

SG Indian ⭐⭐⭐

Can I fuck her please



Semme geram polleh nalla kathere seiyanum. Where she from?

I want this girl,pm number

So sweetie


It’s on us to use our power to look out for and stop sexual harassment and assault.

#ProTip to anyone looking to face their arch nemesis (aka teammate and friend) at a frat party – bystander intervention doesn’t take super powers, it just takes courage. #ItsOnUs to step up and call out behavior that perpetuates rape culture. #HowIWillChange  
We can all be action heroes →

Thank you Joe Biden for being an advocate for survivors and #TitleIX. Since Title IX guidelines were introduced in 2011, we’ve seen more schools hire Title IX coordinators and begin to more effectively address sexual assault incidents on campuses. We cannot walk back this progress – we need to stand strong with survivors of sexual assault and make sure school administrations are held accountable for providing the support and protections ensured by Title IX. Take a stand and join the #ItsOnUs movement →

#joe biden    #survivors    #title ix    

You’re not entitled to the cake. Even if there’s Tahitian vanilla icing and pretty little flowers.

When you stop to think about, the language people use to “justify” sexual assault is pretty illogical. #ItsOnUs to create a culture of respect →  #CakeTease #VictimBlaming

Classic case of asking for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There’s no logic to the “excuses” for sexual assault. #ItsOnUs to change the culture and make justifications like these unacceptable.

#ItsOnUs to be a part of the solution →

The logic used to excuse sexual assault is completely illogical. Exhibit A ↑↑↑ The first step to ending the culture of sexual assault is calling out the language that perpetuates it. #ItsOnUs to be a part of the solution →   

Don’t ignore the subtext. #ItsOnUS to call out language that perpetuates rape culture. Take the pledge:
