in detail but this pic shows their power-couple vibe perfectly. (*♡▽♡*)

After a while, their stamina loses ground and Gavin starts to get one blow after the other and MC gets thrown around. Just as the situation hits rock bottom, MC sees Gavin and realizes how he is always the one protecting her, whether in the past or now. This leads MC to unleash her power. With a white light, she immobilizes the arms and the man behind them, who turns out to be the ticket seller. But hey, Gavin also unleashes the beast in him and fight me all you want but, this scene is definitely inspired by this scene from Bleach ep. 271 and 272:

MC tries to call out to him, reach out to him and embrace him, but all in vain. Gavin is mainly an overpowered seinen protagonist at this point with unstoppable strength and driven by one goal - to destroy the object standing in front of him. MC cannot help but think that the way he is right now isn’t fit to be called human.

I didn’t know how to get him to snap out of it. All I could do was keep calling his name over and over again. However we find out shortly after that this isn’t even his final form because the NW squad enters the scene and their leader reports Gavin’s status as “Dangerous category B” so there is category A?!!! Damn Gavin’s evol is scary!

This unleashed power is extremely destructive for everyone and everything in Gavin’s vicinity but it also takes a toll on him as he is wounded countless times due to the backlash of his own power. He eventually collapses, and the NW squad takes this opportunity to subdue him. MC tries various methods to stop them but to no avail. So she decides to reveal her identity to them for Gavin’s sake but Gavin stops her before she can do it.

Gavin uses his final ounce of strength to tell MC not to reveal her identity and MC notes how his movements are gentle like the old days.

  • Let go of being the Queen. Live your life as a normal person. Why are you crying? Promise me that you won’t get involved in this anymore. No matter who you are, the fate of this world shouldn’t have to rest on your shoulders alone. I’ll find a way to resolve this…and I’ll find the person you’re looking for. These things are mine to do, not the Queens

At this moment, he presses their foreheads together. Through her teary eyes, Gavin puts the ginkgo bracelet into her hand, and MC knows instantly what it is.

No matter how many times I lost it, just like now, he would help me find it again and again.
  • Keep it safe. Don’t lose it again. Take it. Get out here… and live.

Having said these lines, Gavin surrenders himself to the NW squad and MC gets taken away too, but she is no longer afraid.

Because I knew now that Gavin that I was looking for—he’d never gone away. No matter how the world and everyone else treated him, he still had that sense of justice and faith inside him, and was ready to fight for it with every fiber of his being.

Why are these two always so romantic?!!!! The reason why Gavin becomes so fond of her is explained in the second half of his R&S. Gavin is touched by MC shielding him since no one had ever done it for him. Her tears, calling his name over and over, and the fact that she is the Black Swan Queen drives him at this moment. And of course that inexplicable feeling swh.

In CH24, after a long interrogation, NW releases MC and she returns home, looking at the ginkgo bracelet. She feels that time seems to have circled back to the day when Gavin first gave the bracelet to her…”so I can come instantly in an emergency”.

Everytime I thought back on those peaceful, carefree days, the stinging in my heart grew deeper…(as I always say, Gavin is Queen’s/MC’s weakness; experiences with him always make her emotionally particularly fragile).

Btw her keys won’t open the door and she stays with Lucien (wasn’t she at her home at the beginning of the chapter?). Anyways, MC thinks back to Gavin’s words which have been swirling around her mind ever since they parted:

  • No matter who you are, the fate of this world shouldn’t have to rest on your shoulders alone.

Being less than 24 hours away from the satellite launch, she doesn’t know if she can solely depend on Gavin and his investigation. Moreover, in order to get to the truth, he’d surely have to use that self-destructive power more frequently…something she wants to avoid most of all.

In CH24, MC tries to stop Cyril’s plans by infiltrating HMS Victoria and stopping the missile launch before the announced concert time.

Reaching the control room, MC attempts to use the PA to tell everyone who she is and how they could stop the launch. This is when she gets interrupted by Gavin who imprisons her in his arms…again (At this point I really can’t help but feel sorry for Gavin because MC is basically his ball and chain)

  • Are you trying to get yourself get killed?
  • I just want to bring an end to this thing!
  • Why must you be so stubborn?
  • Because I don’t want to see people important to me becoming strangers again!
  • We’ll resolve this incident. And we will find that person you’re looking for. Right now, what you have to obey orders. Get to a safe zone.

MC tries to break loose of his confinement but realizes easily that she stands no chance when he has no reservations of letting her go. So she just stops in her place and trying to avoid Gavin dragging her forward (you know when you try to pull your dog by the leash and it struggles? Probably like that :D).

