#superhero au




Grantaire’s super-villain origin story is being rejected by Enjolras.

Enjolras just wishes he could get a normal super-villain for once.

Coufeyrac, running into the room: “En- Apollo, Big R is dangling a bus of civillians over the Seine and says he will drop them if you don’t go on a date with him.”

Enjolras, groaning and hitting his head on a table: “Again? We’ve put him to jail like five times already, can’t they just keep him there for a few weeks so that we can take a break? Can we get a normal supervillain for once? One who wants to take over the world, or something?”

Enjolras’ powers? All the things that happen to him in the Brick because Victor Hugo likes his imagery and thinks Enjolras is way too cool are literal. He shines, he controls light, and every time someone tries to hurt him, they find themselves incapable of doing it, because “it feels like killing a flower”.

Enjolras, who is aroace as fuck, isn’t really happy about it.


Grantaire’s super-villain origin story is being rejected by Enjolras.

Enjolras just wishes he could get a normal super-villain for once.

Coufeyrac, running into the room: “En- Apollo, Big R is dangling a bus of civillians over the Seine and says he will drop them if you don’t go on a date with him.”

Enjolras, groaning and hitting his head on a table: “Again? We’ve put him to jail like five times already, can’t they just keep him there for a few weeks so that we can take a break? Can we get a normal supervillain for once? One who wants to take over the world, or something?”

Grantaire’s super-villain origin story is being rejected by Enjolras.

Enjolras just wishes he could get a normal super-villain for once.


Magicians Superhero AU


Detailed view of panel 1 featuring a romantic encounter between King Kinesis and intrepid reporter Q. Coldwater from the Brakebills Gazette. Q found himself in a dangerous situation at the mercy of Glow Girl (a name she absolutely hates, preferring Phosphor but it just doesn’t trip off the tongue in quite the same way). Glow Girl was about to obliterate the city of Brakebills with a ball of lightning when King Kinesis and the Cryo Queen came to stop her. Of course Q. got in the way and Glow Girl sent him flying off the roof. King Kinesis rushed down to save him but in a shocking twist, Q’s latent shapeshifting power manifested at the last minute and he sprouted wings in time to float into the King’s arms for a kiss. Meanwhile the Cryo Queen is cleaning up the mess, as usual, and Glow Girl doesn’t stand a chance against her. Honestly, she should really change her name to High King Cryo.


Detailed view of panel 2 featuring our favorite antiheroes. The Bodyguard (aka Battle Bitch for the grownup set) is doing her best to put off the pesky soulmate goose of enforcement that keeps attacking her. It’s not like she has a soulmate (or two?) anyway. Our Lady of the Tree knows otherwise, and is doing her best to give her favorite Bodyguard a clue. Recent foray into the world of superheroes The Third Eye watches (not pining, never), especially grumpy because his begrudging friend (with benefits, but it’s just for fun, okay?) and sidekick Mapman has convinced (ie begged and pleaded until he finally caved) him to wear this stupid cape and headscarf. As if the lycra shirt and pants weren’t bad enough. As long as Mapman appreciates the view, he supposes. And hopefully those badass best bitches will be into it when they finally sort their own shit out and notice him. And anyway, what the hell is up with that goose?


update: now also posted on a03:  


two pieces i posted on twitter recently, from twanderingheart’s Superhero Au!! it’s on ao3 here!! retwo pieces i posted on twitter recently, from twanderingheart’s Superhero Au!! it’s on ao3 here!! re

two pieces i posted on twitter recently, from twanderingheart’s Superhero Au!! it’s on ao3 here!! really fun read!!!!!

I wasn’t able to do a lot of art due to the end of the semester, so it was really fun to do a really rendered piece and a fun flat style as well. I feel nostalgic for the young justice days of my youth LMAO.. im grateful it taught me to draw a halfway decent domino mask

Post link

Only 2 parts left after this ‍ I think I’ll post the final chapter after I watch MoM. There won’t be spoilers from the movie though. It’ll only be the storyline I wrote for Wanda. Before I watch MoM, I’m rewatching WandaVision. That show was lit! This chapter deals with Book 4 of twst. JFC, I planned a maximum of 2k but it became 3k lol



  • After the finals ended, the winter break came. Wanda told her friends about how she feels when there is chaos around her yet she didn’t know why. She decided to withhold some of the information until she was fully aware of who she was.
  • The unspoken tension between her and her friends eased a bit but it was still there. She assumed her powers freaked them out. 
  • Between the time when she defeated Azul and winter break, she questioned Idia regarding Ortho and his body and Hades. He was reluctant to answer her questions about Ortho but he was over the moon to tell her everything about Hades, including his diet. 
  • She noticed the similarity between the Hades she knew and the one in Twisted Wonderland. Both made deals in exchange for the soul of the person, were powerful beings, could take the shape of someone else and ruled the underworld. However, this Hades seemed to be stuck in one dimension. Her research on the matter ended there until she got her full memories.
  • Wanda knew she should respect people’s privacy but she had to learn how Ortho is still a living person despite the android body. It would be helpful for the person she longed for. So when she asked about Ortho again, she read Idia’s mind and learned the truth. Since her beloved didn’t have a soul like Ortho had, his android technology would be worthless for her. 
  • Despite having ulterior motives, she felt sympathy for Idia’s loss for she knew the pain of losing a sibling. It felt like someone tore her heart out and crushed it in front of her. No...Pietroisalivenow! The Voice said. Given how she thought the Voice was speaking while she was actually speaking out loud, she now considered The Voice to be herself with full memories, helping Wanda to reclaim all of her powers and memories.
  • Recently, as more of her memories surfaced, some of them clashed with each other. In one of them, she was with Pietro in every step of her path but in the other, she lost Pietro. In one of her memories, her father controlled metal whilst in the other, he was an ordinary guy who brought sitcoms to cheer up his children. She decided to be patient with her memories and not rush them.
  • Whilst everyone was preparing for the winter break, including the principal, she was pestering Dire to explain the black stones after the overblot fight and her premonitions. He was acting elusive and saying he was busy.
  • She learned why he was busy at the start of the break. He went to a holiday resort. He only gave her a phone and assignment and then yeeted away. She bid her farewells to her friends and exchanged numbers. They all seemed happy to go back home which made her yearn for her home as well. Although, she still couldn’t understand which place was her home.
  • Her powers were improving daily. Now she was able to apparate to the other end of the NRC but she should know the layout to avoid apparating inside a tree or another object. She was easily making shield and attack practice targets now.
  • Things were boring until Grim and Wanda went to the kitchen of the cafeteria and met with Scarabia students. Jamil looked too nice for NRC which made her uneasy. He invited her and Grim to his dorm but she wanted to refuse until he used his magic.
  • Their eyes were locked when he said she would accept the invitation. She felt a familiar tug in her mind. Mindcontrol... Wanda smirked at the irony. Although she couldn’t mind-control directly, when she wished for something it happened, whether it was human or object. She was going to entertain his game since the things were boring and she needed a break from all the new information she learned recently.
  • They all went to Scarabia and met Kalim. Despite Wanda feeling gloomy recently, Kalim’s positive aura rubbed on Wanda’s mood. They ate together and played a game. They were also invited to stay the night which they accepted. However, the next day, Kalim’s personality shifted 180.
  • She didn’t like his new persona and thought he either had multiple personalities or his behaviour was changed by someone else. Hence, she took a peek inside his mind and saw an abnormality. His mind was shackled and something else was in charge as if that thing was the puppet master while Kalim was a marionette. 
  • She thought Jamil was the one doing it since she felt him trying to command her mind. So she confronted him. He denied obviously. Given his attitude, she didn’t feel bad about reading his mind. It was harder than the others but his mind powers couldn’t hold a candle to hers.
  • She went to tell this to everyone but he tried to stop her. Seeing his unique magic not work on her pissed him off further. He reached to grab her. When she dodged, he attacked her with his magic. Wanda’s shield appeared in front of her even though she didn’t lift a finger. She took a risk like that but its result was rewarding.
  • She then blasted him back. While he was recovering, she reached where Kalim and the other students are. She began to tell them everything but Jamil soon appeared and used his unique magic on the rest of the students. She didn’t know how to break the mind control of the others yet, so she grabbed Grim and ran away. She could have easily handled the entire dorm but she didn’t want to harm them since they weren’t acting out of their free will.
  • She also didn’t know if she could apparate with Grim without hurting him so they had to leave physically. As many students surrounded them, she decided to use the Flying Carpet to escape. She was excellent at levitating objects but the Flying Carpet had its own consciousness so she wasn’t able to control it and they crashed into the Mostro Lounge. The trio was still there. Wanda and Grim were followed by Scarabia students. Not liking them invading their territory, the trio fought them. Despite Wanda’s warning about not going hard on them neither listened to her.
  • After the commotion calmed down, Wanda explained to them the situation. Azul seemed to want to get involved in it and the twins looked as willing as Azul. So the trio dragged them back to Scarabia, spewing some bullshit on how he didn’t mean to cause trouble for Scarabia, how lonely it was in the Octavinelle and why they want to spend time with the Scarabia. Despite Jamil suspecting them, the trio along with Wanda and Grim stayed in a Scarabia room even though they were 4 people and Grim in a small room.
  • Azul, Floyd, Jade and Grim were discussing what to do while Wanda was thinking of a way to break the mind-control. They agreed to record what Jamil would say and when his magic on the mind-controlled students was gone, they would show the video to them. She agreed with the plan but she wanted to have a backup plan. Plus, she would know if she could also control people like that, it’d be useful power for her.
  • She started to meditate in the room but since she was focusing on the mind, she couldn’t black out the thoughts of her roommates. She looked outside from the window and saw there was no one outside. She let them know that she was going to meditate and come back later on. She apparated onto the opening she saw and started to meditate.

Since I hit the word limit again

Link to AO3 or check out the reblog

Am I rushing to write all planned chapters? Yup! I am!

This Wanda will be a mix of comics/cartoons/MCU with my twist. OMG This was the longest chapter. +4,3k words!!!



  • Time flew past as Wanda both tackled personal research and NRC studies and soon, it was the time for the finals of the terms. 
  • Since she had a lot to look up to, she only studied for the lessons that were useful to her such as the history of Twisted Wonderland. She learnt that the Hades that Ignihyde was based on wasn’t the one she knew. This one was blue instead of red but they worked similar regarding making deals. She thought to ask the person who was the most likely to know about him later on. At that moment, she knew about Hades of Twisted Wonderland enough.
  • She also learned TheGodofChaos’ name there was Eris which was unfamiliar to her. However, Eris also had a book on Twisted Wonderland. While she wasn’t able to recall the exact name of the book she saw in her memories, she knew it was written by TheGodofChaos and she needed it.
  • While her classmates struggled with spells, Wanda was able to wish anything into reality so spellcasting and potion lessons didn’t take much of her effort. She was also more in control of her powers now.
  • However, her knowledge and talent wouldn’t make her pass the exams so she used her mind-reading powers during the exams and passed with flying colours. Although, the same couldn’t be said for her friends. She thought they studied hard on their own but turned out that they made a deal with Azul just like many other students.
  • Her friends except for Jack who studied by himself had anemone on their heads. Azul was making everyone work for him for free thanks to the deals he made.
  • Truthfully, Wanda didn’t care if they had a study guide. It meant they actually studied for exams unlike her. Of course, any logical person would want the best outcome with minimal effort. If the guides they got at the NRC were so well then her friends just like many others wouldn’t want a proficient guide from Azul.
  • She was just annoyed with them for not reading their contracts. She wasn’t going to meddle with their affairs until Dire blackmailed her. If only she knew how to shift the matter into the things she wanted or created food out of thin air. She promised herself to work on it, hoping that she could do it with her exponentially improving powers.
  • Jack and Wanda went to the root of the current problem, Azul but they found the twins at the cafeteria. The twins were giving off a suspicious aura. One didn’t need to be an empath or mind reader to know that they were manipulating the conversation in a way they wanted. Floyd seemed aloof but he was as smooth as Jade in turning the conversation in their favour. They suggested Wanda make a deal with Azul to save her friends who basically begged Wanda to do it.
  • Since Wanda just wanted to get over it so she agreed to meet with Azul. Yet, when they arrived, Azul was nowhere to be seen and the twins asked Wanda and Jack to work as Mostro Lounge was overflowing with customers and there weren’t an adequate number of waiters. Jack agreed to it while Wanda refused at first. Then she agreed for she was going to use this opportunity to practice her levitation magic. If it didn’t work then good for her. If it worked, then she would be of help to her friends.
  • At first, she was slow and some orders were inaccurate or a mess. Floyd seemed to have fun watching her make a mess. She slowly made fewer mistakes. She didn’t even look at where the order was supposed to go. She just thought of it and it levitated towards the target.
  • When the rush hour died down, Azul appeared and asked Wanda and Jack to come over to his VIP Room. The first thing both Jack and Wanda noticed was the giant vault at the back of the desk. “Look at that huge vault… It’s like some kinda bank.” Wanda rolled her eyes at the obvious safe.
  • Wanda knew that Azul wouldn’t release her friends right away. If he had that plan on his mind, he would have done it already so she cut the chase. BothJadeandFloydsuggestedImakeadeal.Giveneverythinghappenedsofar,Iknowyouwanttomakeadealwithme.Justtellmewhatyouwantinreturn.
  • Azul acted offended at first, he dramatically sighed, “To think you consider me this way,” he sighed again whilst Wanda arched her eyebrow. Then he chuckled, “You want to make a deal with me? I am honoured.” He formed a contract with his magic and laid it in front of Wanda and Jack. “Since I’ll free your friends, you need to give me something in return. I bid you pilfer a certain photograph from the Atlantica Memorial Museum in the Coral Sea before the sun sets on the third day from now.” Wanda was reading the contract when Azul continued, “Considering the big ask you’re making of me, I would need considerable collateral.” Jack asked what it was. A faint smirk adorned Azul’s face, “I want your power as collateral, Wanda.”
  • He looked so smug about it as if he knew she couldn’t say no to save her friends. Jack was flabbergasted but he understood it was Azul’s plan all along.
  • Wanda chuckled at first, then couldn’t contain her laughter. Both Azul and Jack were surprised to see her reaction. Jack expected to see her angry whereas Azul expected desperation from her. Neither thought she would laugh out loud yet she found the situation quite amusing. 
  • Givehimatasteofyourpowersjustlikeyoudidbefore... The Voice spoke once again. Her memories about a witch wanting her powers were surfacing in her mind.
  • Youremindedmeofsomeone, Wanda said as she raised her hand in front of her, slowly moving her fingers. A small magenta sphere formed in her hand and she moved it along with her fingers as if she was rolling a coin with her fingers. She was focusing on her hand as she spoke.  Shewantedtoownmypowerstoo.Doyouwishtoknowwhathappenedtoher? Her gaze fell upon Azul as she finished.
  • Azul was taken aback by Wanda’s reaction and her chilling gaze. The aura around her shifted completely. Wanda could sense his doubt and anxiety, which made her smile wider and make Azul feel more uncomfortable. Jack was also startled by the sudden change in Wanda’s behaviour and voice.
  • Azul coughed twice before fixing his composure. “You can tell me after we sign the contract.” Wanda heeded him no mind.
  • Youwantmypowers?Wanda spoke again, her voice sounding deeper than usual. Jack and Azul were startled by the sudden change in Wanda. They both saw the magenta mist covering more and more of Wanda’s arms.
  • “Wanda, calm d-” Jack tried to evaluate the situation. “I understand your hesitation but you will have your powers back if you complete your end of the bargain.” Azul tried to reason with it. He planned to coerce her more but seeing Wanda’s eyes glowing pink made him stop in his tracks.
  • The magenta mist became more visible around her right hand while an energy sphere was forming in her palms. Takeit. Wanda said softly before sending an energy ball at Azul. The magenta mist covered his chest as he was sent back flying to the wall, flipping the couch he was sitting on. Youwantmore? Wanda asked rhetorically as she formed another energy sphere with her left hand. Itsallyours... She blasted him again, causing Azul to scream in pain.
  • She suddenly appeared in front of Azul as if she teleported a few metres, Thelastpersonwhotriedtotakemypowerslostallofherpowersatmywill.ShecouldntevenrememberwhoshewasafterIwasdonewithher.Doyoustillwantmypowers?
  • Azul was coughing, overwhelmed by the sheer power of Wanda. Hearing the commotion inside Floyd, Jade and Grim burst in. All were shocked to see Azul sitting on the floor, leaning back against the wall. Stop. The moment that word left her mouth, both Jade and Floyd stopped in their tracks, couldn’t move an inch.
  • Wanda looked at her hands, all of her fingers and a small portion of her hands turned dark grey-black. Justlikethelasttime... She thought, observing them a bit before turning her attention back to Azul. Iamareasonablewoman,Azul.Idontthinkyouwantmypowersanymore. She asked softly, raising her left eyebrow.
  • “N-no,” Azul answered between coughs. Wanda hummed in response. She placed her hands in front of him. Her magic in magenta mist form flowed from his body to her hands, restoring her power and the original colour of her hands. She twirled her hand and the cough came back to its original state. Youcanmovenow. She said to free the twins. Grim also rushed to her side as she sat where she was sitting before. Hereismyoffer.Basedonyourstudyguideandexamscore,Itakeityouknowalotofthings.DoyouknowthenameofthebookwrittenbyTheGodofChaos?
  • Azul gave her a look containing distaste and fear. He cleared his throat and sat back in his original place. “The Book of The Damned?”
  • Thatsit... The Voice spoke. Yes,arentyousmartass,hmm? Wanda answered. Iwilldoasyouask,retrievethatphoto.Inreturn,youwillbringmethatbook.Givenyourknowledgeandconnections,itwillbeeasyforyou.Asforcollateralsforeachofus,youcanhaveRamshackle.Incase,youdontholdyourendofthebargain,Iwilldestroyallofyourcontractsandmakeyouliveyournightmaresoverandoveragain.Deal?
  • Azul hesitated. He would get what he originally wanted before the twins told him that Wanda could mind-read. Also, he thought she didn’t know where his contracts were. Plus, he doubted her threat about nightmares. Still, he was considering what else he could take advantage of.
  • Seeing him take too long to answer, Wanda added, Ifyoudontacceptitnow,Iwilltaketheshortcuttoendthisbullshit.Illblastopenyourvaultan

I was going to post this soon after Part 2 but circumstances affected my mood greatly and didn’t write anything. On top of that, I lost my draft :/

MoM is so close! Hearing Charles Xavier’s voice in the first trailer and seeing Billy and Tommy in other trailers made me go AAAA!

Hope you catch all the references here ;)

This Wanda will be a mix of comics/cartoons/MCU with my twist.



  • Wanda’s memories were coming back gradually but they were jumbled. She couldn’t understand much of them. They sometimes popped up in her mind during the day and sometimes appeared in her nightmares. She didn’t get who was who in her memories. She just had gut feelings regarding them. On top of that, she had to continue her research.
  • While being overwhelmed by everything going on, the ghosts mentioned an annual game at the NRC. Hearing that Grim wanted to play and she joined him to distract herself. 
  • During the game, she was able to attack the ghosts with what she did during her fight against Riddle despite her power being weaker now. She was confident at offence and didn’t even think of defending until one of the ghosts attacked her. She instinctively swang her hands in front of her while her fingers formed a sign and a magenta-coloured transparent shield formed in front of her, protecting her from the attack.
  • She was familiar with this magic too. After the game ended, she tried making it again but failed which made her consider that this was just done in panic mode. She decided to work on it as well.
  • Whilst Wanda was researching The God of Chaos along with many other topics, she started to have visions again and got interrupted by yet another situation at the NRC. Instead of doing something himself, dire told Wanda and Grim to investigate the series of mysterious accidents.
  • She told the situation to her friends and after Trey got injured, Riddle and Cater joined in their investigation. They visited other Spelldrive players who got hurt and potential targets. They learned that the ones who got hurt lost control of their bodies for a moment.
  • Wanda thought they were mind-controlled by someone as she saw faint images of a similar situation in her memories. She wanted to be more certain before she told her group so she didn’t say anything.
  • Riddle, Cater, Ace, Deuce and Grim were talking to the Leech twins. She wasn’t focusing on the conversation which seemed to get heated. The moment she saw them, she felt a familiarity.
  • Iamatwin, Wanda said abruptly. Her friends were bamboozled by the out of blue information reveal. “Wanda, we can talk about th-”
  • Hisnamewas-no-isPietro. The words left her mouth without realising it. “Okay…” They said before continuing to talk with the twins.
  • Wanda wasn’t paying any attention to them. The name Pietro was echoing in her mind. She was trying to recall how he looked and what else she recalled other than the name, getting lost in her own world.
  • “Axolotl didn’t run away hehe,” a voice came above her. She looked up to see the Leech twins smiling down at her.
  • EvenifItellyoumyname,youwillcontinuetocallmebythenicknameyouchosesincethatsyourthing.IhavenoreasontofearyouasyouwouldntbeabletodosomethingIdontwant. She looked into his eyes as she spoke monotonously. When she finished, Floyd let his arm down, opening his eyes and pouting “You are no fun." 
  • She turned to the other one, Youbothknowwhatsreallyhappening,dontyou?Thatswhyyoudrovemyfriendsoffandansweredelusively. The second one chuckled. Before he could comment, Wanda added, IcanthearyourthoughtsfullybutIcansensethem.Iknowyouarenttherealculprit.Iwontpryintoyourprivacyaslongasyoudontstandinmyway. Hearing what she said, Jade’s eyes widened before he changed to his usual expression. She didn’t have to reveal information about her mind-reading abilities nor how she sensed the truth but it didn’t matter at the moment.
  • After the twins, they went to talk with the Savanaclaw student but he ran away after stealing Riddle and Cater’s pens. Following that student-led the gang to the Savanaclaw dormitory, they met Jack and the other dorm members caused a commotion.
  • Them acting strange made Wanda feel suspicious of them. While she was pondering if she should read their minds and invade their privacy to find the truth, the commotion led to the group being challenged to play the Spelldrive. Thankfully Cater was with them so he was more experienced. 
  • Dontshowyourpowers... Said The Voice. Listening to The Voice was always in her favour so she followed its command. She sat on the benches and observed the players. Suddenly, she noticed a familiarity with her premonitions. When Riddle was the problem, she had visions of Queen in their dorm based on. On top of that, Riddle’s personality was similar to the Queen. Now she noticed the lion and hyenas she saw in her premonition were similar to Leona and Ruggie. Thus, she thought they were the problem this time.
  • The game ended and the gang left the dorm. She told them about her suspicions and they agreed on the Savanaclaw acting shady. As it was too much for a day, they all went back to their dorms.
  • Wanda had a lot on her mind, preventing her from sleeping so she went outside for fresh air and to organise her thoughts but she saw another suspicious person. "A child of man, are you?” the guy with horns asked.
  • Youarenotahuman.Youareamutant...Said the Voice. She didn’t know what exactly mutant was but it was the second time the Voice mentioned and she felt in her bones that it was telling the truth.
  • She checked him out before shrugging in response. His horns and black and green themed clothes reminded her of someone she knew from her past but she couldn’t put a finger on it.
  • The horned boy and she talked some more before she asked his name which he gave an elusive answer. AreyouafraidthatIwonttalktoyouifIknewyourname?Dopeoplefearyou? Wanda asked after him not telling her his name. She sensed discomfort and fear from him but not from her. The more she looked at him, she heard faint whispers about him as if she was still reading his mind but it wasn’t as loud as reading minds.
  • Youcantcontrolpeoplesfears,onlyyourown,Malleus. The words left her mouth spontaneously which surprised her companion. IdonthavemanymemoriesbutIknowwhatitsliketobefeared. She added. She pondered if she should tell how she knew his name but he might think she invaded his privacy so she didn’t say anything. “Thank you, child of man,” Malleus said before apparating away. She thought she knew this magic too and decided to try it when she got more of her memories.
  • The days were passing fast while Wanda and her friends, joined by Jack, was investigating the case and she was getting more premonitions. And the day of the Spelldrive game came. The gang was able to piece things together and figured out Leona’s plan, making a plan to counter it. That’s how Wanda and her friends ended up in Savanaclaw, confronting Leona.
  • He made his dorm attack them. Her gang defeated them easily while she sat that one out. They revealed how his plan failed. That’s when things went south. Leona grew unstable and verbally degraded his dormmates, especially Ruggie. The atmosphere felt the same as when Riddle overblotted. “Bah, I’m so sick of this nonsense. Shut UP, you nobodies!” Leona shouted and the air felt dry suddenly.
  • The situation was going bad rapidly but the upcoming chaos was reliving Wanda. She didn’t care about sand hitting her in the face or the others panicking. Her ecstasy came to an end once Leona revealed his powers “That’d be my signature spell. The King’s Roar. Ironic, isn’t it? Nothin’ the savanna hates more than a drought. Yet its prince’s magic desiccates everything—reduces it to sand.”
  • This time he fought against her friends and got defeated again. Then the short guy with magenta-black hair started to provoke Leona. Meanwhile, Wanda was once again in panic mode upon seeing Leona’s unique magic. Tears started to fall down her cheeks and then to the ground when she thought of someone being able to make people and objects disintegrate made her feel so sorrowful to the point she wanted to cry out. She wasn’t able to focus on anything else until the chaos around her grew exponentially. She was physically and mentally feeling better in the chaos despite her mind being filled with thoughts of disintegration.
  • Wanda heard a roar coming from where her friends were and saw Leona’s overblot form and the wraith behind him. Her friends decided to hold him off while the rest went to get the principal or ran away.
  • She shook her head, trying to push disintegration thoughts back of her mind. The circumstances were dire and her friends needed her. She could feel the power flowing inside her growing stronger and stronger. She ran toward her friends and stood in front of them, between them and Leona.
  • Leona attacked them without a second thought. Deuce yelled at her “Wanda, step back!” followed by her other friends calling out to her. She didn’t even look back. With a stoic expression on her face, she moved her hands in front of her, her fingers making a sign. A huge magenta coloured transparent shield formed in front of her, shielding her and her friends. Her hands once again were covered with magenta mist.
  • She didn’t lose her composure while defending, after a few moments, her friends and Ruggie understood that she’d defend while they attacked.
  • They started to attack Leona. After a few hits, he staggered back. That’s when Wanda dropped the shield and sent energy blasts toward him. Her blasts were stronger than the ones she sent to Riddle. Leona tried to counter it but Wanda was faster. At last, she twisted her wrist. The pink energy ball in her hand shone brighter before she blasted him. Leona got knocked out and the environment went back to its original form.
  • The magenta mist surrounding her hands stayed longer this time. When things got resolved, Wanda spotted Grim finding the black stone. Before he could eat it, Wanda said No, and Grim stopped in his tracks. He tried to move but couldn’t budge a centimetre. She picked up the stone and with a flick of her wrist, Grim could move again. He insisted on eating the stone but she didn’t listen to him. She was going to show this to the principal and demand an explanation after the game ended.
  • After everything came to a resolution, Dire wanted Savaclaw out of the game but the once injured players convinced him otherwise. Wanda, Grim, Ace, Deuce and the ghosts of Ramshackle were going to play against Savanaclaw dorm as the initial unofficial match in the stadium. They all prepared for it before arriving at the stadium. 
  • Iwanttoheartheirthoughts...People’s thoughts flocked into her mind the moment Wanda thought about herself. She wanted to win the game as a payback for what Leona and Ruggie did. She thought they could win if she could know their attacks. 
  • The crowd was loud, cheering for their teams, the media was covering the match and Wanda was barely able to control her powers while focusing on others’ thoughts. She thought she could manage it but everything around her was starting to exhaust her. 
  • She was making a shield to protect herself from incoming attacks while sending energy blasts when she saw an opening. She was so focused on her mission that she didn’t react fast enough when the Spelldrive disk flew towards her rapidly. She was about to make a shield but she was too late and it hit her on the forehead before she lost consciousness.









Whosbeenme#twisted wonderland #mutant mc #superhero au #super powers au #twisted wonderland headcanons #twst headcanons #riddle rosehearts #leona kingscholar #ace trappola #deuce spade #ruggie bucchi #jack howl #malleus draconia #twst mc #twisted wonderland mc #twisted wonderland grim #twst grim #wanda maximoff 

ENDED UP MAKING A SUPERHERO AU:THE SEERS- rose: psychic powers mob 100 style. shes like the creepy kENDED UP MAKING A SUPERHERO AU:THE SEERS- rose: psychic powers mob 100 style. shes like the creepy k



-rose: psychic powers mob 100 style. shes like the creepy kid in a horror movie . wants to rebel against the superhero bureaucratic structure, seeks out kanaya

-terezi: echolocation/black canary sonic powers. cares about law sure but cares more about fun. in her supervillian arc. wants the attention of supervillian vriska soooo bad (trolls = villians, humans = heroes, they band together eventually). 

Post link
So, I wanted to draw Honerva/Haggar with a superhero design. That’s all.Kind of like a before an aft

So, I wanted to draw Honerva/Haggar with a superhero design. 
That’s all.
Kind of like a before an after?

Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this.
Until next time!

Post link




Pairing: Kai x Reader

Warnings: Language, violence, torture

Summary:All your life you were caged and tortured, a never-ending cycle of pain. You no longer remember a life beyond that. All you wanted to do was escape this cruel fate. But finally finding your escape and being saved by a masked criminal was just the beginning of your nightmares. Can you ever really be free?


Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5


The machine beeps just like Susan said it would. I pull the hatch open, steam pouring out and revealing bubbling green liquid. The smell hits me like a hurricane. I gag, reeling back, hands flying to my mouth and nose to stop the smell. I know this smell. I know it all too well. The sickly sweet aroma, the unforgiving days in the lab, the countless tests. I can still feel the needles in my arm, the way my head would go fuzzy and I would remember nothing afterwards. 

Even now my head spins, and I pull the hatch closed immediately. I plant my hands against the side of the machine, hot under my palms, and take several deep breaths. I feel like throwing up, the memories hammering against the side of my skull. Why would they have this? Do they know what these chemicals are, what they can do? I take a staggering step back, mind racing with panic. I need to find Susan—no, Mr. Miller. He needs to know what kind of chemicals he’s using, and I need to ask how he got them. Could he have met Dr. Walters? Perhaps Mr. Miller is being tricked?

Keep reading

as always this chapter was awesome, i cant even imagine how this dynamic between reader and jongin will evolve, by now i just want to punch his face everytime he appears with those grins hahahah

Concept: Superhero! Virgil who calls himself “Virgilante”.


Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Reporter!Reader

Series Summary: Dean and Y/N have been best friends and inseparable since they were kindergartners, leading somewhat boringly normal lives in Lawrence City, Kansas. Now all grown up, Dean is working as a firefighter and Y/N as a reporter until one fateful night changes not only their lives but also their friendship forever.

Warnings: +18, strong language, light to implied smut (it’s an appetizer), flangst, a break-up (YAY ), a mix of angst, hurt & jealousy

Word Count:4.4k

A/N:She’s pissed. He’s sorry. Let’s still call this progress? I honestly didn’t want her to forgive him that soon. Their last fight was sorta the last drop for her. She needs a Dean break – we all need a Dean break at this point…

Feedback is highly appreciated! ❤️‍

<<15 || Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist || Tag List


One starry night in the Dean Cave…

Y/N hears waves in the distance and wiggles her bare toes in the white sand, the linen hem of her ivory dress tickling her thighs. It’s humid and warm, the smell of salt, sea, and suncream flooding her nose at the next cool ocean breeze. She squints her eyes at the hot sun, and as she gazes around the palm trees scattered on the empty beach and looks down at the familiar dress she’s wearing, she remembers she’s been here before – several times, actually.

It’s one of her reoccurring dreams. She can recall this same beach from her coma days, but it’s the first time she’s having one of them since she’s woken up.

“Hey, there you are.”

She turns her head to the familiar baritone voice that’s always so velvety smooth. She immediately smiles when she sees his bright beam and the sparkling green eyes.

With a few strides, Dean’s by her side and cups her cheeks, pressing his lips to hers. Their kiss is blazing and passionate, his tongue snaking between her pink lips and exploring her mouth, and she melts into his touch like she’s fucking ice cream in the sun. The kiss lasts for a few minutes before he draws back with a grin and she instantly feels the loss of his pillowy lips, a needy whine leaving hers.

“You’re eager today,” he smirks and takes her hand in his, guiding her to the small tiki bar on the beach that reads Rocky’s.

Dean’s not in his usual attire, either. He’s wearing a subdued Hawaiian shirt and fucking shorts. It’s weird because he usually never wears pants that end above the knees.

“You’re just in time. Sunset’s about to begin, and Pamela’s almost got our Pina Coladas ready. Fair warning, though – they’re pretty coconutty today.”

She giggles a little but then becomes confused, her sense of reality blurring. Why is she here? What kind of dream is this? It somehow feels real and not like a dream at all. His hand encapsulating hers feels warm and tangible, like she’s actually touching him and the electricity coursing through her veins also feels pretty fucking authentic.

“De… what-, uh, what are we doing here?” she asks and he arches an eyebrow at her, chuckling slightly.

“What we always do. We drink outta coconuts… or pineapples, depending on Pamela’s mood. We talk, we watch the sunset together, and then there’s a lot of this,” he explains with a smirk and dips his head to her neck, his teeth nibbling down to her shoulder.

She leans into his touch instantly. It’s like muscle memory (which is weird, too). But God, his kisses feel amazing. Every touch of his ignites her whole body and she just wants more every single time he does this. His hands wander down her curves like it’s familiar territory, his thumb brushes her nipple over the thin linen material until it peaks, and he sniggers winningly as if it’s the trophy he’s been waiting for.

“De, stop. Pamela’s watching,” she giggles in embarrassment, her cheeks a rosy-red as she eyes the bartender in her peripheral.

“Pamela never cares,” Dean says casually and tilts his head in her direction. “Right?”

“Nope, I’ve already seen you two have sex on this beach many times before,” the bartender quips nonchalantly. “It’s nothing new.”

“See? Personally, I think Pamela just enjoys the show as much as I do,” he grins and wiggles his eyebrows, claiming her lips again.

Jesus fucking Christ, he feels heavenly, his plump lips like soft clouds, and Y/N just wants them to stay forever on hers. However, the gnawing feeling in her stomach won’t evaporate. Something doesn’t feel right. It’s supposed to be a dream, but it all feels a little too real for her taste.

“De, wait… we can’t do this,” she breaks the kiss and shakes her head, trying to rid the chaos in her mind.

But Dean rests his forehead on hers and locks gazes. “Why? We always do this. It’s our spot. Just you and me, baby girl,” he purrs and brushes a few strands of hair behind her ears. “It’s been a while since we came here together. I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.”

“Dean, I-… I missed you too,” she smiles softly and bites her bottom lip, although the wrinkles on her brow haven’t disappeared. “But this feels wrong.”

His eyebrows draw together, worry and confusion decipherable in every crease around his emerald orbs. “Why?”

“I… It feels like we’re cheating,” she says with a thick swallow. “You’re with Lisa. And I’m with…” She doesn’t utter his name as Dean’s look already darkens.

“Right,” he gulps and bobs his head contemplatively for a heartbeat before a smile creeps back onto his face, his fingers caressing the apples of her cheeks. “It’s just a dream, sweetheart. There’s no rules. Just stop thinking.”

“I don’t know, De…,” she shakes her head insecurely, tugging her lower lip behind her teeth.

“I do,” he smiles and looks deeply into her eyes. “I love you. Only you. This is the only place where I can be with you. The only place where I’m happy. Please don’t take that away from me,” he begs, and there are tears brimming in his pine green eyes now. They’re faint, but they’re there, the warm sunlight perfectly reflecting in them.

“I-… okay,” she caves after a brief hesitation. He’s right – it’s silly. She’s being silly. It’s just a dream, nothing more. She’s allowed to have them, so she tiptoes up to press her lips against his. “I love you, too.”

Dean then claims her mouth and only leaves her lips to kiss along her jaw until he reaches her ear. “Good. ’Sides, I doubt good old Nate can make you cum with a snap of his fingers like I can, baby girl,” he coos smugly, his breath tickling her skin before he sucks her earlobe between his teeth and makes her shiver in delight. “You make me so fucking hard, Y/N.”

He nuzzles his nose with hers before he reclaims her lips, but this time, he doesn’t let her go again. His hands trail up her body, his fingertips gently sliding the straps of her dress down her shoulders before the material lands in the sand. Y/N then decides to stop fighting and thinking, her defenses coming down with every layer of clothing. It’s so fucking good to feel him on every inch of her skin as Dean makes sure to leave his mark wherever he can, not daring to forget a single spot. Every urgent touch, every rough kiss, every delicious bite claims her as his until she’s moaning his name like a prayer, a promise of forever being his.

After a few hot-blooded hours of adult beach fun, the two lay intertwined on a little blanket in the sand, the sun setting behind the ocean, their surroundings engulfed in golden incandescence. She’s actually not sure how much time has passed. It’s dreamland and it’s just one forever-lasting sunset, apparently.

His fingers draw loving patterns on her back as she’s lying on her stomach. She giggles every time he finds a new ticklish spot before soothing it with a wet, sloppy kiss.

“Hey, De?”


“Earlier, you said you’ve been waiting here for me. What does that mean?” she inquires curiously and gazes up at him, hand reaching out to caress his stubbled cheeks.

“Nothing,” he shrugs. “Just, uhm… sometimes I’m here alone and you don’t show up. It’s always nice when you show up. That’s all, I guess.”

Y/N can’t control nor understand it when tears begin to roll down her cheeks. She tries to avert her face, but he notices it, his thumb absorbing the wetness while worry shimmers in his eyes.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Talk to me, sweetheart,” he lifts her chin softly.

“Nothing,” she smiles weakly and then feels his hand brush back her hair. It’s so soft and sweet and gentle that it makes her want to cry all over again. “It’s just… I wish the real you would love me like that, not just the dream version of you.”

His eyebrows knit together and she can tell he’s confused by her words. “But I-… I don’t get it. This is the real me.”

“No, it’s not,” she shakes her head. She honestly doesn’t know why she’s quarreling with her own mind, but maybe she needs to get this off her chest and can’t tell the real Dean, so his dream version will have to do. “You’re just a manifestation of my subconscious, trying to… God, I don’t even know why I’m torturing myself with this.”

“Yeah, I’m not following… What are you talking about?” He’s certainly not any less confused than before. Although, it’s somehow comforting to her that Dream-Dean is as oblivious as Real-Dean.

Y/N snatches her dispersed clothes and hurriedly slips back into her dress. She can’t be here with him any longer. She’s only putting herself through hell and doesn’t even have a good enough reason to. Why the fuck would she do this? She needs to let go and move on – like Real-Dean has, y’know?

“You’re not real, okay? ‘Cause, real-you doesn’t love me. Got it now?” She clarifies and then begins to aimlessly wander the beach, the fucking annoying sand only slowing down her flight. “Fuck. I gotta get outta here. Is there an exit somewhere?”

“Y/N, wait… just wait, okay? Hold on a moment!”

Dean rushes after her, stumbling through the sand as he hops back into his shorts and manages to catch her wrist, swirling her back into his arms. Her heart is hammering against his chest, and she knows he can feel it too. “Just calm down. Take a deep breath. It’s alright, okay?”

“No, it’s not alright,” she maintains and yanks out of his embrace. “I can’t do this to myself anymore. This needs to be goodbye, Dean,” she states firmly and yet makes the mistake of gazing directly into his irresistible eyes.

“Stop, okay? Just wait a minute, please,” he pleads, the desperation to make her stay swinging in every uttered word. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but, uhm… I know I love you, okay? Is that what you wanna hear? Because I can say it a million times if you want me to. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dream or reality, alright? There’s no version of me that doesn’t love you.”

Shit. His words move her to tears again, even though she wants to fight against it. His eyes looked so damn truthful when he said them, too. It’s all she fucking wants to hear, which is precisely why she can’t trust it. “No offense, De, but… if it were true, every version of you would be with me. If you really loved me, you would’ve told me so a long time ago.”

Dean pensively rubs his mouth, the desperation growing inside of him. “Y/N, look… you got it all wrong, sweetheart, okay? I do love you. I swear. The other me… the real me or whatever… he’s just a scared idiot. Just please don’t give up on me… or him. Please,” he begs and tears are pricking the corners of his eyes. “Please don’t leave me again. Give me a chance to prove it to you.”


“No, just… please, alright? Please?” He’s insistent and it’s almost charming enough. The puppy look has always been her weakness, and she crumbles like she usually does when he gazes at her like that.

“Fine, I’ll try,” is all she can promise.      

“Hey, uhm, can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” she nods with a bit of reluctance. Dream-Dean seems to really want to test her emotions tonight.

“If I-, uh… If I wasn’t with Lisa and you weren’t with, uhm… Nate,” he starts, his Adam’s apple bobbing from nervousness, and she can tell even dream-him hates saying her new boyfriend’s name. Although she’s not sure if the label is accurate yet. She still thinks it’s kind of funny that even Dream-Dean is jealous. Apparently, her subconscious is aiming for a very realistic portrayal tonight.

“If I, uh, showed up on your doorstep and told you I loved you… like the real you… would you pick me?” He scratches the nape of his neck and glances at her with a look so hopeful it reminds her a little too much of Real-Dean again. Her brain’s really working on overdrive.

She’s quiet for a moment and ponders his words, even though she knows there’s not a lot to think about. She’s known that answer since she was five.

Y/N steps closer, gently strokes his cheek, and pecks his lips with a soft smile, “Yes. I’ll always pick you, De.”

With a loud gasp, she startles up in bed and finds herself back in her apartment. Her skin glistens with sweat, her breathing comes out ragged, her heart pounds furiously against her ribcage, and yup, her pj’s are definitely damp.


It’s still in the middle of the night, the only light source coming from the city’s neon signs outside. The alarm clock shows 3:52am, and Nate’s peacefully sleeping next to her while the guilt starts to ruminate in her belly.

God, she’s a mess. Here, she has this great guy lying next to her and all she can dream about is fucking her best friend on a beach. And Jesus fucking Christ, it was goddamn glorious. It’s the best sex she’s never had. Now, she has an unbearable itch to scratch and she knows the guy next to her can’t satisfy that need, even though she supposes there’s no reason to feel guilty. It was only a dream, albeit a very weird and fucking vivid dream. A dream she wants to go back to but realizes she can’t. Some dreams are just not meant to come true.

She closes her eyes again, snuggles up to the new guy in her bed, and soon returns to dreamless slumber.


One sunny morning in the suburbs…

When Dean’s eyes flutter open, it’s early in the morning. He groans and stretches his aching limbs on the couch before noticing his dick is saying good morning, too. The appearance is not surprising after the dream he’s had.

He smiles at the thought of Y/N on that beach, standing in nothing but her white dress and watching the sunset. They sipped drinks from coconuts at Rocky’s tiki bar before he fucked her brains out in the sand. His member’s already twitching in his sweats when he recalls how her lips felt around his cock. God, he wants to feel this every goddamn day for the rest of his life.

The bliss, however, is fleeting once he remembers how majorly he fucked up last night, not to mention Lisa wasn’t happy with him either. She gave him the silent treatment before throwing a blanket and pillow in his face and closing the bedroom door on him. So naturally, he spent the night on the couch, giving the brunette some time to cool down and postponing the uncomfortable conversation to the morning.

His mind hasn’t changed, though. If anything, that dream only further cemented what he’s gotta do: break up with Lisa, apologize on his knees to Y/N, and hope she takes him back, even though he doesn’t deserve it. He practically drove her into Nate’s arms last night, and he supposes every punishment he’s getting now is, in fact, well deserved. It’s his fucking karma, alright?

But Dean’s fucking done with wasting time and playing games.

As Lisa stomps downstairs, he rises from the couch, his mind searching for the right words before he notices the duffel bag in the brunette’s hands – his duffel bag. It seems to be fully packed, judging by the heavy thud it makes when she drops it in front of his toes.

“Look, Lis… I-I’m sorry,” he starts and runs a hand over his face, still rubbing the remaining tiredness out of his green eyes. At least a sip of coffee would’ve been nice before doing this.

“Save it, alright?” Lisa snaps and bitterly crosses her arms over her chest. She then pauses for a moment, shakes her head a couple of times before a humorless chuckle leaves her lips, “You know, I think I’ve been nothing but patient. I knew you were grieving when we met. And I understood, alright? I just figured eventually, you know… you’d be okay… I tried to help you. I tried to ignore the signs, the red flags… like you only moving in with one single bag. In hindsight, I really should’ve seen that one. But you never said anything. You never did anything. And then, Y/N came back, and I knew… I knew when I saw how you looked at her that you’d never look at me like that. Last night was definitive proof of that. So… I’m letting you go, alright? Just take your shit and leave, Dean.”

