The Theater of Insects

Jo Whaley :: Lyropteryx Apollonia, 2008. From: “The Theater of Insects”, published by Chronicle Books. | src l'œil de la photographieandFlickr

Jo Whaley :: Colias Eurydice, 2008. From: “The Theater of Insects”, published by Chronicle Books. | src l'œil de la photographieandFlickr

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Gustaf Wernersson Cronquist (Sverige, 1878 - 1967) ::Titel saknas (Bathers on a beach with wrecked ship), ca. 1925. Autokrom. | src Moderna Museet

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Gustaf Wernersson Cronquist (Sverige, 1878 - 1967) ::Titel saknas, ca. 1920-1925. Autokrom. | src Moderna MuseetandFlickr

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beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy

Gustaf Wernersson Cronquist (Sverige, 1878 - 1967) ::Titel saknas, ca. 1920-1925. Autokrom. | src Moderna Museet

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Gustaf Wernersson Cronquist (Sverige, 1878 - 1967) ::Titel saknas, no date (probably 1940s-1950s). | src Moderna Museet

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hauntedbystorytelling:Palefrenier tatoué | Tattooed groom, ca. 1867, Guimet Museum (sometimes cred


Palefrenier tatoué | Tattooed groom, ca. 1867, Guimet Museum (sometimes credited as Felice Beato’s)  | src Musée Guimet Photo © RMN-Grand Palais

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Studio of Felice Beato :: Girl Dancing and Two Girls Playing Shamisens, ca. 1860-1880s. Albumen print - Hand Colored. | src Holden Luntz Gallery

Studio of Felice Beato :: Four Ladies in a Garden, ca. 1860-1880s. Albumen print - Hand Colored. Mounted on album page. | src Holden Luntz Gallery

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Studio of Felice Beato :: Flower Seller, ca. 1860-1880s. Albumen print - Hand Colored. Mounted on “Star Photo Leaf Album”. | src Holden Luntz Gallery

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You’ll find my NSFW Blog over on BDSMLR, under “this-is-your-new-master”

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freelyhauntedcrown:She’ll be good around the house he said, save you a lot of work he said, a good i


She’ll be good around the house he said, save you a lot of work he said, a good investment he said! Well just look at the state of the house. All this “good investment” wants to do is laze around and sunbathe. You simply cannot buy a hard working reliable slave any more. These foreign imports don’t come cheap either and there’s no guarantee with them . Abdul says she’s good in bed which at least keeps him away from the goats. Have you seen the price of used slaves recently? Hardly worth trading in especially at .  Everybody wants a fresh virgin these days. Not like when I was young. Everything we owned was second hand or rented. Anyway I must get some housework done..she’ll be next to useless for the rest of the day. Lazy little trollop.  Give her another six lashes Abdul!

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