



长月烬明 冥夜 Ming Ye







Okay!!!!???!!??! Kill me dead why don’t you

Otter on Luo Yunxi as Chu WanNing

A translation:

@罗云熙Leo happy birthday☁️

Each character is a seed, after a long period of creation, incubation and accumulation, hiding in the soil waiting for the right actor. When the two meet and become one, it is the miracle moment when the seed breaks out of the ground and turns the theoretical into reality.

When Luo Yunxi met Chu Wanning, all of us heard the sound of the seeds breaking out from its shell.

The world is complicated, and each character and each drama has its own destiny. Thank you for choosing Chu Wanning, so that he can change from virtual to real, with an otherworldly aura, wind blowing your robe, walk in front of everyone.

During the 153 days in Hengdian, we have seen you sweat. The scorching temperature, high-intensity shooting, and layers of costumes make you sweaty and exhausted after every scene. But when the sun rises the next day, you are still the Luo Yunxi full of energy and high spirits.

During the 153 days in Hengdian, we felt your sincerity. You temporarily forget yourself, and let the soul of Chu WanNing inhabit your body. When you speak, we hear the shizun’s stern or gentle voice, and when you lift the whip, we see the grandmaster’s awe-inspiring or tragic demeanor. His subtle and complex characteristics, smelted by your heart, become pure and vivid.

During the 153 days in Hengdian, we admire your persistence. The fierce sun and the little stars have witnessed you filming coming and goings of every day and night. We remember that grueling shooting of the fight scene, in order to complete a shot, you rotated 360° on wires for three hours. “With Shizun here, we can do it.”

It is with these sweat, sincerity, and perseverance that the seed of the character finally grows into a towering tree that stands tall in the sky, swaying above stratified clouds, and looking at the mountains and see them small.

Actor Luo Yunxi, may you always be happy, enthusiastic, magnanimous, lucky, keep this passion forever, and wish you all your wishes come true.

I ship.

TantaiJin x Runyu

Demon emperor x Heaven emperor

Abused hostage prince x unloved crown prince

Born evil bone x born winged dragon

self sacrificing demon x demon possessed immortal

What else can I do but scream.

Bows down to TantaiJin


The leather gloves. I’m dead

Happy 11th year anniversary Xixi.
Drew this to commemorate Runyu from Ashes of Love. Thankful you’veHappy 11th year anniversary Xixi.
Drew this to commemorate Runyu from Ashes of Love. Thankful you’ve

Happy 11th year anniversary Xixi.
Drew this to commemorate Runyu from Ashes of Love. Thankful you’ve played this character.
Looking forward to many more amazing work from you.

Post link

Try some different flavors of Luo Yunxi。

#luo yunxi    #罗云熙    #cdrama    #chinese actor    


gif taken from video above. Cr. 桃子酱都是桃

Lizheliang has over taken Yuanshuai as my modern bf. he’s inner strength is what made him special.

But this whole scene in episode 12 though.

It’s getting pretty exciting. I love that 2nd FL is not cat fighting. No villain is actually dumb either.

hooooww whyyyy luo yunxi WHY DO YOU ATTCK US LIKE THAT?

luo yunxi 花亦山心之月

luo Yunxi. 花亦山心之月 

cr. 弋个忙忙山


光剑到了 https://v.douyin.com/RV4AN3b/

luo yunxi what are you doing. I wasn’t prepared for this attack! Thank you for the one started this challenge.


have some edits evil demon lord TantaiJin

Was too tired from heart failure due to the attack from this guy. Finally have time today to finish it out.