  • You clearly know that only the Queen can stop this!
  • But that doesn’t mean that the Queen is the only solution.
  • Are you going to let the Queen decide your life, or will you—MC–decide for yourself? (God I’m simping this Gavin so much, he is so down to earth and rational I can drink him!)
Of course I knew which was the original me. But if I renounced my identity as Queen, then that would also mean giving up on saving this world myself. Meanwhile I’d have to give up this man before me, and my bonds with everyone that I ever cared about.
  • But these lives are both mine! Just like your role is safeguarding justice and peace, I am both MC and the Queen, and this is a responsibility I must bear. I don’t want to feel that regret of loss again. (It is actually quite impressive how she tells Gavin her most genuine thoughts and the earnest feelings to Gavin. I remember reading these lines and guessing word by word what would Gavin say next and boy I was right- I know my man in any dimension).
  • You just need to stand by and do nothing. (Exactly! He flatlines because these lines resonate with his intuition and as a man of logic he needs time to process this before announcing his final verdict- I love this man!).

He sighs while tending to MCs wounds, and the switching of roles comes full circle. Remember - there is something deep in his heart tugging him towards her and making him instinctively compassionate towards her:

  • You know it’s dangerous, you know you’ll get hurt, yet you go anyway.
  • Aren’t you the same? Never choosing to just stand by and look the other way?
  • But I don’t just think idealistically.

He then ties the ends the bandage into a knot before helping MC put her shoes on (Remember the midnight dance? The glass shoes and him putting on these shoes? Just saying ;)). He then utters his verdict as he orders a special vehicle to pick MC up and take her to HMS Victoria.

  • I’ll still need to head over to the satellite launch tower. I can’t stay with you.
  • That’ll do. Gavin, thank you. (Finally an MC who lets Gavin leave without drama. I feel like a proud mama… you made it MC! After 24 chapters, you finally did it!)
  • You should be thanking your own perseverance.

After this, Gavin leaves and MC thinks to herself that he has his own problems that only he can solve. (So proud, so proud! Also MC realizing Gavin’s role in all of this… He is not her supporting male-actor who should stand next to her during her final battle and give her a pep talk. He is the protagonist of his own story, his life doesn’t revolve around her and he has his own world to save/protect aside from his love for her- An analysis about this will come when S2 ends). And you know who greets MC the moment she lands on the ship? None other than Helios…Coincidence?

MC encounters Cyril on the ship and he shows her the satellite launch tower, which leads MC to say a silent prayer for Gavin, hoping that he was able to complete his mission.

Upon discussing with Cyril about the world she wants, MC finally enters the Black Cabin and we get to choose one of the guys:

Unfortunately I cannot script the following scenes here because I’ve reached the limit. So please enjoy the video here:

Disclaimer: The video is not mine

By the end of CH 24 I realized that Gavin and MCs relationship in the Eternal Winter era is about reestablishing the love and faith they have for each other. Even though Gavin doesn’t have any memories of her, she still grows on him and he warms up to her. And their dynamic starts blooming just like before albeit at a slower pace. The MQ post CH24 is the best example of this. But also MC realizes that her feelings towards Gavin are not because the affection he shows her in pre-CH18 era or the romantic gestures he does or the things he does for her in general. She genuinely loves him for who he is, Gavin doesn’t need to go the extra mile to be the recipient of her love. What I love the most is that their love isn’t depicted to be because of faith or destiny, which I always struggled to accept in Usagi and Mamouru’s case and I thank Papergames for explaining in detail why these two aren’t together because it is written in their destiny but because they are simply highly compatible.

Gavin’s Parallel Worlds Call and the end of MQ Dream Traveller explain bluntly what binds them together again in this era:

Disclaimer: I just patched different scenes together. But there are no original works from others involved.

So even though there are discrepancies here and there as they always are, and it broke my heart, I really enjoyed the Eternal Winter era because this is the era where we can get to know MCs motivations, yearnings and the things lay deep in her heart. And let’s be honest here, Gavin and MC’s dynamic and relationship is explained in utmost detail and it’s shown in various occasions what draws them together and we also get a proper closure to the “Heartbreak” of this period. But as Gavin STANS,we can’t ever complain because we usually get fed well ^_^


Part 5 will cover the Homecoming Era… Or maybe I’ll blend Echoes of Fate into it if the content allows me to… Let’s wait and see

If this painstakingly long post makes just a little bit sense and is readable it’s because @cheri-cheri beta-read it and I am simply out of appreciation words at this point. Thank you very much for taking time and making effort in preparing this series. I’m eternally grateful ❤️❤️❤️

