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Great video from tumblr creator Lala!

#itsonus    #whchamps    

Umano - Human
by Eugenio in Via di Gioia

Il sole è un ammasso di fuoco rovente e ti sembra un pallino
hai sempre provato a domarlo da quand’eri bambino
Siamo nati grandi come formiche, ma ci sentiamo giganti
tra tutte le scimmie del mondo le più intelligenti

The sun is a mass of blazing fire and to you it looks like a little dot
you’ve always tried to tame it since you were a kid
We’re born small like ants, but we feel like giants
among all the monkeys in this world, the smartest

Crescendo abbiam creato un impero, ognuno ha il proprio recinto
potremmo goderci il giardino, ma non ti vedo convinto

Growing up we created an empire, everyone has their own yard
we could just enjoy the garden, but you don’t seem convinced

Perché punti più in alto, sei un conquistatore
il mondo intero è ai tuoi piedi, ma tu vuoi avere il sole
E il pubblico ti applaude, uomo-adolescente
allora spacca tutto, tu sei il cavallo vincente!

Because you aim higher, you’re a conqueror
the whole world is underneath you, but you want the sun
And the audience cheers for you, teenager-man
then go get ‘em, you’re the winning horse!

Umano, sorridi! Sei sempre il migliore
Umano, sorridi! Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Umano, sorridi! Che hai sempre ragione
Umano, sorridi alle telecamere

Smile, human! You’re always the best
Smile, human! Who’s better off than you?
Smile, human! You’re always right
Human, smile to the cameras

Il sole che luccica e brilla è un pallone d'oro
correre e prendere a calci è il nostro lavoro

The sparkling and shimmering sun, is a golden ball (Ballon d’Or)
running and kicking around is our job

E tu sei un goleador, sei un super calciatore
tu sei come la Juve, vuoi sempre più potere
E sei disposto a tutto, a rinunciare al colore
alla famiglia, agli amici, anche all’amore

And you’re a goleador, a super football player
you’re just like Juve (Juventus FC), you want more and more power
And you’re willing to do anything, even giving up colour
family, friends, even love

E allora in fila indiana da brava formica
e quella nuova serie l’hai chiamata vita

And so in a single-file line like any good ant
and that new series, you’ve called it life

Umano, sorridi! Sei sempre il migliore
Umano, sorridi! Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Umano, sorridi! Che hai sempre ragione
Umano, sorridi alle telecamere

Smile, human! You’re always the best
Smile, human! Who’s better off than you?
Smile, human! You’re always right
Human, smile to the cameras

Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Ma chi sta meglio di me?
Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Ma chi sta meglio?

Who’s better off than you?
Who’s better off than me?
Who’s better off than you?
Who’s better off?

E passano i giorni, passano anche gli anni
tutta questa storia ci fa sentire grandi
Ma appassiscono i fiori, mordi gli ultimi frutti
siamo piccoli soli che bruceranno tutti

And days go by, even years pass
all this history makes us feel great
But the flowers wither, you bite the last of the fruits
we’re small suns and we’ll all burn

Dovremmo frenare, ma stiamo accelerando
te lo dico mentre rido, ma non sto scherzando!

We should hit the brakes, but we’re speeding up
I’m telling you this while laughing, but I’m not joking!

Umano, sorridi! Sei sempre il migliore
Umano, sorridi! Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Umano, sorridi! Che hai sempre ragione
Umano, sorridi! Ma chi sta meglio di te?

Smile, human! You’re always the best
Smile, human! Who’s better off than you?
Smile, human! You’re always right
Smile, human! Who’s better off than you?

Se vai su di giri si brucia il motore
Ma finché va forte, ma chi sta meglio di te?
E tutto quel sole ti spaccherà il cuore
Ma fammi il favore, ma chi sta meglio di me?

If you get the motor running high you burn the engine
but as long ad it goes fast, who’s better off than you?
And all those sun will shatter your heart
Oh give me a break, who’s better off than me?

Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Ma chi sta meglio di me?
Ma chi sta meglio di te?
Ma chi sta meglio?

Who’s better off than you?
Who’s better off than me?
Who’s better off than you?
Who’s better off?

Umano, sorridi! Sei sempre il migliore
Ti faccio uno spoiler: alla fine si muore

Smile, human! You’re always the best
I’m telling you a spoiler: at the end, we die


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Dude check out this super clutch moment by my friend Thabeardedblarg. If you’re into shiny hunting, you can find him at

#dragonspeak    #pokemon    #shiny hunting    #shiny hunt    #stunky    #shinyfail    #horde hunting    #youtube    


This is, in my opinion, one of the greatest moments in cinematic history, from one of the most astounding, poignant films ever made.  And I’m absolutely terrified that this speech, from 76 years ago, is so frighteningly relevant today.   


We have a message for you, sir, and we hope that you will hear us out. And I encourage everybody to pause your phones and Tweets and posts ‘cause this message needs to be spread far and wide, okay? Vice-President Elect Pence, we welcome you, and we truly thank you for joining us here at Hamilton: An American Musical. We really do. We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us - our planet, our children, our parents - or defend us or our inalienable rights, sir. But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. All of us. [applause] And we truly thank you for seeing the show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men, women, of different colors, creeds, and orientations, and to that end we hope you hear our message, sir, because you are honored to represent all of us. - @ghaney22/Gregory Haney

Learning what was actually said during the performance makes me even more mad about Trump and his cronies’ reactions. That right there is NOT harassment. AT ALL.

They weren’t threatening in any way. THEY are saying they, as minorities, feel threatened by the Trump administration.Like we needed any more proof that these guys are complete monsters.





Mike Pence attended Hamilton and the cast had something to say to him: “We are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us.” (x)

This story popped up as a notification on my phone and I literally went

This is awesome and all, but I’m more shocked that Pence would attend the musical in the first place- what with it’s liberal lyrics and diverse cast. But then again, this IS a member of the Trump administration we’re talking about. How clueless they are about everything really baffles me.

#hamilton    #politics    #mike pence    


Stinking up your dress shirt
