#borderline problems


Tbpdfw :

you beg someone to get back with you because the only thing worse then being with them is without them.

Mir fehlt einfach diese „Vertrauensperson“. Diesen Mensch, dem man schreiben kann, wenn gerade was nicht in Ordnung ist. Und dem man schreiben kann, wenn gerade was Abgefahrenes passiert ist. Dieser Mensch, der einfach da ist. Und dem man das gleiche zurück geben kann.

When you’re afraid to ask your new boss for time off for your stepps group, but if you don’t go to this group you’re probably going to have another breakdown and quit….

Are you depressed because you like sad things? Or do you like sad things because you’re depressed?

A conversation with my mother.

People are always like, “you’ll regret not spending time with [insert old relative’s name here] once they’re gone. Literally no. Fuck that. I called my 83-year-old grandmother the other day and she defended reconnecting with the cousins (her other grandchildren) who abused my sisters and me by telling me that they "aren’t very bright” and that she needs car rides from them. That was after she insisted that my childhood was perfect and that she was basically a martyr. I’m sorry, but I can’t love this person or most of my other extended “family.” I tried.

Do you want the honest truth about looking and feeling so different in the workplace? Yes, it is difficult to have multiple marginalized identities AND also dress differently/have visible tattoos. There will always be people who will hate me before they get to know me. There will always be whispers. There will always be stares. But you know what? Being open about who I am has literally saved my life, again and again. I have seen too much and have fought too hard to let ignorance and fear stop me from being a full, participating person in this society. I am aware that I was also born into groups with privilege, and I will continue to use those privileges to fight for others. My mission is to help in some small way to tear down this broken system and create a better world - for you, for me, for all of us.

Becky: The clueless friend

Jane: The responsible friend

Issa: The funny friend

Me: The friend who disappears for a year and returns with a shaved head, 14 tattoos, 11 cats, and random facts about space or something.

Me: I can’t do the thing. I really can’t do the thing. Omg. Can’t. Do. It.

Someone else: Yeah, you can’t do the thing.

Me: Oh yeah?! Just watch me, asshole. *Does the thing*

Me: I should save money.

Also me: Maybe I should check eBay for Hercules plastic plates from the 1990s because nostalgia.

Self care? Taking extra care of myself during weeks that are particularly stressful? Myth
