thailbs: Amateur pictures of Thai ladyboy slut.


Amateur pictures of Thai ladyboy slut.

Post link
#clinton    #return the slab    #president    



You are now entering Steely Dan Saturday





currently cackling & wheezing after imagining a video game titled Penn & Teller’s Shithead Basketball


hi guys :) heres my growing collection of taylor swift deepfaked on to monkeys

#taylor swift    #monkey    
#elon musk    #rip in piss    
#daffy duck    #cowboy    
starshipenterbis:computer. one blunt. pre-rolled.


computer. one blunt. pre-rolled.

Post link
#star trek    #picard    
twopanelcad:OMG NO WAY I just realized what today is!


OMG NO WAY I just realized what today is!

Post link


Introducing: Reblog Controls

This is not a drill, repeat, this is not a drill—we are rolling out reblog controls across web and iOS, starting today. 

How does it work?

When drafting a post, select the settings cog in the top right corner of your post editor. From here, you can choose one of two options.

  • “Anyone (on Tumblr)” means just that.
  • “No one” means that your post cannot be reblogged by anyone, ever.


Your wish is our command. Many of you have told us this feature would give you a welcome sense of safety. If you block someone after the post was made, don’t worry—they still can’t reblog it. This change gives you control over your own posts, and so will improve your posting experience. Ultimately, better posting means a better Tumblr. And finally, don’t worry, Android users. The feature will follow on your platform soon.

That’s all, folks. Happy reblogging!

Any questions? Drop us a line on @wiporSupport, and keep an eye out for the mobile rollout on@changes.


ya saben que día es perros


Last post on this topic since my thoughts were scattered across multiple posts:

1. Staff made a bad move deleting all the partyjockers posts because it just ended up amplifying the situation. Rather than letting it fizzle out, the deletions just fueled the hype and conspiracies around it.

2. The callout post was absolutely a callout with the intent to start harassing the Staff member. The post also made a number of inflammatory statements (calling the Staff member a TERF, pedophile, and fascist) over fandom shit. Trying to argue otherwise is gonna get you blocked, don’t bother. If it wasn’t harassment then what was the intent? To make a post claiming Staff are harboring fash because someone likes Harry Potter and AoT and then expect no one to dogpile the Staff member in question? Come on now.

3. Harassing the people who work at Tumblr (key word: work, not the owners or the directors who actually have the power to set policy) over completely baseless claims is embarrassing. Moreover, targeting the support staff and treating them like shit is reprehensible. Customer service is not your punching bag, even if they’re only talking to you via email.

4. Staff has deleted posts in the past over moderation issues (especially hate speech) and continue to so. This was not the first time posts were deleted, not even close.

5. Repeating point 1 again: it was a dumb move to scrub the partyjockers post. It was also a dumb move to dogpile on a Staff member over fandoms and make a huuuuge reach to imply a Harry Potter fan dictates moderation policies on the whole platform.

6. Don’t make me defend a Harry Potter fan again, I think JKR is a TERF too and that HP is full of garbage, but I don’t presume every single fan one of the biggest franchises in recent history is also a TERF.

In summary
