

Introducing the chiropractor-needing, Charboiled!

Charboiled is stuck in gacha hell and they have chronic back pain. ✌️
Aiyaya quite a bunch of the team are in the same boat. _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

TCF WEEK Day 7: Hate“Why do you have so much to say today?I’m getting tired of it.“- Cale to the whi

TCF WEEK Day 7: Hate

“Why do you have so much to say today?
I’m getting tired of it.“

- Cale to the white thing,, (( i forgot the chapter OTL ))

And with that, TCF week is a wrap~ (yes,, i chose not to use Chūnibyō,, too anime-y haha)
I actually made it through omigoshh, >w<)////

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!! Panel Redraw !!I have no direction whatsoever when it comes to Cale’s beautiful red hair

!! Panel Redraw !!

I have no direction whatsoever when it comes to Cale’s beautiful red hair

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