He purses his lips and bobs his head in acknowledgment. What else is he supposed to add to that, huh? “Look, uhm, I-, I know. I’m sorry,” he states sincerely. He knows he has messed up. “I didn’t intend to hurt you. I guess I was just… really fucked up. I wasn’t thinking clearly, you know? But I never should’ve let it get this far. You deserve better. I’m sorry. I really am.”

She nods quietly and purses her lips, “Well, thanks at least for that.”

While some of the crushing weight lifts off his shoulders, he figures it probably wasn’t the last time he has to say sorry today.



Dean’s homeless.

Y/N’s residing in his old loft now, and the only other place left for him is his brother’s couch. But things between Sam and him haven’t been the same since their fight. Once a week, his little brother graciously grants him a goddamn hearing over a beer at Rocky’s. Sam hasn’t fully accepted his apology yet, and Dean knows he won’t until the older one comes completely clean. Dean, however, can’t tell him the truth. He doesn’t want pity, nor does he want to be seen as a monster, a freak. So, he supposes there’s only one place left for him to go:

The firehouse.

After clearing it with Bobby, the green-eyed firefighter stores his duffel bag in the shared bedroom and wards off the curious questions of his colleagues. He’s not ready to explain all of his fuck-ups to his friends yet. It’s probably his ego, but he doesn’t want to be seen as the loser who can’t get his fucking shit together. Maybe Benny and Cas wouldn’t even think that, but it’s certainly how Dean feels about himself.

It’s barely nine o’clock when he finally finds his way to the fifth floor and knocks on his old apartment door. Dean’s nervous when his knuckles tap on the door, holding a cup of coffee and a paper bag with a brownie in his hands – a peace offering – while his blood thumps in his ears.

However, as the door opens, his heart sinks to the ground floor. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He hasn’t expected that.

Nate yawns at him in nothing but a t-shirt and some boxers – Dean’s about to die. Seriously, it’s gotta be his fucking karma, right? It’s all the years he’s tortured Y/N with the same damn shit, bouncing back like a boomerang straight to his face.

“Y/N? I think this is for you,” Nate calls back inside and walks away without saying much else, leaving the door open before Y/N comes into view. Obviously, the detective thinks he’s too good to stoop to Dean’s level now. It just makes him hate the guy even more, the scoreboard going nuts in his head. The dude could at least pretend he feels threatened, you know?

Dean -1.000, Nate +∞.

Y/N expectantly gazes up at him as she leans against the doorframe, arms folded over her chest. She’s clearly not amused to find him on her doorstep, but all he can fucking focus on is that she’s wearing the shortest pajama shorts in the history of humanity and a lonely white tank top, no goddamn bra in sight. He can see the fucking outlines of her nipples poking through, and suffice it to say, it’s killing him. He’s swallowing thickly while his dick can’t stop whining.

“What do you want?” she prompts sternly with a clear of her throat. His head jerks up from her chest, ears burning in embarrassment.

“I-, uh, I came here to apologize. ‘M sorry about last night, okay? I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” he explains and scratches the nape of his neck, handing her his apology merch. His plan is to grovel. Really – that’s all he’s got. He hopes wearing his heart on his sleeve is convincing enough for her to forgive him.

“Oh, food. Why didn’t you say so sooner? Lemme just drop my panties,” she retorts in bitter sarcasm and sets the items down on the little sideboard in the foyer before taking a step into the hall and closing the door firmly behind her.


“Y/N, look, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean that, okay? You gotta believe me, sweetheart.”

She nods coldly, contemplatively chews on her lower lip, and stares at her bare feet for a moment before her eyes find his. There’s so much hurt and contempt shimmering in her irises it’s overwhelming. “Well, I still meant what I said last night. I have no fucking idea why we’re still friends. I mean, whoever this guy is in front of me right now is a stranger. You’re not my best friend. I don’t even recognize you most of the time these days. What the fuck happened to you, huh? Please just tell me what’s going on. Just tell me the truth, for God’s sake.”

“I just-…” Tell her.

Her tone then grows softer, her eyes more pleading as if she can feel his reluctance, and he can tell she’s trying so, so hard to get through to him. “De, c’mon… is there anything you wanna tell me? I know something’s on your mind.”

Thereis. A lot, actually. But he can’t tell her all the things he wants to while there’s a guy waiting for her behind that very door. A guy she spent the fucking night with. The thought makes his stomach churn and his heart twist.

Oh God, they did it in the fucking Dean Cave, didn’t they? Did they do it on his bed? Fuck, was it the couch?! It’s his goddamn couch. If anyone was to have sex with her on it, it should’ve been him. Son of a bitch…

Dean runs a hand over his face and cards it through his hair, his mind racing a mile a minute. “Can I just-… I mean… did you… and, uhm, him?” He swallows as their gazes lock, and God, he’s never dreaded an answer before more in his life.  

“That’s none of your business,” she snaps. “And you’re the one who told me to make him wear a condom. He did pay for dinner, y’know? Figured you’d be happy.”

And there’s the knife to his heart…

“Right. Yeah, uhm, guess I deserve that one…” He presses his lips together and rubs his chin, trying to disregard the heartbreak in his chest. “Well, uh, I just wanted to say sorry, okay? That’s all.” The words come out in a mumble as he stares at the old wood flooring that creaks underneath his boots. “Can you please just forgive me?”

Her eyes wander to the ceiling like she’s desperately looking for the answer up there, and then an exasperated sigh makes it past her lips. “I-… no,” she shakes her head and looks him dead in the eyes. It’s painful because he can see it all – the disappointment, the hurt, the anger. It’s all for him.

“Y/N, please… I’ll be better, alright? I’ll behave. I’ll even apologize to, uhm…”

“Nate,” she offers glaringly.

“Yup, Nate,” he nods quickly. “I’ll apologize, okay? I’ll do everything you want me to do, alright? You gotta believe me. I didn’t mean those things last night. I was just-”

“Dean, you should go,” she cuts him off rather harshly, although her voice is drowning in sadness. Her fingers fumble for the doorknob behind her. He knows once she disappears behind that door, she’ll also disappear from his life. He can’t let her fucking go.

“Y/N, wait! Wait, wait, wait…” His fingers curl around the hand that’s holding the brass knob and stop it from twisting it. The movement forced him to stumble closer, her body now almost pressed flush against his. His heart skips eight beats as he looks down at her. She takes his fucking breath away, and his brain needs a second to find his vocabulary again. He still only manages a volume barely above a whisper, “Just wait, okay?”

Tears are shimmering in her eyes when she meets his gaze, “I’m done with the excuses. I’m done with waiting. I think you need to figure out some stuff on your own… without me, you know?”


“Y/N, what do you-… what do you think I’ve been doing for the past year, huh?”

Shit, has he lost her? Has he actually overstepped the mark this time and gone too far? Was last night the final straw that broke their friendship’s back?

She shrugs impassively, her voice detached from any emotion, cold and quiet like the winds of winter. “I don’t know… You never told me.” He feels her hand move underneath his, still tightly curled around the knob, and then the lock springs open. “Please just let me be happy, okay?”

His heart implodes, takes his lungs and dreams with it until there’s nothing left of him anymore. His hand drops, the connection of her touch lost, and his feet take a step back, fighting the gravitational forces that want to bind him there. Dean nods and swallows the lump of agony that’s impeding his air supply. “Yeah, uh, of course… I want you to be happy, Y/N. I really mean it, sweetheart. I’m sorry, okay?”

What else is he supposed to tell her? Dean wants to be in her life, but not as a barrier to her happiness.

