#﹡w ella ❪ from one to another ❫


from one to another

rkella​ .

“I like it better than staying at home or training the whole time,” Seolhyun replied matter of factly. She saw herself as more of the active kind, or rather ambitious, wanting to take the opportunities as they came by. Like with her time filming The Heirs, or even with Dream Knight before that, there were hiding places here and there to find considering they were not needed for all hours. Has Naeun found those places in the sets they’ve laid out for them? 

“I managed to keep myself busy and that distracted me from sleeping. But you also know me, I can’t just sleep anywhere. So I talked to the extras or the staff, or went to the styling trailer to try out their techniques in hair and makeup. One of the best days were when I had scenes in Bona’s bedroom and there was a bed right there. Honestly, I fell asleep there more than once. The staff would wake me up when they needed me soon, but some did tell me they tried to give me as much rest as they could too.” 

Watching videos only worked for a time, because in those hours when she was the most sleepy, it would just make her eyes heavier. She hummed softly, thinking of more ideas and experiences she had during her weeks filming. “Oh, also… during my breaks, I saw some being able to bring their hobbies on set, too. One knew how to knit, so they would sit there and do it. And drawing too? Something to keep your mind occupied.”

    ━━     naeun wasn’t really adept to filming sites. sure, she’s had the fortunate experience in the past. but that had been a lifetime ago – even now, she still felt it was quite surreal that she had been casted at all amongst the others who had auditioned alongside her. the only positive, that she really had thought of at the beginning of it all, was that she would get to pseudo-sing for certain parts of her scenes. that had really been the most draw to the part for her, to be honest. but now, after suffering over long nights that never seemed to end – maybe she had really been in over her head.

( was she cut out for this type of work? )

unlike seolhyun, naeun couldn’t say whether she liked it better – sure, it was different and naeun was one who liked different things. never one to stay on the same path ; but she was also a creature who adored her sleep, uninterrupted. and unfortunately, over the past few months of filming, it had really put a dent in her rem cycle. “that’s true.” seolhyun had never been one who could just sleep right away. “that was sweet of them. if only i could have a bedroom scene, maybe i could catch a few z’s. i just feel so embarrassed to sneak off to sleep – i don’t want them to think badly of me.” she frowns, fingers tugging at the edge of the lyrical sheet she had dropped into her lap. 

“oh, did you? maybe i can bring something. maybe my coloring books or something, i just don’t want to seem ungrateful for the opportunity or .. i don’t know, like i don’t want to be there if i seem occupied with something else.” she still wasn’t quite sure what was the appropriate decorum with things like these. sure, her co-workers had tried their best to make her feel comfortable ; but it was still hard to not be intimidated by those who had leagues of experience from her whenever she got to set. “i wish someone i knew got casted with you, you were lucky to have ariel and jonghyun.”
