kelpup: “Witches: We Need You!” Found this out in Los Angeles.


“Witches: We Need You!”

Found this out in Los Angeles.

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#witchcraft    #magick    
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#palmistry    #palm reading    #witchcraft    
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#black and white    #bondage    #skeleton    

He’s gone. I caught a sense of relief in his words, like leaving me was a great exhale.

I can’t help but question these past few months. Am I that easy?

Edit: NO. I have a tendency to play the victim, because I so often have been the victim in the past. It’s an easy role to fall into. It absolves me of responsibility when things go wrong, and allows me to wallow comfortably in my sadness, to fall into familiar patterns instead of challenging myself or having to do the uncomfortable task of facing and addressing my faults. The truth is, I did this. My insecurities did this. My fear did this. My inability to put my past aside and see each new person for who they are did this. I project my insecurities onto other people. I jump to conclusions. I see ghosts. Yes, my relationship ended, and, yes, it’s incredibly sad; but I am not a victim here. He wasn’t some big bad past evil, the ones who lied and left. He was a good friend. He tried his hardest, and I broke it because I don’t know how to accept that in someone. I look for deception where there isn’t any. I make up my own hurt.

I need to spend less time crying about how everyone leaves, when I always have one foot ready at the door.

candiedmoon: ABOUT MEEE
#lonely    #loneliness    #lone cat    
thepoliticalnotebook:“YOUR VOTE WAS A HATE CRIME” graffitied on the monument to Jefferson Davis in


“YOUR VOTE WAS A HATE CRIME” graffitied on the monument to Jefferson Davis in Richmond, Virginia. 

(Steve Helber/AP)

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toywaving: The Sweet, Sugary Psychedelia of Pip and Pop (x) toywaving: The Sweet, Sugary Psychedelia of Pip and Pop (x) toywaving: The Sweet, Sugary Psychedelia of Pip and Pop (x)


The Sweet, Sugary Psychedelia of Pip and Pop (x)

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#colorful    #purple    #psychedelic    #trippy    #kawaii    #glitter    
#netto-katzen    #kittens    #kitten    #youtube    #cats in clothes    #kawaii    
schadenfreude-doll:Pixiv:  鶸子
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#kitten    #lisa frank    #nihilisa frank    
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a man to a sad woman: you are beautiful and hot and sexy and that’s why i talk to you. cheer up ☺️

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customerservicewolf: After a long day of being told how to do my job I couldn’t think independently


After a long day of being told how to do my job I couldn’t think independently enough to title this, so yeah. 

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Statue of the goddess Aphrodite (Venus) bathing in the garden of the Royal Palace:Caserta,Italy.
