
Here is my contribution to the NiF exchange 2019 : Four seasons of Promises.Even if the theme is sadHere is my contribution to the NiF exchange 2019 : Four seasons of Promises.Even if the theme is sadHere is my contribution to the NiF exchange 2019 : Four seasons of Promises.Even if the theme is sadHere is my contribution to the NiF exchange 2019 : Four seasons of Promises.Even if the theme is sad

Here is my contribution to the NiF exchange 2019:Four seasons of Promises.

Even if the theme is sad, I had a lot of fun drawing these various stages in Jingyan and Lin Shu’s life… Also, it had been several years since I hadn’t felt so motivated drawing complex fanarts, digitally, for a fandom… But Nirvana in Fire is THAT good. It may be the best show I’ve ever watched. In any case it changed my life *sobbing*.

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