He, Him & Us By: ScarfHe, Him & Us By: Scarf
#manhwa    #comics    #tappytoon    #shounen ai    #comedy    #psychological    #romance    #school life    
The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon By: Kang Ye-seul, Wolhet, SOSORI, hong sukThe Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon By: Kang Ye-seul, Wolhet, SOSORI, hong sukThe Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon By: Kang Ye-seul, Wolhet, SOSORI, hong suk

The Skeleton Soldier Failed to Defend the Dungeon
By: Kang Ye-seul, Wolhet, SOSORI, hong suk

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Happy WIP Wednesday, everyone! Okay… so. I have two things I’m actively working on at the moment: the first chapter of part three of the time cast a spell on you series (I know I said I was stepping away from that for a couple months but… lmao. Listen. I’m just gonna work on it very slowly and that almost counts as taking a break right…) and a super top secret oneshot I’m going to share a little snippet of today. All I’ll say about it for now is that it’s Queliot (obvs) and Extremely On Brand™ for me lmao. Enjoy…

Reaching out in the dark, Eliot took both of Quentin’s hands in his own. The shock of his warmth so immediate and intense Quentin nearly crumbled. “You’re cold,” he said, softly, fondly. “What have you been doing?”

“Um—” Quentin laughed, his whole body trembling now. “Getting high with Julia out back.”

“Naughty, naughty,” Eliot teased with a cluck of his tongue. The sound of his voice setting Quentin’s brain on fire, every neuron seeming to flare all at once. “Well, luckily for you my discipline happens to be warming pretty boys up. Did you know that?”

“Uh, I thought it was…” Fuck. Quentin couldn’t think, his brain like oily black sludge in his skull. What was the name of Eliot’s actual discipline again? Tele-something. Tele—“Lifting shit…”

Eliot hummed, shifting close. His hands reaching up and teasing along the slope of Quentin’s neck. “Common misconception,” he said. “I can prove it if you don’t believe me. Why don’t you come closer, hm? It’s so much nicer here under the covers with me.”

miamaymarry:Follow @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord: @linzi-yay for her hard work^^Our cult on discord:


Follow @linzi-yay for her hard work^^

Our cult on discord:

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Magicians Superhero AU


Detailed view of panel 1 featuring a romantic encounter between King Kinesis and intrepid reporter Q. Coldwater from the Brakebills Gazette. Q found himself in a dangerous situation at the mercy of Glow Girl (a name she absolutely hates, preferring Phosphor but it just doesn’t trip off the tongue in quite the same way). Glow Girl was about to obliterate the city of Brakebills with a ball of lightning when King Kinesis and the Cryo Queen came to stop her. Of course Q. got in the way and Glow Girl sent him flying off the roof. King Kinesis rushed down to save him but in a shocking twist, Q’s latent shapeshifting power manifested at the last minute and he sprouted wings in time to float into the King’s arms for a kiss. Meanwhile the Cryo Queen is cleaning up the mess, as usual, and Glow Girl doesn’t stand a chance against her. Honestly, she should really change her name to High King Cryo.


Detailed view of panel 2 featuring our favorite antiheroes. The Bodyguard (aka Battle Bitch for the grownup set) is doing her best to put off the pesky soulmate goose of enforcement that keeps attacking her. It’s not like she has a soulmate (or two?) anyway. Our Lady of the Tree knows otherwise, and is doing her best to give her favorite Bodyguard a clue. Recent foray into the world of superheroes The Third Eye watches (not pining, never), especially grumpy because his begrudging friend (with benefits, but it’s just for fun, okay?) and sidekick Mapman has convinced (ie begged and pleaded until he finally caved) him to wear this stupid cape and headscarf. As if the lycra shirt and pants weren’t bad enough. As long as Mapman appreciates the view, he supposes. And hopefully those badass best bitches will be into it when they finally sort their own shit out and notice him. And anyway, what the hell is up with that goose?


update: now also posted on a03:
