#사내 맞선


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again;

Jin Young-Seo & Cha Sung- Hoon are God tier couple goals! I’m sorry but they are. This is a hill I am prepared to die on! My stance will not change!

I love how Jin Young-Seo’s “Bribe” from Kang Tae-moo was a video of CSH wailing like a banshee and stamping his feet! Her face when he showed her the video cracked me up! I LOVE THIS SHOW! SO GOOD!

gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creator.

It’s Monday so that can only mean one thing…

IT’S BUSINESS PROPOSAL DAY! HURRAY! I’m so excited for today’s episode! Aggh!

It’s kinda bad that a drama can control my serotonin levels for the rest of the week though…

Erm…can we take a minute to digest how problematic Shin Ha-Ri’s friends actually are.

How, how is the question that I want to ask, how are they considered friends? They’re so mean to her.

First off friends shouldn’t make each other feel lesser than, belittle or make each other feel like they have to prove themselves to the rest of the group. Secondly all they care about is how rich her boyfriend is and what free meal ticket they can get from him! Uggh! It made me so mad watching it!

I will say this once and I will say it until the end of time: SHIN HA-RI’S FRIENDS ARE THE WORST! THE ABSOULUTE WORST! (Except for Jin Young-Seo) BOO TO ALL HER FRIENDS EXCEPT FOR JIN YOUNG-SEO! BOO! (Sorry mini rant over!)

Gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creator.

Jin Young-Seo & Cha Sung-Hoon are the 2nd lead couple with 1st lead energy! I love them so much! Agggh! ❤

Gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creator.

OMG why does Monday feel so far away? I need the gossip! I need to know what happens on Business proposal. How can the producers and writers expect us mere mortals to wait an ENTIRE WEEK with not only that heart stopper of a cliff hanger…like he’s what? her fake BF now…but also the preview clip.


Gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creator.


The Modern Day Princess And The Pee

Just the scene where Cha Sung-Hoon broke a bathroom door nearly off it’s hinges all so that his princess could pee. Give this man a damn Knighthood!

The Modern Day Princess And The Pee

Just the scene where Cha Sung-Hoon broke a bathroom door nearly off it’s hinges all so that his princess could pee. Give this man a damn Knighthood!

Excuse me but what did I just see for the preview of next weeks Business Proposal? WHAT DID I JUST SEE!

Also can I just take a minute, just one minute to absorb the cliff hanger of this weeks episode.

Let the fake dating games round 2 commence! May the odds be forever in your favor Kang Tae-Moo!

Friendship Goals Unlocked!

I’ve just started watching ‘Business Proposal’ on Netflix and let me tell you how much I laughed my head off at that show!

The scene between Shin Ha-Ri & Jin Young-Seo where they were drunk in the chicken shop had me crying and cackling like a witch woman with laughter.

It was the part where Shin Ha-Ri thought she’d ripped her friends mouth off that got me the most. Them two are ultimate friendship goals. Nothing says friendship like getting absolutely wasted, then getting brought home by the police and making a scene in your family’s chicken shop! I LOVE IT!

I don’t just watch drama’s for the romance, I also love drama’s that feature really strong friendship story lines.

So far this drama has got me hooked. Hooked I tell you! I better get myself a supply of honey and lemon drink because I have a feeling I’m going to end up laughing myself hoarse by the end of this show!

Gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creators.