“Okay,” she breathes, bobbing her head. “I’ll call you next week, alright?”

“Good… that’s good,” he feigns a smile and hopes to fend off the tears for as long as possible till she’s slipped back into the apartment. Only then does he allow his heart to break.


Part 17

Are you guys okay after Dean’s apology tour? Look, we’re women. We hold grudges. You can bet your ass she’ll make snarky comments every time he offers her food from now on Your emotions can go HERE! Feedback is highly appreciated! ❤️‍


Real Heroes (Dean/Jensen Tag): @deanwanddamons @flamencodiva @panicking-outside-the-disco @deandreamernp @avanatural @eevvvaa @writercole @gshade22 @poptart06294 @supraveng @sexyvixen7 @that-one-gay-girl @lyarr24 @msmarvelouswinchester @akshi8278 @spnbaby-67 @xlynnbbyx @mimaria420 @thoughts-and-funnies @dark-night-sky-99 @wittyboldsoul @awkward-and-indecisive @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @leosandbuckysgirl @mrsjenniferwinchester @snowlovespie @leigh70 @maggiegirl17

Superhumans (Series Tag): @krazykelly @siospins2 @muhahaha303 @goldenangelwingsandcandy @elite4cekalyma @cevans98 @hobby27 @ijustlearnedtolovebeepbopboop @allonsy-yesiwill @megann-duff @bagpussjocken @eliwinchester99 @smellingofpoetry @stoneyggirl2 @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak @mlovesstories @pendragon405@eggbertsworld @b3autyfuldisast3r @barewithme02 @nancymcl @bluecornflowers @kyjey @jay-mach@ladysparkles78@loki-lover84 @love-jackles @-episkey- @alpharedjensen @pallographsunspot​ @wolfarrowepz @briagallen

If you’re crossed out, tagging didn’t work for some dumblr reason! Sorry!

 This…this is a fossil.Back in middle school, I wrote a fan fiction called Pokepowers: The Po

 This…this is a fossil.

Back in middle school, I wrote a fan fiction called Pokepowers: The Powers First…and never finished it. It was badly written and bleh, so I ignored it until early high school, where I thought ‘’hey, that was fun, maybe I should try again’ and Pokepowers: Dexdefenders Unite happened. It was still a piece of shit, but I tried harder and my growth is still evident in my vocabulary and syntax, but I’ve since abandoned it again because…y’know. I thought I’d share the cover with you, which I found in a bunch of old documents. I think I made it in ninth grade when my photoshop skills were still mediocre, but it’s a piece of the past and I’m more than happy to share it with this fandom. Now…I might have just indirectly given you access my fanfiction library by posting this, but who am I to cover the past in a dirty, chloroform drenched cloth. I know I said I’d never post about this embarrassment, but I already have. Will I work on writing it again? Probably not. Will I continue to post about the Dexholders as superheroes? Abso-fucking-lutely.

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warnings: unreliable narrator, physical & mental abuse, violence, dissociation, panic, remus-typical body horror, PTSD, painfully high number of dad jokes


Everything was not fine.

Patton shook his head, trying to focus on the meat he was browning. That wasn’t true, not really. Here, everything was wonderful.

That was the problem.

One day turned to two, turned to a week, turned to two weeks. And Patton was still here.

In all that time, they hadn’t made a single mention of kicking him out, not even Umbra. They’d settled into a routine, displacing their usual lives to live in what had to be a secondary safehouse, and Patton had somehow been folded into that routine without any of them thinking twice.

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warnings: PTSD, flashback, unreliable narrator, physical & emotional abuse, manipulative behavior, panic


Patton wasn’t entirely sure what he expected after the impromptu therapy session didn’t turn up any results.

A relocation to somewhere secure, somewhere they could keep an eye on him, maybe. Disappointment at his utter failure to recall anything, certainly.

He didn’t blame them. Whatever was locked away in his mind was their best lead on their enemies, and he had just proved himself unwilling to use the key even after all the effort they’d gone to.

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warnings:PTSD, trauma responses, hypervigilance, negative thinking


It was a borderline miracle that they’d managed to finish their breakfast with the experimenting that Remus and Patton started doing, but Virgil couldn’t deny that seeing Remus so clearly enjoying himself was enough to make even his cold, dead heart flutter.

If only the source of his teammate’s happiness wasn’t a ticking time bomb in the form of an insanely dangerous supervillain.

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warnings: intrusive thoughts, somewhat graphic mentions of hypothetical gore, injury, burns, mentions of nsfw, remus pov and all it entails


Remus stared down at the supervillain still attached to his side like a limpet, wondering absently if this was the part where he slid a knife between Remus’s ribs and revealed that it was all a ruse.

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warnings:injury, blood, arguing, panic


Janus was having a simply fantasticday.

He’d woken up with a headache that lingered and pulsed in the corners of his skull, and decided to indulge in some rest and relaxation. He’d just gotten settled in his room with tea, dimmed lights, and an audiobook when the alerts started piling in.

As though getting interrupted right at the climax of his murder mystery novel wasn’t irritating enough, it was apparently Lightshowof all people who was causing a panic downtown.

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Oops never posted my pieces for @voltronauzine2018! I got to do Superheroes AU for a spread and a boOops never posted my pieces for @voltronauzine2018! I got to do Superheroes AU for a spread and a bo

Oops never posted my pieces for @voltronauzine2018! I got to do Superheroes AU for a spread and a bookmark.  These are pretty old by now but I still like how they turned out.

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bluesailsandcalicotails:@legendarydesvender‘s superhero AU, Bark & Bite, is like the coolest (&g


@legendarydesvender‘s superhero AU, Bark & Bite, is like the coolest (>:3c) thing, and ya’ll should definitely check that out. It never fails to fill with me with like HECK YEAH energy.
(They also made some rad playlists for it too, and I’ve had Raise Hell (Hail) stuck in my head all day.)

Wow that looks so cool!!! Thank you I’m glad you like my AU, I hope I’ll have time to revisit it again someday ;v;

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super exhausted today, but listening to my playlists made me miss these dorks so i doodled them quicsuper exhausted today, but listening to my playlists made me miss these dorks so i doodled them quic

super exhausted today, but listening to my playlists made me miss these dorks so i doodled them quickly

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More Super au doodles! This time introducing the Wolf of Berlin. A self proclaimed vigilante (althouMore Super au doodles! This time introducing the Wolf of Berlin. A self proclaimed vigilante (althouMore Super au doodles! This time introducing the Wolf of Berlin. A self proclaimed vigilante (althou

More Super au doodles! This time introducing the Wolf of Berlin. A self proclaimed vigilante (although if you ask anyone else they’ll tell you he’s just a mercenary)

its okay though, we won’t have to worry about Gilbert for too long :)

Some more rambling about Gil under the cut.

He’s a type of ‘super’ so to speak with an animal/human hybrid based genetic power thing. They used to be pretty taboo but now hybrids are as commonplace as anyone else. 

He usually does his nonsense stationed out of Berlin, but recently he has left his former home for reasons regarding the safety of “another individual” as he puts it, and has calmed down on the whole “super for hire” thing. 

He’s mostly a side character and important plot point of a person in this Au but as I am here for gilbert appreciation he gets my special attention

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A quick comic for an AU I may draw more for and expand upon!(refs made at like 4 am under the cut beA quick comic for an AU I may draw more for and expand upon!(refs made at like 4 am under the cut beA quick comic for an AU I may draw more for and expand upon!(refs made at like 4 am under the cut be

A quick comic for an AU I may draw more for and expand upon!

(refs made at like 4 am under the cut because they ugly)

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